Monday, December 26, 2022

Page 322 - My Top 5 Armpit Blog Entries of 2022

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!  Well, if you enjoy reading lists and are passionate about male underarms, this post is for you!

As I compose this blog entry, the year 2022 is about to come to an end.  I thought you all might enjoy reading some of my blog entries that were popular over the past 12 months.

But first...

Every time I open up my CONFESSION OF AN ARMPIT LOVER blog, I check out the stats to see which blog entries received the most reads from around the globe, for that day, for the week, and also for the past 12 months.  ---  Not because I need to know the numbers for ego purposes, but because I'm curious to see what turns on other armpit aficionados of the world. 😈

The TOP 5 nations with readers who visited my blog in 2022 were:

5.) France 
4.) The Philippines
3.) Brazil
2.) Canada
1.) The United States

---  Special thanks to these 5 nations and to all the armpit lovers of the world! 😘

Finally, on to the main attraction!

I began writing this blog way back on October 9, 2017.  Out of the all the 321 entries I've published, here are the TOP 5 posts many of you chose to read this year.   [NOTE: To see each entry in full, simply click on the yellow link beneath each title.]

And now, presenting...

My Top 5 Armpit Blog Entries of 2022


#5.) Celebrating 300 with
My Top 100 Pit Pics of the Day

Boy, was it ever tough to select just 100!  All the photos from my popular,
social media feature MY FAVORITE PIC PIC OF THE DAY are like my children.
My grownup, super studly, sexy pitted children!

(BTW, this is one of my favorite "collage covers" I've created for this blog.
Did ya notice the number 300 formed by the trio?)


#4.) Nick Jonas & His Bachelor Pits

Nick has lured the most readers from around the world to my blog.

(Hmmm, I'm starting to wonder if I should include a photo of Nick
on the collage covers of all my blog entries? 😄)


An Ongoing Armpit Photo Collection

These guys don't need no stinking sleeves!


An Ongoing Photo Collection

The men in this collection seem to be begging for you to look at their pretty pitters! 😍


#1.) Match That Celebrity Pit: An Armpit Game

Don't be shy, come play along.

(Hmmm?  No doubt the photo of Mr. Jonas enticed many a reader to this post as well!)

Well Pit Pals, I hope you'll enjoy reading these Top 5 blog entries.  Feel free to leave comments or share your armpit fantasies with me.  Remember, I'm always curious to know what turns YOU on.

(Images collected for the collages, as well as the photos and gifs used for this blog entry were all found online.)

* * * * * * * * * 

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!

The updated Pride flag & the Armpit Fetish flag.

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, or send a tip via PayPalvisit my all-in-one link page on Willow@enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Just click on the yellow link.

#gayarmpitlover #armpits #gay #armpitlover #pitlover #ArmpitLove #fetish #armpitfetish #pitfetish #malearmpits #pits #axilla #axillas #sovaco #oxter #kilikili #underarms #erotic #pitshot #armpitworship #fitnessmodel #fitness #hotguy #hotpits #hairyarmpits #NickJonas #EnriqueHenry

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