Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Page 83 - My Pit Picks for February 2018

My Pit Picks for the Month

If you've read my blog posting (Page 74 - My "Sock It To Me" Guys) you know all about my "Sock It To Me" list and the secret origin of the title.  Well, the list continues to grow.

I always like to reflect on my choices for the month.  February's group members were lean and surprisingly, not too furry.

Here are the hot guy photos that kept my interest for February 2018.  Included are names if known and a brief description of what appealed to me about their mouthwatering underarms.

Anonymous: Photo Ready Pits

Charlie Taylor: Dreamy, Fluffy Pits

Jared Koronkiewicz: Rough & Tough Pits

Martin Berkhan: Long & Luscious, "Boy Next Door" Pits

Cam Allison: Long & Luscious, Glamour Pits

Vlad Engels: Smooth, Yet Strong Pits

Sávvas Seferis: Starving for Attention Pits

Renan Peres: Hard Fantasy Pits

For my current and ever growing "Sock It To Me" list of men visit my Pinterest board @ "Sock It To Me" Guys .  And please, let me know if anyone on the list ends up keeping you "company" on a long and lonely weekend night.

Check out last month's list of hotties @ My Pit Picks for January 2018 .

(All photos for collage and individual pics found online.)

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment @www.pinterest.com/enriquehenry100 .

Feel free to leave a comment below and share your own pit memory or fantasy.  Plus, don't forget to press the Follow button to keep up with my latest posts.

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