Saturday, February 3, 2018

Page 77 - Sexy Ad with Underarm Charm

Pretty, Pitted, Pitch Men

Whenever a men's underarm deodorant commercial comes on TV or online, you better believe I sit up and take notice.  One of my favorite deodorant ads of all time comes from the AXE company for their Dry Spray Antiperspirant.  It's fun, sexy and a little kinky for primetime viewing.

The commercial has appeared in different countries with different actors, however my favorite is the actor in the US/Canada version, pictured below.  Goodness, what a smoldering hottie he is, and oh my, what sensuous armpits!

The advertisement also features the music of Franz Schubert's famous song "Die Forell" in the background.

If you love armpits (and fess up, you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't) make sure to click on the following 5 links to view 5 different versions of the ad featuring 5 different guys on YouTube:

American/Canadian version on YouTube: AXE Dry Spray Antiperspirant

Version 2 on YouTube: AXE Dry Spray Antiperspirant - 2

French version on YouTube: AXE Dry Spray Antiperspirant - French

Chilean version on YouTube: AXE Dry Spray Antiperspirant - Chile

Latin American verison on YouTube: AXE Dry Spray Antiperspirant - LATAM

(All photos and videos found online.)

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment .

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