Saturday, April 14, 2018

Page 92 - Those Sexy, Covered Armpits: A Poem

Roman Shlyakis, Brian Whittaker & Renato Ferreira

Although I cannot see them,
I must give them some mention;
Those sexy, covered armpits
They get my full attention.

Tyler Kenyon

Concealed, but raised to tease me.
Hidden from all hungry eyes.
Wrapped up in so much clothing,
Like a yummy, candy prize.

Scott Herman "VoilĂ !"

I wonder who'll unwrap them?
Who gets to say "Voila!"
Who gets to see them up close
And shout out, "Ooh la, la!"

Marlon Teixeira

Those sexy, covered armpits!
I long to take a peek
At what's behind that fabric.
Guess I'm an armpit freak.

Cheyenne Parker

---  Just a little ditty I wrote, inspired by some great looking men I saw recently.  Sadly, they were all wearing shirts at the time.

(All photos for this blog posting were found online.)

Interested in viewing more sexy, covered armpits?  Check out my Pinterest board: Sexy, Covered Pits .  Just click on the yellow link.

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment .  

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