Sunday, September 13, 2020

Page 227 - Conversation with My Cousin: "Can I Lick Your Armpits?"

Greetings, armpit lovers!  It's very late.  I should be asleep.

The following conversation is a fictional transcript of a call I'm tempted to make tonight.  It features my side of the dialog only.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[I dial my cousin's cell phone number.  After a couple of rings, he picks up.]

ME: "Hey hi, Primo!  It's me, Ricky.  Did I wake you?

I hope you'll forgive me for calling so late.

No, no, I'm fine,... thanks.  And you?

Yeah, yeah, I know we haven't been in touch for a while. Listen man, I'll cut right to the chase.  I have a favor to ask of you.  But, it's kind of a weird one.

Naw dude, I don't need money.  ---  Hey Cuz,... just promise me that you won't hang up until I fully explain.  Okay?

Cool.  Thanks.

Well, my favor is,... shall we say,... a little kinky.

Yeah, I know, I know.  Please don't be upset!

Sure, I've seen pictures of you and your new boyfriend on Instagram.  He's a real hottie!  You two look great together.  Is he there now?

No?  Good.

Yes, yes,... I'm still married.  We've been together for a really long time.  Years and years!  ---  Listen, I'm at home, but he's fast asleep in the bedroom.

Of course, we're okay,... for the most part.  But here's the thing,... my sweetie doesn't like armpit play.  He doesn't like touching my underarms and he definitely doesn't want me touching his.  Much less licking them.

Well,... remember that time when you and I were teenagers and I spent the night at your house?  We played that kinky version of Truth or Dare together.  You remember?

Yes, I know we were just young and curious,... and very horny.

Yeah, well, you and I never really talked about what happened between us that evening.  It was special to me and I really enjoyed it.  

Oh?...  Well, good.  I'm glad to know you enjoyed it too.  You were the first gay guy I ever knew and the first guy I ever did those things with.

Anyway, the reason for my late-night call.  I was wondering if I could drop by your place tonight for a bit?

Wait, wait,... I swear I'm not interested in the two of us having any kind of intercourse or an affair.  Really I'm not, I swear, Primo!  It's just that I was scrolling through your Instagram feed this evening and noticed that you've posted lots of sexy selfies featuring your hunky, hairy armpits.  And it got me very hungry.  I mean very, VERY hungry!

I just gotta say, that boyfriend of yours is one lucky vato!  I sure hope he appreciates all the hard work you put into keeping that body of yours looking so hot.  And he also better enjoy the fact that you don't shave those fine pits of yours!

No, no, Primo, now please understand,... I love my husband and I want us to stay together.  And I certainly don't want to break up the good thing you have going with your new guy.  ---  But dude, I'm desperate for the taste of a man's armpit in my mouth.  It's been years and years!

Listen, I'd rather share an intimate moment with my gay cousin, than have a random encounter with some stranger I meet online or pick up off the street.  I'm afraid of being unfaithful.  But if it's just you,...  well, you know, I trust you, and I know it won't turn into something complicated.

Yes, I'm crying. Sorry.  Listen, I'm aching all over, Cuz!  ---  I don't mean to pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable.

Please man, I'm desperate!  All I need is a taste.  Just a little taste is all I'm asking for.  ---  I miss it so much.

Hello?  Hello?  Are you still there?

What!?...  You will!?...  You sure!?  ---  Great!  Coo!  Thanks!  Thank you so much!  You don't know how much it means to me!  I'll be right over.

Oh,... by the way, don't bother taking a shower man,... and definitely don't put on any deodorant or cologne.  Really,... please don't.

Okay, I'll be there within the hour.  ---  Thanks, Primo...  thanks.  I owe you a favor.  Anything!

Yes, for sure, whatever you want.  Yes, I promise.  ---  Okay. Okay, bueno,... bye!"

[I quickly hang up, then slip on some dirty t-shirt I find in the laundry basket.  Quietly, I grab the car keys and sneak out of the apartment for an intimate family reunion.]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yes Pit Pals, I'm definitely horny and hungry enough to call my cousin.  We did fool around a bit when we were younger.  But I won't call him.  ---  At least not tonight.

(Pictures collected for the collage, as well as the clipart and photos of the anonymous models were all found online.) 

I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main online platforms:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

You can also connect with me on Facebook @EnriqueHenryArmpitLover or on Twitter @enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Click on the yellow links to get to each site.

#armpits #gay #armpitlover #pitlover #ArmpitLove #fetish #armpitfetish #pitworship #pits #axilla #axillae #underarms #sovaco #oxter #hairyarmpits #GayCousin


  1. Well Pit Pals, I went to bed immediately after I posted this late-night blog entry. When I woke up this morning, I looked in the bathroom mirror and (I kid you not) I suddenly paid attention to what I was wearing last night, then wore to bed. Turns out I was writing about me and my cousin while wearing an old family reunion t-shirt from a few years ago!!! How kinky is that!? 🤪🤣😈

  2. Cool wety pits likes myself . Bravo !!! Use never deoderants, PLEASE

    1. I always prefer not to, Karim! Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog entry. 😘
