Friday, June 8, 2018

Page 109 - Henry The Robot: Programmed for Pit Pleasure?

au·tom·a·ton (ôˈtäməˌtän) noun: 1. A moving mechanical device made in imitation of a human being.  2. A machine that performs a function according to a predetermined set of coded instructions, especially one capable of a range of programmed responses to different circumstances.  Synonyms: robot, android, droid, bot, manbot

Let's be candid and honest with each other.  After seeing the movies METROPOLIS, WESTWORLD, THE TERMINATOR or A.I.: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE the thought entered our minds, "What would it be like to own a robot sex friend?"

Just imagine, we could program the love machines to do all sorts of fun stuff.  Stuff a real boyfriend would probably think is waaaay outside his comfort zone or too freaky.  But your Boo-bot would never, ever complain.

ME: "Robot boyfriend, raise your arms up and let me get a taste.  I wanna get my tongue all tangled in your pits."

ROBOT: "Ooooo human, I am your mechanical genie!  Your kinky wish is my command."

Several science fiction movies and TV series feature future worlds with robots and androids interacting with humans.  Most are created for manual labor or for military combat.  A few shows I've seen have attractive mechanical beings created for pleasure.  

Most of these Hollywood realities are based in a time far, far away,... in the distant future.  However, the wait for your very own mechanical man may soon be over! 

Introducing the next big thing in our high-tech world: the robot boyfriend!  (Yes, this is a real thing!)

His name is Henry and according to the creators at Realbotix, the android will be available later in 2018.

Price tag of the magnificent manbot is about $11,000 to $15,000 depending on how you customize him.

According to news articles Henry’s six foot tall silicone body is endowed with a six pack, anatomically correct in every way, and is topped by a robotic head that users interact with through an app on their iPad or tablet. Every part of him can be built to order – including his accent and the size and shape of his realistic looking "manhood".

What's more, once you sync him up with a corresponding app, he'll be able to say what you want to hear.  He's programmed with the ability to recite poetry and the lyrics to your favorite songs, tell you jokes, mimic your expressions and welcome you home by name at the end of a long day.  Henry will be able to learn and satisfy his owner's desires.

One phrase that Henry has been programmed to say is "I really want to be the best that I can be so that you are so happy."  What gay man or straight woman wouldn't want to hear that!?

My two biggest fetishes are men's armpits and guys who wear eye glasses, so I was thrilled to see a photo of Henry wearing Clark Kent-like specs.  Sooooo SUPER sexy, man!

Of course, me being the extreme armpit lover that I am, I wouldn't want the sexy programmable companion if he didn't come with underarm hair.  Fortunately, Henry comes with the option of "hand punched hair" for his chest area and private parts.  Hooray, that means I can get my model with extra fuzzy armpits!!!  It will just cost me a lot extra.  But you know, I don't mind eating baloney sandwiches at work for a year if it means I can get a mouthful of Henry when I come home.

Currently, the good people at Realbotix are working on making strong Henry safe to mechanically penetrate his owner.  (Just imagine those emergency room stories!)  However, I'm more interested in giving the darling droid a working, wet tongue.

ME: "Oh Henry!?  I just came home from a long busy day at work and my armpits are soooo sweaty.  Would you be a dear and lick them dry for me?"

HENRY: "Oooo Enrique, I am your mechanical genie!  Your kinky wish is my command."

Wow friends, just think of the endless fun we could all have with our very own robot buddies!  ---  Well, after I publish this blog entry online I better get going to the grocery store and stock up on baloney.

Make sure to check out a the following fascinating YouTube videos featuring Henry, the handsome robotic hunk.  Simply press the play button.

Regarding Henry

Henry's New Look

Henry Realbotix

Follow news about Henry and his friends on the Realbotix company Twitter page @Realbotixxx .

(Photos for the collages as well as all pictures and videos for this blog entry were found online.)

I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main 3 online platforms:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

You can also connect with me on Twitter @enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Simply click on the yellow links to get you to the sites.

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