Friday, November 16, 2018

Page 146 - Waiting for a Nose to Smell My Lonely Rose: An Armpit Poem

Greetings armpit lovers!  Here's a little poem I recently wrote while reflecting on what a very long, LOOOOONG time it's been since someone took his nose to a "rose" under my arm.

I'm waiting for a nose to smell my lonely rose,
A sniffer that appreciates its dark, robust perfume.
I'm longing for a snout that seeks my fragrance out,
And gets addicted to the scent of its inviting bloom.

I'm eager for the smeller of some adoring feller,
To stick that schnoz within the well of my abandoned petals.
I'm pining for the snoot of some romantic brute,
Who'll whiff and pet and tend my rose until this aching settles.

I'm hungry for a hunk to smell my floral funk,
And dig his nose down in the roots of its botanic spray.
But now it's time to sleep, my wish will have to keep,
My rose shall dream of am'rous nostrils yet another day.

---  Well pit pals, I hope you enjoyed my little ditty as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.  It is my heartfelt wish that your lonely roses get some loving attention real soon and very often.

(Pictures collected for the collages, as well as the pit pics use for this blog entry were all found online.)

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