Friday, September 29, 2023

Page 376 - Midnight Armpit Fantasy: A Birthday Surprise for My Gay Roommate



This happened the Summer of 2020, during the COVID-19 worldwide shutdown.  It was my roommate Howie's birthday.  Almost everything was closed that summer, and people were staying indoors, locked away in hopes of avoiding the mysterious, contagious virus.  Howie was feeling pretty down leading up to the big day, and wasn't planning to celebrate.  ---  Oh, but I was determined to raise his spirits!

You see, he's the younger, gay brother of my late girlfriend.  She sadly passed away the previous year.  Howie and I bonded over our mutual loss and decided to move in together, not only to save money, but for emotional support as well.

Anyway, I woke up extra early that morning and found some candles and birthday trinkets around our apartment for decorating.  Now, I've never claimed to be an expert in the kitchen, but I was able to locate an easy recipe on the Internet for a "Last-Minute Homemade Birthday Cake".  Also, since we were all out of white flour, I went ahead and looked up suitable flour substitutes.

Once the surprise cake was done and decorated, I went and knocked on Howie's bedroom door.  He didn't answer.  I figured he didn't hear me, since he's a deep sleeper.  More than likely though, he was in such a funk (like all of us were at the time) that he just wanted to stay in bed, until life as we knew it returned.

After knocking multiple times, I decided to just let myself in.  I walked into the bedroom and stood right next to his bed.

In the cheeriest voice I could muster, I called out, "Hey sleepy head, rise and shine! I have a sweet surprise in the kitchen for the birthday boy!"

He stirred a bit, but still didn't open his eyes.

"Come on Howie, I have a special gift for you!"

He lazily opened his eyes and looked my way.

I proudly announced, "Hey dude, I actually baked a cake for you!  Come on, it's your special day, Little Buddy!  Let's light the candles!"


Damn, I felt so sorry for him, it was breaking my heart.  My mind raced with all the things my roommate enjoyed, his favorite foods, hobbies, TV shows, games,... even his kinks.

Well, I then decided that "desperate times call for desperate actions", and I came up with a surefire way to perk him up.

"Look dude, I know you've been complaining for weeks how you miss seeing hotties in person.  ---  Now, I can't be gay for you, but I can give you something I know your kinky, armpit lovin' heart will enjoy."

With wild abandon, I took off my t-shirt in front of him, tossed it onto the floor, and posed with my hands behind my head.

"TA-DA!" I sang. "Look Howie,... armpits!" 

To my surprise, he became visibly upset and accused me of being a cock-tease.  Geez!  I felt as if I was failing miserably as a party host and as his friend.

"Look, I'm trying to be a pal to you," I insisted.  Then, I gave the situation a little more thought, "Tell ya what I can do.  ---  But take note, this is a one time offer.  ---  I'll stand here and you can,... well,.. you can go ahead and pull out your joystick,.. and whack away while you take in the awesome hotness of my hairy pitters.  But, if you don't mind, I'll just keep my eyes closed."

At first he brushed me off.  But, after a little coaxing from he, my roomie changed his mind.

Howie asked  if I was sure.  I reassured him I was fine with it, and that he better quickly take me up on my generous offer, before I chickened out.

Now, let me take a moment to be clear.  I'm not gay.  I know that I'm straight and am confident in my sexuality.  I have lots of gay friends.  As for my relationship with Howie, well, I've always thought of him as more of a little brother.  A little brother who I gladly watch out for.

Once he agreed to my strange surprise, I shut my eyes and heard him moving around on his mattress.  Then, I listened as the distinct "flap-flap-flap" of flesh began pumping.  ---  Every guy (gay or straight) knows that sound.

It was somewhat awkward hearing Howie softly moan and groan over my armpits, so I got a little chatty to ease the tension.

"Go ahead, use your imagination, bro!  Imagine I'm Brad Pit, Justin Timberlake, or that Jonas brother you like!"

"Feel free to objectify me!  Lust away, dude!"

"Go for it, Howie!  Use my furry pits to fuel your birthday fantasy!" 

"Think of me as some random dude you picked up at the bar!"

"Or maybe imagine that I'm that hot guy that you use to work with."

"Remember how hairy he was?  Kinda like me!  Focus on how he use to drive you wild when you'd see him out at the clubs wearing a tank top?"

"Envision touching his underarm hair!  Imagine,... I don't know,... image your nose digging around in his bushy pits!"

"Imagine nibbling on his sweaty, thick underarm hair!"

Strangely, the more I spoke, the more I started to get aroused.  No doubt, my burgeoning manhood was starting to visibly protrude.  Regardless, I was on a mission for my friend.

"Make him shoot, Howie!  Eat those musky pits of his!  Yeah Buddy, make him shoot!"

Suddenly, I heard a couple of hurried flaps, followed by an elated yelp coming from Howie's mouth,... then complete silence.  Total silence.

"Hey bud, is it over?" I inquired.  "Are you finished?  Is it safe look?"

When I slowly opened my eyes I saw the birthday boy stretched out over his bed, blissfully happy, spent and wet.

His eyes began to water as he thanked me for caring, for baking the cake, and especially for taking off my shirt and posing, while he released weeks and weeks of pent up tensions.

As I grabbed my t-shirt off the floor, Howie reminded me that my own birthday was coming up in two months.  He giggled and asked if I'd be wanting him to get his blond Brittney wig out of the closet, when MY special day came.  Jokingly he suggested that he could flash his man boobs in front of my face to help me "celebrate".

I laughed and responded, "Hey bro, it's June.  If this pandemic goes on much longer I just might be horny enough to take you up on that offer."


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Well, Pit Pals!  I hope you enjoyed this short story.  It's based on a fantasy I conjured up last night.  You see, sometimes I lie awake in bed, coming up with naughty armpit scenarios.  It helps me to unwind and keeps me from worrying about the hectic day that just passed, and the busy one to come.  --- Hey, it's better than counting sheep, but sometimes it excites me a bit too much, so I stay awake longer than expected.

(NOTE: Photos of "Howie" were all downloaded from my paid subscription to Dreamstime, a royalty-free, stock image provider.  The hunky, hairy roommate's picture and the collage clipart, as well as the gif, were all found online.)

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Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, or buy me a coffee, visit my all-in-one hyperlink site on Willow@enriquehenry100 .  ---  Just click on the yellow link.

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