Sunday, January 28, 2018

Page 74 - My "Sock It To Me" Guys

A Few of My Fantasy Men
(top row) Ryan Greasley, Reyes & Nathan Owens
(bottom row) Jesús De Lucca, Josh Wald, Max Emerson & Matthieu Charneau

If you visit my Pinterest page you'll find my favorite board: "Sock It To Me" Guys.  The collection features different faces and body types; some are smooth, others very hairy.  (I guess I don't have just one type I prefer.)  Well, something about these particular guys and their succulent armpits continue to make a powerful impression on me over & over & over again.  They knock my socks off and more.  ----  If a guy is on this list he's been in my fantasies.

Adrian Rafael

Confession: One of the things I like to do on this blog is confess, so here's one for ya.  "Sock It To Me" not only refers to a popular catch phrase from the 1960's, but it has a secret meaning for me as well.  When I was younger I wanted to buy condoms from a drug store for personal, solo use.  Problem was no one would sell me any since I was underage.  So like most young, horny guys I had to get creative with what was readily available in my bedroom.

David Kimmerle

As you've probably concluded by now, these photos of hot men keep me "company" on those occasional, long and lonely weekend nights.

Eric Carvalho

For my current and ever growing "Sock It To Me" list of men visit my Pinterest board at: "Sock It To Me" Guys .  And please, let me know if anyone on the list ends up keeping you "company" on a long and lonely weekend night.

(Photos for collage and individual pics all found online.)

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment .

Feel free to leave a comment below and share your own pit memory or fantasy.  Plus, don't forget to press the Follow button to keep up with my latest posts.

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