Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Page 181 - "Just Mere Moments Before It Happens": An Armpit Poem

Greetings lovers of armpits and poetry!  One recent morning, as I was scrolling through Twitter, I came upon a super sexy, pit pic. (See original photo below.)

Well, the guy's body language and expression really got my juices flowing and inspired me to compose a silly, sexy sonnet about anticipation.  I hope you enjoy it.


Just mere moments before it happens,
Just seconds before we commence;
Just lost a bet with a good buddy,
I'm shirtless and scared with suspense!

Why does he want me to just stand still?
Why are my arms behind my head?
Why do my eyes have to remain shut?
I wait with discomfort and dread!

He said, "Bro, you can keep your pants on."
He said, "Relax, it's painless fun."
He said, "Dude, it's just stupid horseplay;
Might tickle a bit, then we're done."

I hear his footsteps getting closer,
I hear him mere inches away.
I hear his breath start to get heavy.
I'm shaking!  Should I flee or stay?

Don't know why his lips are smacking,
Don't know what this prank is about
Don't know why my pit hair is tingling,
Aw man, guess I soon will find out!

Just mere moments before it happens,
Just waiting to open my eyes.
Just what is my buddy scheming?
It's bound to be a big surprise!

---  Well pit pals, hope you enjoyed my little ditty.  So, are you like me?  Do you simply adore savoring the suspense before the action begins?

(The photos, gifs and clip art used for this blog entry were all found online.)

I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main 3 online platforms:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

You can also connect with me on Twitter @enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Simply click on the yellow links to get you to the sites.

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