Saturday, February 2, 2019

Page 162 - HANDS HIGH: Your Favorite Sports Team on Your Pits!

Greetings to all enthusiasts of pits and sports teams!  So, who's up for something a little fun?

1ST, full disclosure: this is not a commercial for any product, I'm just blogging about some armpit related sports apparel I located online.  I have no association with the company, I have not purchased the items, nor do I profit from their sales in anyway.

Now, for my 2ND full disclosure statement: I suck at sports!  I'm terrible at ALL athletic endeavors, be it football, basketball, baseball or even Tiddly Winks.  However, on the rare occasion that I do attend a sporting event, I enjoy wearing a t-shirt with the team's logo, especially if it's a hometown team.  (Go Spurs, Go!!!)  I'm sure I'd attend more games if the competitors were playing shirts verses skins.  Heck, if they did, I'd probably own season tickets!

Well, in honor of this weekend's Super Bowl, I've decided to post a sports related topic for my armpit lover blog.  You see, recently I learned about some fun fan gear, created by Jimmy Fallon, the popular late-night, TV talk show host.  His clothing line is called HANDS HIGH. reports, "What makes HANDS HIGH so interesting is the placement of team logos. The HANDS HIGH line of shirts and fleece sweatshirts all have team logos in the armpit. The idea is that the logos will be on display whenever a fan lifts up their arms to cheer, high five, or do the wave."  ---  Well pit lovers, in my opinion, anything that draws attention to a man's underarms is a good thing.  Especially if the guy is in an overly excited mood!

Jimmy points out that the space under a fan's arm is "prime real estate" for placing a sports team's logo.  To view Mr. Fallon's announcement via YouTube, simply press the play button.

For more information on the armpit accentuating apparel, visit: Hands High Website . (Just click on the link.  And hey, it's worth visiting the site just to see the pic of the three "Boston, you up?" boys on page one.)

Believe it or not, after spending over an hour looking up HANDS HIGH photos for this blog entry, I actually started to get excited simply by staring at all the sexy, covered underarms!  ---  Boy, I guess the power of pits is strong over me!  ---  So, here are a few of my favorite publicity photos for the eye catching sports apparel.

Come on gentlemen, raise those hands high!  ---  (Sniff! Sniff!)  Awwwww, the sweet smell of victory!

Well, fellow armpit fetish fans, I hope you enjoyed this peek at some fun, underarm centric apparel.  ---  Hmmm, I think I might order myself a Dallas Cowboy pullover hoodie.  Not just because I'm from Texas, but because I'd love to have a big ol' star spotlighting each of my warm pitters!

(Pics for the collages, as well as photos, clip art and the video used for this blog entry were all found online.)

"Go team, go!  Score again, so we can see some pits!"

P.S.  Hey Jimmy Fallon!  Have you thought about branching out into the rock concert scene?  I know several armpit lovin' buddies, who'd love to have the Rolling Stones' logo displayed on the pits of a t-shirt or hoodie. 😍

I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main 3 online platforms:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog on BLOGGER @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Enjoy more "cheer worthy" armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

You can also connect with me on TWITTER @enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Simply click on the yellow links to get you to the sites.

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