Saturday, October 14, 2017

Page 9 - Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Even Strokes
In high school I had to start shaving my facial hair in order to adhere to the strict, marching band code of appearance.  Thanks to my genes I had to shave my face every single morning.

One day, in the privacy of the family bathroom, I decided to try a new look.  Although I was too shy to show my shirtless body in public I thought it would be stimulating to see myself in the mirror with hairless armpits, like the hot, Olympic swimmers on TV.

The shaving cream was moist and cold.  With each stroke of the razor I felt as if I was transforming into another person, more cosmopolitan, more porn-ready.

When finished I turned to the mirror, raised my arms behind my head and took in the new look.  Out of curiosity I ran my hands over my hairless pits.  They felt extra dry and almost like sandpaper.  Perhaps I used an old razor or my underarm hair was so coarse it left a lot of stubble.  Regardless, I put on my t-shirt and exited the bathroom with a naughty smile.

My smile quickly ended over the next few days when my thick, underarm morning-stubble started rubbing against my shirt and causing an unbearable itch for me all during school.  ---  Needless to say, that was the first and only time I shaved my pits.

(Photos of the smooth fellow found online.)

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