Saturday, March 31, 2018

Page 90 - Yes You Can Help Me, I'm Looking for Armpit Shampoo

So, I'd love to share with you a very sexy story of a conversation I had recently with a hot, male sales clerk at the beauty supply store.

[It was a lazy, weekday afternoon when I walked into the tiny shop.  Turns out I was the only client and there was only one clerk on duty, a very handsome, bespectacled young man.  ---  You all know how I love a lad who wears glasses.]

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Good afternoon sir.  My name is Conner.  May I help you?

ME:  Yes you can help me, I'm looking for armpit shampoo.


ME:  You see, years ago I use to use 3 different styling products on the hair on top of my head to give it a cool Elvis Presley-like pompadour look.  Back then my stylist recommended a "stripping shampoo" (also known as a "clarifying shampoo") to rid my hair of product residue, buildup, gunk and chemicals. I use to use it once a week and it worked great. 


ME:   Nowadays, I don't use lots of product on the hair of my head, but I'm letting the hair under my arms grow out and I'd like to start using a "stripping shampoo" on my shaggy pits every now and then to leave them free from deodorant toxins and tastes.

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Pardon me,  did you say tastes?

ME:  Yes, tastes.  I'm a little shy telling you this, Conner, but I rather enjoy having men lick my armpit hair.  However, I don't want the guys to taste chemicals.  I'd rather they get a taste of something more mouthwatering, like a minty flavor or my natural body odor.

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Oh really!?  I never thought of it before, but I can see how licking antiperspirant off of a man's hairy pit can be a real turnoff.

ME:  So, do you think you can direct me to a good "stripping shampoo" for my pitters?

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Well sir, let me show you what I personally use.

[He walked me to the middle of the shop and we stopped at a display shelf full of bright, white bottles.]
Actual Product

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  This is a very popular "clarifying shampoo".  It's called Tea Tree Oil Shampoo and it has a really nice lavender, peppermint scent to it.  I sell this one quite a bit.

ME:  And you say you use this shampoo yourself?

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Yes I do, but aaaaa, only on the hair on my head.  I've never tried it anywhere else on my body.

[He handed the bottle to me and I began to read the warning label on the back.]

ME:   Hmmm, here's something strange.  Did you know it says on the warning not to use this shampoo near any orifice on your body?

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Wow, that IS strange.  I never paid attention to the warning label before.

ME:   I guess the peppermint might be too spicy for such sensitive areas.

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Ha, no doubt you're right, sir.

ME:  So Conner, mind if I open the bottle to take a whiff.  After all, I don't want my pits to be too spicy, at least not candy spicy, if you know what I mean.

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Aaaaaa, I kinda think I do.  Go right ahead and take a really good whiff, sir.

[I opened the bottle lid to inhale the scent.]

ME:  Whoa, that smells sexy!  Do you like the way it smells on you, Conner?

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Why yes, I certainly do.  And if I might add, I've had no complaints.

ME:  Oh really!?  Well, in that case, I'm thinking I might take a large bottle.

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Oh wonderful, sir!

ME:  But first, do you have a restroom here for customers?

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Why yes we do.  You'll find it at the far back of the shop.

ME:  Well, since there's no one else in the shop but us, do you mind if I step into your restroom and shampoo my pits a bit in your sink?  I'd like to test the product out before I make my purchase.  You know, in case the scent is not quite right with my body's chemistry.

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Oh,... aaaaa,... well, I'm not quite sure.

ME:  I tell you what Conner.  If you let me test the shampoo on my underarms, I'll gladly let you give me your opinion on how it smells and tastes on me.  And, if you like it, I'll buy 2 of those large expensive bottles!  Whadda ya say Conner?  That seems fair, doesn't it?

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  [He smiled.]  Well sir, we were told in our training class that the customer is ALWAYS right.

---  Boy, what a hot scene, right!!!???  Well, as I mentioned earlierI'd love to share with you a very sexy story of a conversation I had  recently with a hot, male sales clerk at the beauty supply store.  I'd love to, however I can't, because sadly the lone shop clerk was a woman, not a guy.  And because she was a woman, I didn't go into the naughty details.  I just asked for a "stripping shampoo" and she sold it to me.  ---  (Sigh!)  Oh well, I can always fantasize about what might happen the next time I go into that store and there happens to be a good-looking, bespectacled man behind the counter, can't I?

(All photos for this post were found online.  In case you were wondering, that's hunky male model Ryan Ball whom I've cast as naughty me in my fantasy.  ---  Oh, and by the way, the Tea Tree Oil Shampoo truly, actually works great on my pits!  Tongue tested, armpit lover approved!!!)

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment .

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1 comment:

  1. I tried the original Paul Mitchell brand, however it was WAAAAYYY too strong for my pits.
