Saturday, October 1, 2022

Page 304 - The Mirror, My Armpits & Me: A Personal Reflection

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!  Allow me to reflect a bit upon my life.

When I was a kid, I stood out as being very different from the other boys in my family, my neighborhood, those at school, and especially the boys at church.

To avoid being the target of personal questions or ridicule, I usually kept to myself.  Back then, my best playmate was the guy in the mirror.  ---  Let me tell ya, I had quite the creative and vivid imagination!  (Hopefully, I still do.)

Over the years, the mirror has been a wonderful friend and encourager to me.

But sometimes,... not so much.

I honestly don't consider myself to be a vain person, but sometimes, looking at myself in the mirror can really turn me on!  (Come on admit it, you're often the same way.)

I remember as a youngster, the wild excitement I felt when I looked into the mirror and spotted my very first armpit hair!  My mom and I were close, but sadly, I couldn't share the momentous news with her, or anybody else for that matter, because my conservative family strictly believed in keeping private things private,... especially naughty stuff.  And in our household, underarms fell under the category of very, very, super naughty stuff!

Another naughty no-no?  Men's below the belt privates.  Therefore, pleasuring oneself down there, was greatly frowned upon.  ("Enrique, just think of the 'children' you'll be spilling out and killing!")

However, playing with one's own armpits was NEVER discussed!  Therefore, I went ahead and played with my pits,... and played with them quite often!

With age, I grew more body hair, and lots and lots of pit fur!  (The more better to play with while looking in the mirror, my dear!)

For decades I use to trim my hairy hollows, but I stopped pruning them about 5 years ago, which makes my private mirror time additionally enjoyable.

I suspect I'll still be ogling my hairy pitters in the looking glass, waaaay into my old age, which actually excites me! 😈

As most of you know, I've been with my sweetheart for several years and love him very much.  We live together, but have separate bathrooms, so we rarely spend time together gazing into a shared mirror.  However, when we go on vacation, we do enjoy staring at each other in the hotel mirror as we both get ready for the day.

But alas,... as I've often mentioned in my blog, my conservative sweetie does not share my fervor-ish fetish for armpits.  He thinks it's too naughty and gross.

In a perfect world, I'd have a fellow partner in pits!  A husband who enjoys amorously admiring his own axillae, as well as mine.

We'd spend at least a few moments a day staring into the mirror, pleased with how well our armpits looked united side by side, often measuring the growth of each other's pit hair, even going so far as to celebrate any grey strands that may sprout up there as we grow old together.

No doubt we'd say, "Behold, what a cute couple looking back at us!  Quite the quad of pits they posses!  Oh, how very lucky are their noses, tongues, fingers and eyes to make love to those captivating craters!  --- My, oh my, how lucky are those passionate pit-boys in the mirror?"

Awww,... in a perfect world.  ---  ***Sigh!***  Perhaps in a world on the other side of the looking glass.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Well Pit Pals, I hope you enjoyed this little introspection of mine.  I have never shared these private thoughts with anyone else, but figured it would be something you might enjoy.  And I suspect, my frisky feelings about checking out the reflection of my own underarms also mirrors yours. 😉

(All images used for this blog, including the gifs and pictures for the collages, were found online.)

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main online platforms.

Follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Also connect with me through 1 of my 3 social media sites...
Twitter @enriquehenry100 ,
and now Tumblr @enriquehenry100!

NOTE: Just click on the yellow links.

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