Thursday, November 2, 2017

Page 22 - Pit Hair In A Box: A Poem

The Personal Gift
Hey babe,...
You know my birthday's coming up.
I don't want clothes or brand new socks.
I want something more personal,
Give me your pit hair in a box.

A keepsake of your sexy self
(Yeah, sure it's quite unorthodox)
I want to treasure your sweet stink,
Give me your pit hair in a box.

---  Just a silly, little ditty I wrote somewhat inspired by a true event.
  You see, when I was younger I clipped some of my armpit hair, chest hair and pubic hair and put each clump into 3 separate Ziploc sandwich bags.  I planned on giving the bags to a guy I was dating as a token of my sincere affection.  Believe it or not, I honestly thought it was a sexy idea, however I chickened out at the last minute and never gave him the bags.

(Photos of the manscaping hunk, the daydreaming lad, the gift box and hair trimmings all found online.)

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