Friday, November 24, 2017

Page 44 - Thor or Aquaman's Armpits?

Close Enough To Touch In 3-D

So, I went to see the latest superhero movies, featuring the sexy, super studs, Thor (played by Chris Hemsworth) and Aquaman (Jason Momoa).  If you love seeing manly underarms as much as I do, go see the films in 3-D or better yet, 3-D IMAX.

My review?  Well, the blonde, "God of Thunder" was gorgeous as all get out, funny and a classic cinema hero. Plus, every time Thor raised his mighty, muscular arm, the armpit lover within me would squeal and dance like a smitten, teenage girl.

Actor Chris Hemsworth As Thor, Attracting Lightening & Hearts

As for the dark and brooding, "Marine Marvel", his powerful presence commanded attention.  No doubt, the audience immediately had a crush on this charming, rugged guy.

My favorite pit scene was when Arthur Curry, Aquaman's true identity, took off his sweater to dive into the water.  The sweater came off and for the first time in the film he revealed his strong, tattooed torso, and hunky underarms.

I silently gasped, swooned and melted, but the middle-aged lady behind me gave an uncontrollable "Oh my!" yell.  Her husband quickly shushed her.

No doubt, after seeing the "Protector of the Oceans" in action, several audience members had several wet dreams that night.

Actor Jason Momoa (Aquaman) Winning His Audience At A Fan Event
In conclusion, both characters (as well as the actors) are dreamy, there's no debate about that.  That said, I'm sure if Thor let me snuggle my nose into his Asgardian, good guy armpits ladies would be jealous.  However, if Aquaman let me plunge into his Atlantian, bad boy underarms men would pat me on the back and shake my hand.

(The photos for the collage, the logos, plus the gifs of the handsome actors all found online.  ---  Oh, my pleasure.)

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