Saturday, June 2, 2018

Page 108 - Sloppy Joe: An Armpit Poem

A Lovely Mess

Disheveled "Sloppy Joe" walking by me at the store,
I took one look at you and boy, I wanted to see more.

The hair upon your head is a mighty, sexy mess.
Is your body hair unkempt every time that you undress?

'SThere a lovely, shaggy bush growing inside each pit?
Shame to keep that treasure hidden 'neath your rumpled outfit.

Oh such lovely, messy tufts, clustered like a weed bouquet,
Let's go to your sloppy bedroom for some slurping pit play.

Let me twist and turn each tangle of those smelly strands,
Allow my tongue to preen you an' meet your twisted demands.

Come, let's celebrate your messy, carefree attitude.
Not trying to reform you, I just want your armpits, dude.

---  This little ditty was inspired by a sexy, sloppy guy who walked pass me at Walmart this week.

(The photos and gif for this post were found online.  That's sexy male model Alex Libby who is featured prominently on this page.)

Model Alex Libby

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