Saturday, March 13, 2021

Page 240 - Those "Brick House" Boyz

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!  Today I was reminded of a song memory from my youth.

[PLEASE NOTE: I am now an adult and these events happened when I was much, much younger.  My taste in guys has matured as I have aged.]

Although I was a rather shy, very closeted guy in high school, I mustered up the courage to audition for our school's talent show.  I encouraged my cousin Thelma to sing a love ballad I had heard on TV, while I backed her up on the piano.  ---  I was and still am musically inclined.

Tryouts were held one day afterschool.  A number of students showed off their hidden talents on our large, auditorium stage.  Some of the performers included singers, comedians, musicians, baton twirlers, and two bad boyz in tank tops, doing a MIGHTY-MIGHTY sexy, breakdance routine to the song "Brick House" by the Commodores.

[To hear the song on YouTube simply press the play button.]

The dancing duo and I didn't hang around in the same social circles.  I was more of a band geek, while these boyz were from the "tough hombres/ mostly likely to be in a street gang" group.

At the time, my high school consisted of mostly Hispanic students.  Back then, dancing on stage was not for macho types.  However, these two muchachos were so very good at what they did and kinda scary, that no one dared to make fun of the pair.

I sat in the audience for the auditions, watching the boyz swagger across the stage in silence.  The more muscular of the two signaled the audio guy and suddenly, the bass-heavy music blasted throughout the auditorium, igniting the wildfire within the dancing duo!

"Ow, she's a brick house,
She's mighty-mighty, just lettin' it all hang out!"

"She's a brick house,
That lady's stacked and that's a fact
Ain't holding nothing back!"

"Shake it down, shake it down now!
Shake it down, shake it down now!"

Wow, wow, wow!  It was a new experience for my virginial soul!

You see, I grew up in an extremely conservative home with extreme rules.  We weren't allowed to do many things, such as watch TV shows with racy content, go to the movies, attend dances, or listen to secular radio (other than the local, classical radio station).

I had never heard the suggestive song before, nor had I ever seen males dance this way or exude such sexuality!  And my, my, my, how those tank tops showed off their well toned arms and manly pit fur!  ---  I knew I wasn't allowed to look at their crotches as they swiveled, however Mama never said I couldn't stare at armpits!

The audience was stunned silent for a second or two, then began to uncontrollably hoot, holler and applaud throughout the number.  As for me, I sat quietly in a happy hypnotic state.

(Hmmm, by the way, now that I'm older, I realize the lyrics were rather inappropriate for a high school setting back then, and probably today as well.)

The next day, the list of selected talent show acts was posted in the main hallway.  Thelma and I made the cut, along with the breakdancing heartthrobs!

Daily rehearsals began the following week.

You better believe, I made sure to sit up close in the audience when the breakdancing phenoms took the stage in their low hanging jeans and revealing muscle shirts!  They consistently floored me with their impressive acrobatic feats and raised arms!  With each rehearsal I became more obsessed.  I was too nervous to approach them and say what a great job they were doing, for fear that I'd sound like a giggling groupie, or they'd see the lust in my hungry eyes.

The talent show was a big success and the guys were the hot hit of the night, plus the talk of the school for weeks!

Well soon after, I found myself home alone on a Saturday afternoon.  Wanting to listen to some forbidden dance music, I went to the Family Livingroom and secretly turned on the stereo, trying to find a local pop station.  Low and behold, within a few minutes "Brick House" came on!  I raced to my bedroom closet and grabbed my old, childhood cassette player, then hurried back to record the remainder of the tune.

That night, and for many nights afterwards, I'd listen to the recording in bed, with the volume turned down low, so as not to get caught listening to lustful music.  Even thought the lyrics were about a woman, every time I heard the song I would vividly envision those hot, hot, "Brick House" Boyz spinning and dancing on stage, in their tank tops.

The song became the soundtrack for many, many of my private, pleasure sessions for years to follow.  Of course, hundreds of socks were recruited as a result.

(Pictures collected for the collages, as well as the clipart and pit pics used for this blog entry were all found online.) 

"I do love me some Brick House!"

Hey Pit Pals, I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main online platforms:

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NOTE: Click on the yellow links to get to each site.

"Shake it down, shake it down now!
Shake it down, shake it down now!"

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