Thursday, January 18, 2018

Page 68 - Zac Efron's Pretty Pits

Actor Zac Efron

Ask any gay guy, or straight gal, which male celebrity has the prettiest armpits in all of Hollywood and I'll bet you almost everyone will give the same answer: actor Zac Efron.  I've seen thousands of pictures of him online, I've even seen him on TV, however I've never seen the handsome actor, bigger than life, on the silver screen in a theater.  So I was very excited to go see Zac's latest film The Greatest Showman.

Based on the trailer I was certain I'd see a great musical, but I was skeptical that I'd get to see my favorite Zac Efron attributes: his beautiful, hairy armpits.  So before going to see the film I surfed the internet to view several pics of Zac's underarms to give myself an eyeful.  (You know, the way a person fills up on food before going to a party hosted by someone who's a really bad cook.)  I was afraid that Mr. Efron wasn't going to have a shirtless scene, thus I would not get to see his mesmerizing pits on the big screen.  Well, sadly I was correct.  Zac kept his shirt on the entire 1 hour and 45 minutes. 😭  ---  I should have asked for a refund.

To his credit Zac was very good in the role and his singing and dancing were superb.  However, as YouTube film critic Grace Randolph and host of Beyond The Trailer said in her  The Greatest Showman Movie Review, "If (Zac Efron) were to sing and dance shirtless he would embrace his full potential."

(Photos & gif of the fantasy inducing actor all found online.)

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You can keep up with my Zac Efron armpit pic discoveries on my Pinterest board at Zac's Pretty Pits .  For more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

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