Saturday, February 16, 2019

Page 164 - Presidential Armpits

Happy President's Day Weekend!  It's that time of year when we celebrate the birthdays and lives of those individuals who served or are serving as our country's head of state.  ---  "Now what in the world, does President's Day have to do with armpits?" you might ask.  Well, as I've mentioned before, pits are never far from my mind.  Why, even on federal holidays, my kinky brain naturally wanders to thoughts of men's axilla regions.

A few years ago I saw Horatio Greenough's colossal statue of George Washington displayed at the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.. It depicts the first president of the United States wearing a chest-baring toga.  Of course, my eyes went straight to his exposed, deep, sculpted marble underarm.  ---  Hey Smithsonian, give me a call if you ever need help polishing that thing!

Horatio Greenough's statue of  George Washington (1st U.S. President)

Back in 2017 the media was all abuzz with photos of former president, Barack Obama, kitesurfing in the Caribbean.  Of course, my peepers zoomed in on his luscious, hairy armpits.  (No disrespect towards my favorite president, only appreciation and admiration.)

Well, believe it or not, I discovered there are several sites online that feature shirtless pictures of former presidents.  However, I'm mostly interested in the photos that display their underarms.  So, this weekend I curiously explored the Internet for armpit images of our former Commander In Chiefs.  In honor of President's Day, I'd like to share a few of my favorites with you.  ---  Hail to the chiefs, ya'll!


Barack Obama (44th U.S. President)

Barack Obama (44th U.S. President)

Barack Obama (44th U.S. President)

Ronald Reagan (40th U.S. President)

Ronald Reagan (40th U.S. President)

Jimmy Carter (39th U.S. President)

Gerald Ford (38th U.S. President), pictured in center

Richard M. Nixon (37th U.S. President)

Franklin D. Roosevelt (32nd U.S. President)

John F. Kennedy (35th U.S. President)

John F. Kennedy (35th U.S. President)

John F. Kennedy (35th U.S. President)

So pit fans, I hope you enjoyed this quirky, historical glance at our former leaders.

While collecting the pictures for this entry it got me to thinking.  We've had all types of persons, from various backgrounds and ages hold the highest office in the land.  So maybe someday, we'll have the first, openly armpit loving president residing in the White House.  ---  Ooooh, just imagine what that official presidential portrait might look like!

"Honest, Abe,... you're looking mighty fine!"

(The title collage was loosely inspired by the "Ex-Presidents" gang from the 1991 movie POINT BREAK.  Images used for the photo composition, as well as the pictures and gifs featured in this blog entry were all found online.)

To read a little history about the controversial topless statue of our first president visit: Horatio Greenough's Statue of George Washington .  ---  Simply click on the yellow link.

I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main 3 online platforms:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog on BLOGGER @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .  The pics are sure to please pit lovers of all parties!

You can also connect with me on TWITTER @enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Simply click on the yellow links to get you to the sites.

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