Saturday, November 18, 2017

Page 37 - Shirts Verses Skins In School

Who Do You Want On Your Team?
Whenever we played team sports in gym class, the boys' coach always insisted we play "Shirts verses Skins".  That meant that half the boys kept their t-shirts on while the other half exposed their bodies from the waistband on up while competing against each other.

The games were always very exciting and nerve-racking for me.  Not because I was a big sports nut, but because I'd go nuts looking at my classmates' exposed armpits when they played.

Some perspiring jock on the skins team would shoot a ball into the basket hoop,... SCORE ONE FOR THE PIT WATCHERS!  A shirtless, hunky athlete would run down the grassy football field, raise his wet underarms and yell to his quarterback, "I'm over here, I'm over here!",... SCORE ONE FOR THE PIT WATCHERS!  The hot and sweaty first baseman, wearing only a pair of gym shorts and sneakers would reach high for a baseball flying his way,... SCORE ONE FOR THE PIT WATCHERS!

Unfortunately I was a fat kid, so I dreaded playing sports, especially playing on the skins team.  To top it all off, I was always nervous that I might get overly aroused looking at all those glistening armpits and chests.  It was a challenge to keep from visibly showing my excitement for the Skins through my flimsy, silky shorts.

(The photo collage, plus slow motion gifs, consists of a team of sporty guys I scoutted for you all on the Internet.  ---  You're welcome.)

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