Thursday, October 12, 2017

Page 5 - Flight of Fancy: Superhero Armpits

The Winged Wonder

The very first comic book my mom ever bought me was Hawkman.  Although I'd never heard of this winged crusader before, I chose the comic myself.  Yes, other better known, superhero books were also displayed on the rack that day, however something about this Hawkman stood out among the rest.  His giant, bird wings were cool, however it was his entire costume (or rather his lack of an entire costume) that fascinated me.  You see, this superhero didn't wear a shirt!!!

Sure, as a kid I knew Superman was strong, and for sure Batman was a great detective, but Hawkman bared his muscular chest and armpits for all the world to see and for my young, enticed eyes to admire!  ---  To this day I consider Hawkman to be the sexiest hero in the universe,... DC, Marvel or any other.

(Photos of Hawkman comic cover and Hawkman cosplayer found online.)

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