Monday, December 30, 2019

Page 204 - Reflections: Music & Armpits

Greetings fellow armpit lovers!  As I write this, the end of the year is almost upon us.  I tend to get very reflective about my life during this time.  Recently I heard a song play that reminded me of an ex-boyfriend.  It got me to thinking about other exes and the songs that always bring them to my mind.  So, I've decided to compile a "Music & Armpits" mix for you all.

You may notice that most of the songs included in this posting are oldies, but goodies.  Mind you, I've been with Grant, my current sweetie, for years and years and years.

In past blog entries, I've featured photos of model Cody Callhan (seen above) to represent my sweetie.  But hey, this post isn't about Cody or Grant.  Included in this entry are pit pics of models who best remind me of my former sweethearts,... men I loved and lost or men I loved and left.  NOTE: The photos were selected from my special "Sock-It-To-Me" Guys collection on Pinterest.

These photographs and songs represent my past.  Check out each pretty pit pic, read the short bio, then click on the YouTube play button to hear the music.

Now, won't you please join me as I take stroll down memory lane?


The model's face and hairy pits remind me sooooo much of my handsome ex-partner.  Ben actually introduced me to the joy of one on one pit worship.  Side note, he was allergic to underarm deodorant so he was often very pungent to the nose,... and tongue.

"I Get So Emotional", sung by the fabulous Whitney Houston, was playing on the radio the night Ben and I first made love.  That was also the first night I ever tasted a guy's armpit.


This model reminds me not only of Wayne's face, but of his love of experimenting with hair color and hair trends.  His body tasted like sex.

Wayne loved to laugh and play the piano, but always had a little sadness in his eyes.  Wayne was a young father who came out to his conservative, religious wife.  She kicked him out of the house and refused to let him have any contact with his kids.

"Crusin'" was his favorite slow dance song.  He found it very sexy,... and it is.  Anytime this tune played he'd get extra frisky.


The model's intensive stare and body reminds me of my ex-boyfriend, Robert.  My "brooding boo" constantly smelled of cigarettes in and out of his clothes.

Although he spoke English, Joe exclusively listened to Spanish music.  He often played this particular romantic, ballad while we were both naked in bed at his place, just as I was about to leave for home, usually past midnight.  In the chorus the singer pleads with his lover, "Wait a bit, wait a bit more, before you leave with my happiness.  Wait a bit, wait a bit more, I'll die if you leave."   (Yeah, I know,... intense.  Most Latin love songs are.)

Dispute the fact that he was a bit tone deaf, Joe would sing along with the vocalist on the recording as he would caress me and stare into my eyes.  ---  It was so romantic, I couldn't help but love it!


This model brings to mind my ex's cuteness and boyish manliness.  He's the sweetest smelling guy I've ever known.  Wesley was always into discovering fancy scented soaps, shampoos and colognes.  Sadly, although we lived together for two years, I never smelled his sweat or even his natural body odor.

We met when we were both members of our local gay men's chorus.  He sang in the tenor section, while I crooned with the baritones.  I had no idea he had such a fantastic voice until Wesley sang this solo the first time we went to a karaoke bar.  He blew the entire audience away and made me swoon!


The model reminds me of Andrew's angelic face, his kindness and innocence.  Technically we were never boyfriends, just two ships that passed in the night.

In 1986 I met Andrew while I was visiting Springfield, Missouri for a convention.  We were two ships that passed in the night.  Andrew and I spent most of the evening together in bed fully clothed, chatting, kissing and sharing secrets of the heart.  We eventually fell to sleep in each other's arms.  (Unfortunately, I never got a glance at his pits, however I did get in a whiff or two.)

This song was playing on the radio as he cried that we'd probably never see each other again.  The two of us promised to always think of the other whenever we'd hear this.  ---  I still do.


This model reminds me of my sweet Homer.  (He was named after his dad.)  The guy seemed to not bathe on a regular basis, but his mild funk was kind of a turn on for me.  Homer and I met while he was bar-tending for a friend's party.  The guy was a true genius and a talent double-bass violin player for one of our cities prestigious, volunteer community orchestras.

Sadly, he was also an alcoholic and a very tortured soul.  At the time he was unemployed and living with his folks.  They were super supportive of their gay son and of us dating.

One late night, while his parents and siblings were sound asleep in their rooms, Homer and I sat in the family's den at the back of the house.  We spent hours chatting and listening to some of his favorite classical music albums.  Around 2 or 3 in the morning, to change things up, he put on the Carpenters.  When this specific song began I took his hand, raised him off the sofa, then proceeded to slow dance with Homer.  We said not a word, we held each other close.  My heart was so full.

Two years later I heard from a mutual friend that Homer had passed away.   He was only in his early twenties.


When I first spotted this photo online I was sure it was Jared's face and body.  He was the prettiest guy I ever dated.  Jared used salt rock underarm deodorant.  His pits tasted salty and sweet.

We met when I was living in Austin, Texas.  Jared was a stock boy at the department store where I worked.  One day he left a note on my car window.  In it he came out to me and confessed his attraction towards me.  There was a major age gap between us, but he didn't care.

The darling hunk introduced me to Sheryl Crow with this song.  It captures his playful spirit.


The model has my ex's face, wavy hair and cockiness.  Randy was my first boyfriend, my high school sweetheart.  He didn't have chest hair, but his armpits had nice patches of fuzz.  The scent of his body and cologne always reminded me of someone who was trying to be a bit more mature.

We first met our junior year in high school, auditioning for our school's Fall talent show.  Randy played acoustic guitar.  My cousin Velma and I performed a popular love song: I played the piano while she sang.

On April 1st my parents and siblings went out of town for a one day family celebration.  They were set to return way past midnight.  So, I invited Randy over to my house.  That night we made love for the first time.

After he left, I turned the radio on while I lied in bed trying to sleep.  "Nobody Does It Better" soon started playing.  It immediately reminded me of Randy and the mood of our evening together.

We were star-crossed lovers.  Both of us had to hide our romance from everyone at school.  Two days after graduation our families found out about our relationship and kept us apart.  Afterwards, my heart and body ached for Randy every time I'd hear this song.  Truth be told, my heart and body have never stopped aching for my first love.

So pit pals, thanks for accompanying me on this rather personal journey and for listening to 
the soundtrack of my love life.  I hope it gave you a little more insight into my mind, heart and soul. 💓  Feel free to contact me and share some songs that remind you of a certain guy or of a special pair of pits. 

(Videos, clipart, and gif, as well as the pit pics use for this blog entry were all found online.) 

For my up to date and ever growing "Sock It To Me" list of men visit my Pinterest board @ "Sock It To Me" Guys  and "Sock It To Me" Guys - Pt. 2 .  Simply click on the yellow links.

I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main 3 online platforms:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

You can also connect with me on Twitter @enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Simply click on the yellow links to get you to the sites.

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