Sunday, October 20, 2019

Page 195 - "I Want Zac Efron's Pits, Please!": An Armpit Poem

Greetings lovers of armpits and poetry!  I had a hard time sleeping last night.  As I was tossing and turning I started thinking about Zac Efron and his gorgeous armpits.  In my opinion he has the prettiest pits in all of Hollywood.

Anyway, after a while an idea came to me about writing a silly little pit poem about the studly actor.  It was fun to compose, and so I want to share it with you.  Hope you like it. 😁


I went to see a surgeon,
Though I had no disease.
I made a simple request,
"I want Zac Efron's pits,... please!"

I showed him a phone photo
And pointed, "I want these!"
The pic was of Zac's armpits,
"I want Zac Efron's pits,... please!"

When I first saw Zac's pitters
I hollered, "Jeez, Louise!!!"
Those pits look mighty sexy,
"I want Zac Efron's pits,... please!"

Don't want his face or biceps,
His chest, his abs or knees;
There's one part I'm obsessed with,
"I want Zac Efron's pits,... please!"

So snip, inject and tug me,
Use tools that heat or freeze;
Don't care how awf'ly painful,
"I want Zac Efron's pits,... please!"

Consult with other doctors,
I'll pay outlandish fees.
Though it's a strange petition,
"I want Zac Efron's pits,... please!"

The surgeon had compassion, 
His smile put me at ease.
He said, "Can't give you Zac's pits.
Want mine?  They're yours to have,... please."

---  Well, armpit pals, I hope you had as much fun reading my little ditty as I had composing it for you.  Tell me, are you a fan of Mr. Efron's pretty pits as well?  Also, which Hollywood hunk's underarms would you like to have?  Please contact me and let me know.

(Pictures collected for the collage, as well as the gifs and pit pics use for this blog entry were all found online.) 

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Follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

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