Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Page 211 - The Hunt for Josh Ivory's Armpits

Greetings armpit lovers!  As most of you know, I am constantly on the quest for armpit pictures.  Quite often my hunt focuses on the underarms of just one huntee.  This past Saturday morning my concentration was aimed solely on an especially yummy target.  With this entry I hope to give you all a little insight into my method of pursuit for images of one man's amazing axillae.

By the way, I prefer to do all my image searches on a laptop or my home computer.  ---  The better to see those armpits with, my dear!

So it all starts with a pit pic that peeks my interest.

I spot a photo (shown below) on Twitter, which was shared by @Todd_1014.  The model's deep, hairy pitters instantly get my attention.  His face is rather interesting too.  A pretty mug isn't necessarily required to get me to sit up and take notice of a man's underarms, but it sure doesn't hurt.

Todd has saved me some work by identifying the tank topped hunk as Josh Ivory.  So great, no need for a prolonged Google Image search to find out who he might be.  ---  I try to always include the moniker of every model whose pit pics I post.  It makes it easier for my fellow armpit loving researchers.

Next, I copy the "soon to be memorized" name and begin an image investigation.  Hot damn, I immediately come upon the following stunning pic!

Wow!!!  Okay, I need more!  Lots more!  ---  I quickly pursue another photo to please my pit loving peepers!


One beautiful armpit picture leds me to another, and still another.  ---  I quickly become obsessed!

Scrolling through the image results I find that the boy is certainly handsome in clothes, but I shouldn't get distracted.  ---  Gotta keep my eyes on the prize.  Pit pictures only!  Pit pictures only!

I learn that Josh Ivory is represented by W Models Management.  This next photo is the best pit pic on his professional model portfolio.  Unfortunately, his underarms are shaved in this image.

On the site I locate Joshua's stats:

Height - 5' 10"
Chest - 42"
Waist - 31"
Inside Leg - 30"
Collar - 15"
Shoe Size - 9
Hair - Brown
Eyes - Hazel

Hmmmm!?  He and I share the same height!  (No need to tiptoe if we ever should kiss!)  But my shoe size is bigger.  ---  I smile. 😊

Slowly, I carefully peruse the entire page for underarm photos.

Goody, a wee bit of pit fuzz shows up when I zoom in on this pic!

I collect all I can harvest from the agency's site, then continue the Google Image exploration.  Soon I discover an interesting, creative promotional shoot for Aerial Underwear!

Who needs a 3 ring circus when Josh Ivory is around?  His 2 pits are entertainment enough!

Come to find out there's a YouTube video to promote the underwear campaign!  Sadly, only a brief armpit shot is featured.  ---  Press play to watch the sexy, 42 second ad.

After saving all the armpit photos from the underwear layout, it's on to even more pressing pit research!

To me the dark filter used for these photos makes Josh appear sweaty and somewhat smelly.  ---  I like, I like!!

Sigh!  When, oh when will Smell-O-Vision come to our computer and smartphone screens!

I then go to Pikdo where it is promised I will find "some of Josh's favorite pics, discover all stories, photos, videos posted by Josh Ivory on his Instagram site".  ---  What fun!

Ahhh nice, he appears to be a very active guy.

Here's an exercise video he shared.

Like most young, fine fit fellows, Joshua has snapped a few armpit selfies in front of the mirror.  So glad it looks like he no longer shaves off his pit hair.  Furry pits are always sexier!  ---  Always!

It's very interesting to see which professional photos a male model chooses to share on his social media accounts.  I figure those pics are the ones the guy is most proud of, or the images he feels best represent who he aspires to be.

On his account Josh also posts vacation photos.

Fortunately for us, he included this hot motorcycle photo from his visit to Thailand.  ---  Oh the lucky bloke who gets to hitch a ride with this shirtless stud, handing on to Josh's bare torso and smelling his aromatic awesomeness!

I open a new window and do a search on Facebook.  Lots of Josh Ivorys, but none of them are the one I want.

Twitter proves to be more rewarding.

No account for Josh, but Jake O'Donnell, one of Josh's photographers, shares the following photo with the tweet: "Bet y’all didn’t think I had heaps of unreleased content of Josh Ivory?  Well think again hehe. Plenty to come!" #boys #beef

O'Donnell follows up with a  "Polaroid series with Josh Ivory (2018)."  The collection is reminiscent of the set up to one of those Gay for Pay porn videos.  ---  Not that I've seen any of them, of course. 😉

Here's a sample of how the film's dialogue might go:

The director urges the hunk, "Take off your shirt.  Tell me, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Hey man, have a special mixed drink."

"Now remove your pants and get in bed for some tasteful, artsy Polaroids.  My hunky assistant Max will help you to relax."

"Dude, you're a natural!"

---  Hmmmm, I'll let you finish the story in your imagination.

On his Twitter site, Jake O'Donnell even posts a link to Tik Tok to see Josh sensually taking a shower: Josh Ivory on Tik Tok .  ---  Wow!!!  Click on the link to view.

It's waaaayyyy past my breakfast time, but I can't stop to eat!  (My name is Enrique Henry and I'm a pit-oholic.)

SIDE NOTE: I really dig Josh's "sexy covered pit" shots!  The guy has a great chest, muscles and abs, but boy, my eyes are constantly straining for a peek at those hidden armpits!

Well, the hunt continues for hours, consuming my Saturday morning.  But definitely time well spent. 😍

My, my!  Josh Ivory, Josh Ivory!  I certainly bagged a bunch of your pit pics today!  Thanks for all those delicious armpit poses!

These last 3 shots of Josh Ivory remind me of sexy actor Jamie Bell from the movies BILLY ELLIOT and ROCKETMAN.  Which now make's the model even more appealing to me.


After hours upon hours, it seems I've exhausted my search and have found all I can for the morning.  My stomach is growling, my fingers are numb, my butt hurts from sitting so long in front of my home computer and I'm horny as heck!  ---  Gotta go take care of one or more of these issues.

So pit pals, I hope you enjoyed our little safari.  Please, oh please let me know if you spot any new Josh Ivory armpit pics on your future Internet excursions.

(Pictures collected for the collages, as well as the pit pics used for this blog entry were all found online.) 

I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main 3 online platforms:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

You can also connect with me on Twitter @enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Simply click on the yellow links to get you to the sites.


  1. What a great find! Josh truly does have some great pits.

    1. Hey, Dan! Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed the Josh pit pics!
