Saturday, May 18, 2019

Page 177 - "I'll Do It On My Own": An Armpit Poem

Greetings armpit lovers!  Well, as usual, I'm a little frustrated tonight.  So, I decided to refocus my energy and write some underarm poetry to express my pent-up feelings and also confess what has become my nightly ritual.  Hope you enjoy my silly sonnet.

Again, tonight I stand
Before the looking glass,
My sweetie does not suck armpits,
He says he'd rather pass.

Here at the restroom sink,
I brush and rinse my teeth,
Then shuck my shirt, lift both my arms,
And lick them underneath.

I lap my furry tufts
Of overgrown pit hair,
I stretch my tongue as far I can
And preen myself with care.

My sweetie's sound asleep,
While I stand here alone.
Since he won't give my pits some love,
I'll do it on my own.

---  Well, pit pals, I hope you don't have to go to bed this evening without someone giving you the proper armpit attention you crave.  If so, well,... I have a very wide mirror that I'm willing to share.  (After all, misery does love company.)

(Collage pics, clip art and photographs used for this blog entry were all found online.)

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