Friday, July 19, 2019

Page 188 - Pits In Space!

Greetings citizens of earth, especially those who love armpits!

[NOTE:  I originally posted this blog entry on July 19, 2019.]

This week the world celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, which included landing and stepping foot on the moon.  A giant leap for humankind!

Buzz Aldrin stands on the moon beside seismic measurement gear.
To the right is the lunar module Eagle.

Lately, I've been watching several news tributes on TV about the history making spaceflight.  I am in awe of the bravery of the crew.

Apollo 11 crew: Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins,
and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin Jr.

Of course, as always, my mind has turned to armpits.  The armpits of astronauts to be exact.  So, I did some online exploring and "Mission Accomplished!" I found a few interesting pit pics of REAL ASTRONAUTS for you and me to enjoy!

The following celestial collection includes subtle, yet intriguing peeks at the underarms of a few spacemen as they boldly voyage into space.

Get ready to "blast off" in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,... 

American Astronaut Paul J. Weitz

In the photo below, we see fellow crew member Charles Pete Conrad trimming the hair of Weitz, who vacuums up the clippings aboard Skylab 1.  ---  It's kinda hot!

German Astronaut Alexander Gerst

Check out the gif of Gerst vigorously working out on the International Space Station!  ---  Zoom in closer for a better look.  (You know you want to.)

Also, here's a picture of the German rocketman being examined by American astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor as the station obits above the earth.  You can just barely make out his fluffy, armpit strands.

Gerst Tweeted about the exam photo: "My crew mate (Serena) looking into my muscles with an ultrasound probe, as part of the Myotones experiment. Trying to develop a quick way to determine the training & health state of a muscle. My part in this experiment is trying to be completely relaxed... 💪"

Well folks, I Enrique can't relax when there are underarm hairs appearing on my computer screen!  Even faint hints of pit hair make me go moony!

moon·y /ˈmo͞onē/ adjective - dreamy and unaware of one's surroundings, for example because one is in love.

Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko

I like the photo below, which features sexy Yuri aboard the International Space Station, peddling on the Cycle Ergometer.  ---  Don't know about HIS heart rate, but MINE started beating just a little faster when I spotted just a bit of his deep pit under that strap!

British Astronaut Tim Peake

Let me tell ya, this photo capture of Tim running in space certainly "Peakes" my interest.

Japanese Astronaut Koichi Wakata

Here's a great pic of the handsome, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut.  My, he's getting quite a workout on the advanced Resistive Exercise Device in the Tranquility node of the International Space Station.  ---  Of coarse we simply can't resist getting a closer look at his dark, underarm hair.  ---  "Higher Koichi, lift it higher!"

NASA Astronaut Clayton Anderson

Here he is (pictured below) exercising aboard the International Space Station.  Don't you just love it when guy's exercise without their shirts on?

Concerning hygiene in space, Anderson wrote in an article for QUORA: "At the end of my personal clean-up session, I added a small touch of the Russian after shave they so generously provided for me in my Russian-made dopp kit.  Not too powerful, but a 'manly' scent, to keep me smelling good the entire day!  As my good friend and well-known QUORA Space Expert Robert Frost so eloquently states: 'Six people are trapped in an enclosed volume.  Hygiene is of paramount importance.'  I agree!  Recalling my Russian crew mate Oleg Kotov floating effortlessly toward me in his usually smelly gym clothes is not one of my fondest ISS memories!"

Oleg Kotov

Well, dear readers, I'm sure Oleg Kotov floating our way (no doubt with his arms extended) in his smelly gym clothes would be a very, very fond memory for many of us. 😛

American Astronaut
Joseph Michael "Joe" Acabá

Although cutie-pie Joe's armpits are completely covered in this next picture, his sexy, suggestive pose gets him an honorable mention in this blog entry.

And last, but certainly not least,...
American Astronaut Jack R. Lousma

The provocative photo below, captures the hunky Skylab 3 pilot taking a hot bath in the crew quarters of the Orbital Workshop of the Skylab space station.

The moment was so iconic, NASA had a wax figure made of it.  It's part of the Skylab exhibit at Space Center Houston in Texas.  ---  My only criticism of the reproduction is that the mannequin needs more body hair, especially under the arms. 😍

Well, there you have it pit pals!  Did you enjoy our little trip through the NASA photo archives of armpits in space?  I hope this unique collection helps launch some wild "out of this world" fantasies for you!

(Collage pics, video and photographs used for this blog entry were all found online.)

I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main 3 online platforms:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

You can also connect with me on Facebook @EnriqueHenryArmpitLover or on Twitter @enriquehenry100 .

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#hotrocketman #hotastronaut #sexyspaceman #sexyastronaut

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