Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Page 340 --- A Late-Night, Armpit Melodrama Created by ChatGPT: "The Farm and the Armpit Lick"

Greetings lovers of armpits and LIVE theater!  In my quest to bring you fresh and kinky armpit entertainment, I have a special production for you, meant to be performed on stage!

Recently, I shared some crazy armpit art I created using the Artificial Intelligence program DALL-E.

(To check it out, please click on the yellow link below.)

Shortly thereafter, I used another popular AI program, ChatGPT, to write several armpit themed poems!

(To check it out, please click on the yellow link below.)

[PLEASE NOTE: Before I continue, let me be perfectly clear to my LIVE theater friends, I continue to support the work of human playwrights and the entire theater community.  I merely, tested some new tech in order to see how I could use it to create content for my blog and social media platforms.  ---  Oh, and also because I'm kinda kinky.  😈 ]

Well, last weekend, I decided to collaborate once again with ChatGPT and compose a short, armpit-themed one act play!

Here's how it went...

Artwork created using DALL-E.


Artwork created using DALL-E.

Hello! How may I assist you today?

Do you have a male nickname I can call you?

As an AI language model, I don't have a gender, so I don't have a specific male nickname. However, you can call me whatever you feel comfortable with!

How about Chat-ster?

Sounds good! I'm here to assist you as Chat-ster. How can I help you today?


"Write a short 1 act melodrama comedy about a handsome gay young man, Tom, a nice boy next door type, trying to save the family farm.  The evil, unscrupulous male mortgage holder (who rarely bathes) insists on being paid in full or perhaps forgiving the debt if Tom would simply lick the landlord's smelly, ripe armpits.  Tom's longtime buddy, Zeke, tells Tom he shouldn't do it, but Tom needs to save the family farm.  As Tom gets close to the landlord he begins to gag from the stench."

[NOTE TO READERS: I, Enrique Henry, tweaked the look of the script to make it more legible, plus added the typical melodrama theater audience reactions.]


- TOM: A handsome, gay young man who is trying to save the family farm.  It has been in his family for years, and it's all he has left after his parents passed away.
- ZEKE: Tom's longtime buddy and confidante.
- THE MORGAGE LENDER: An evil, rich, unscrupulous male who rarely bathes and insists on being paid in full or having Tom lick his smelly armpits.

SETTING: A farmhouse in the countryside.

Artwork created using DALL-E.

Title: "The Farm and the Armpit Lick"

Act 1

AUDIENCE:  (Applauds as the curtain rises.)

(SCENE: A run-down farmhouse on a small farm. Tom, a handsome and kind-hearted young gay man, is sitting at the kitchen table, staring at a pile of bills. His longtime buddy, Zeke, enters.  He is concerned about Tom's well-being.)

ZEKE: Hey man, what's going on? You look troubled."

TOM: (sighs) Zeke, I'm in a tough spot.  It's the farm.  I'm behind on payments and the mortgage lender is threatening to foreclose.


ZEKE: That sucks.  What are you going to do?

TOM: I don't know.  I don't have the money to pay him.  He's insisting on being paid in full or... (pauses)

ZEKE: Or what?

TOM: (hesitates) Or...he said he'd forgive the debt if I licked his armpits.

AUDIENCE:  (Gasps.)

ZEKE: (shocked) What?! No way, Tom.  He's disgusting!

TOM: I know, but I need to save the family farm.

ZEKE: There has to be another way.  We'll figure something out.

TOM: I don't know, Zeke.  I'm running out of options.

(SCENE:  The doorbell rings, and Tom goes to answer it.  The rich, mortgage lender, a smelly and unscrupulous man, enters.)

AUDIENCE:  "BOO!!!  HISS!!!  BOO!!!"

THE MORGAGE LENDER: Well, well, well. Look who it is.  The pretty boy who can't pay his bills.

TOM: (defeated) What do you want?

THE MORGAGE LENDER: I want my money, or... (smirks) I suppose I could forgive the debt if you do me a little favor.  (He lifts his arms.)

TOM: (gags at the smell) I don't know if I can do that.

THE MORGAGE LENDER: (grabs Tom's chin) You better decide quickly, boy.  Time's running out.

AUDIENCE:  "BOO!!!  HISS!!!  BOO!!!"

(SCENE:  Zeke enters the room and sees what's happening.)

ZEKE: (angrily) Get your hands off him, you creep!


THE MORGAGE OWNER: (laughs) What are you going to do, tough guy?

ZEKE: (punches the landlord in the face) That!


(The mortgage lender falls to the ground, knocked out. Tom and Zeke look at each other.)

TOM: (grateful) Thanks, Zeke.  I don't know what I'd do without you.

ZEKE: (smiling) Hey, that's what friends are for.


TOM: (determined) We'll find a way to save the farm, together.

(The two friends embrace as the curtain falls.)

AUDIENCE:  (Applauds wildly.)

End of Act 1

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

(Excitedly addresses the audience)  So, what will happen next, fellow armpit lovers!?

  • Will the handsome, gay Tom have no choice but to lick the icky mortgage lender's putrid pits?
  • Or will Tom's "longtime buddy", Zeke, make a selfless sacrifice and volunteer to lick those putrid pits instead?
  • Could the punch to the face knock some sense into the evil, unscrupulous, mortgage lender, or simply make the vile villain madder and cause the him to demand more than just a lick?
  • Is there a chance the smelly mortgage lender might finally take a bath and become way less of an odoriferous ogre?
  • And,... what will happen when the mortgage lender's overbearing wife finds out about the deal her husband made with the young, hot farmer!?

Well y'all, we will just have use our naughty imaginations to fill in the juicy, dramatic blanks, cause unfortunately, that's were the script stops!

I hope Chat-ster and I were able to entertain and titillate you all.  😈

Artwork created using DALL-E.

My ultimate dream would be to host an evening at a small community theater, featuring handsome actors on stage (preferably shirtless), reading short armpit-themed plays, based on my ideas and generated by ChatGPT.

Photo created using DALL-E.
Note: the prudish A.I. program refused
to design shirtless actors for me.

Then after a brief intermission, the second half of the evening would feature more mini, pit plays, but this time created by suggestions taken from the audience.  ---  Kind of like improv theater.  ---  However, the scripts would be generated using ChatGPT, LIVE on the spot!

I think it would be a fascinating combination of theater, technology, and kink.   Definitely a night to remember!  ðŸŽ­ðŸ˜‚😈

(Aside from my DALL-E artwork, the photos used for this blog entry were all found online.)

NOTE:  I did try to create scenes from the play using the A.I. program, however, the results were not exactly what I was hoping for, nor could I recreate the same characters.

This was my favorite of the rejected DALL-E batch.
It features buddies Zeke and Tom talking.

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!

I created the playbill poster using another rejected DALL-E artwork.
This one features the old mortgage owner and Tom.

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, or send a tip via PayPalvisit my all-in-one link page on Willow@enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Just click on the yellow link.

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