Saturday, May 5, 2018

Page 98 - Fortune Cookie Yum!

After-Dinner Dessert

Sometimes my friends like to play a naughty, fun game when we eat out at Chinese restaurants.  They crack open their after-dinner fortune cookies, pull out the little slip of paper and read aloud the prediction or aphorism written on it, then add the phrase "in bed".  ---  Most of the time it's hilariously silly.

Of course I've been wondering how to tweak the game to reflect my obsessive passion: men's armpits.  So, I thought it might me interesting to replace "in bed" with the expression "under your arms".

I did some research online to find actual fortune cookie messages and added my new tagline.  Here are some favorite results:

Today it's up to you to create the peacefulness you long for
... under your arms.

If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it
... under your arms.

Change can hurt, but it leads a path to something better
... under your arms.

Enjoy the good luck a companion brings you
... under your arms.

A chance meeting opens new doors to success and friendship

... under your arms.

People are naturally attracted to you
... under your arms.

Whatever your goal is in life, embrace it, visualize it, for it will be yours
... under your arms.

A dream you have will come true
... under your arms.

You can make your own happiness
... under your arms.

The greatest risk is not taking one
... under your arms.

Now is the time to try something new
... under your arms.

Everyone agrees you are the best
... under your arms.

You will be called into fulfill a position of high honor and responsibility
... under your arms.

You will conquer obstacles to achieve success
... under your arms.

You are the controller of your destiny
... under your arms.

You will become better acquainted with a coworker
... under your arms.

Happiness is an activity

... under your arms.

You only need look to your own reflection for inspiration, because you are beautiful
... under your arms.

You are not judged by your efforts you put in; you are judged on your performance
... under your arms.

The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said
... under your arms.

Your life will be filled with magical moments
... under your arms.

Never underestimate the power of the human touch
... under your arms.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

One way to add a sexy spin to the game is to award the player with the funniest fortune message with 5 fun filled minutes of armpit play by the other player (or players).  You may want to order a bag full of fortune cookies to go and make a long night of it,..."in bed",..."under your arms". 😋

(Photos for the collage, pit pics, cookie images, plus cookie messages were all found online.)


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