Sunday, March 21, 2021

Page 241 - "Am I a Pit Pig?": My Conversation with Paul

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!   For this blog entry, I have asked my online buddy, Paul, to join me for a conversation about underarms.  He's a quirky, creative artist, a trusted friend and confidant, whose work I have featured on my Facebook page.

One of my favorite artworks by Paul.


Hey, Paul!  Well, today a guy messaged me on Pinterest and said, "Awesome posts here bro!  Great to see a fellow pit pig on here.  Keep up the good work 🤘".

I was grateful for the comment about all the photos I've collected for my Pinterest site, however I was kinda offended that he thought of me as a pig.

It made me ponder, "I don't think of myself as a pit pig.  I wonder if I'm not alone?"  So many gay guys post their armpit selfies on Twitter and write something like, "Go to work pigs!"  Well yeah, I wanna stick my nose in there, but I crave a bit more romance.  Is that weird?

I confess, at times I DO fantasize about some rough and tough armpit lovin' action with a sweaty stranger.  But, for the most part I usually dream of something more substantial.  Any thoughts, Paul?

Well of course we want something more substantial.  I am not fond of the piggy-association at all, unless I am in a game-playing/role play scenario in my head (which is very rare) where yes, I am demanding a guy show his pits, or I will do so for him, and then I dive him and it is very, raunchy and dominating.  But, that is RARE.  RARE.

I want pit-love to be as sweet and loving and sensual as a summer rain, of course!  So yeah, I am a Romantic Nerd!

I can even recall in my wild youth when I DID meet males in shady places, and would barely have my hands in their shirt, but could FEEL fur and musculature in all the right places, and I would VERBALIZE, like "Oh, WOW you are so handsome, and so, perfect right HERE and right HERE and LOOK at this hair here, this is so fantastic, you are SO, truly beautiful!"

I was NOT being silly, but one guy said, and I will never forgot "Geez, you're, you're so affectionate!"  ---  Well you're darn-tootin' I am!

One of my boyfriends would break into smiles when I'd look at him as he posed, commenting, making love with my words, as it either embarrassed him, or he was just continually blown away that I was so in love with his pits, and fur, and other things, and couldn't just be happy enough playing with them,... but TALKING about it?  Ha ha!!

My ex, Ben, was the very first guy who requested that I lick his underarms.  The night we first had sex, we were in his bed and he simply raised his right arm and simply said, "Lick my armpit!"  He said it in such a way, as if it was a thing every gay guy did, like saying, "Suck my joystick."

Ben lookalike, actor Levi Michaels.

As a boy, I was VERY attracted to manly pits, however I thought armpit love only consisted of ogling, petting and sniffing.  Well, I was still new to the gay scene, so I kinda figured it was something all the cool gays were doing.  Ben was such a hot thing, I was willy to do anything he requested,... including licking those bitter pits!

Sadly, that was the only conversation he and I had about pit love in the entire 8 years (yes 8 years) we were together.  I made love to his pitters often, and he to mine, however we never spoke about the act nor the joy of pit love.  ---  Hmmm, I wonder if gay men who like to lick each other's fudge holes ever talk about the joy of fudge hole grazing?

Yes, that "fudge hole grazing" culture does pose questions.  Though I have to say the FIRST time I saw the phrase "F*ck Pig" I fell in love with it and use it often.  It is filthy, and it was in reference to someone HOT, like someone you'd wanna just git down and dirty and do it in the MUD with, not unlike pigs...  but then years later when friends questioned me on it, I went to Urban Dictionary and it was NOT there, at least not defined in that way, it was more like various new definitions, most involving women.  ---  Not fun to me at all.

Odd that you played pit games for 8 years, but never discussed it!  I am trying to think if I discussed S*x Acts with any of my boyfriends.  Hmmm?  I don't think we discussed S*X, actually.  We were usually very tidy, vanilla boys.  When it happened, it happened, and then everything was tidied up and we showered and/or things were changed and washed and dried,... as if it never happened.  ---  It was swell, but SO tidy.

You know, I titled my blog CONFESSIONS OF AN ARMPIT LOVER.  Never would I think to welcome my readers with "Greetings, fellow armpit pigs!"  That might offend some, or turn timid readers away.  It's not that I'm trying to be politically correct, I just keep thinking some shy, closeted pit fan might one day stumble upon my blog, and hopefully feel he's not a weirdo after all.

Now Paulito, I'm keeping an open mind and trying to understand that just like the gay rainbow flag, we armpit aficionados come in many colors and even shades of those colors.  (Definitely, NO DISRESPECT to legitimate Pit Pigs.)  But, would any Romantic say, "I'm a kissing pig", "I'm a holding hands in public pig", or "I'm a hugging pig"!?  Oh course not!

I understand what the "pig" label infers, however, I think it totally belittles Underarm Romantics and puts us "armpit lovers" into a box.  Kind of like folks who think all gay guys are into S & M (Sadism and Masochism).  Maybe, just maybe, it's the pit pigs who are more vocal and post lots of pics and vids online.  I guess what has to happen is that we "Armpit Romeos" need to have more of a presence online and be more vocal among our gay friends.

"How do I love thy pits?  Let me count the ways..."

---  Hey Paul, let me know if I'm getting too preachy.

Not a bit!  It is refreshing for me to hear your takes!  I think maybe-just-maybe foot fetishes, for as LONG as they have been sort of a gag (even sitcom fodder!) are maybe more on the "acceptable" side of "kink," AS FAR AS THE WORLD IN GENERAL, not just any one group or orientation, and armpits are still maybe sort of, well,... the pits.

I know the few I have opened up to about it have been accepting, but then, they were friends to start with.  Still, it would not be just ANY friend I would open up to about pit romance.

Although I am SO very vanilla, I'm also SO very sexual!  Yes, I do enjoy pits, pits, pits, chest hair, shlongs, and fur, fur, fur!

Aside from the occasional accidental stumbles into Porn Hub when clicking on lean hairy males for use in art, the "piggiest" comments I see ARE from the guys on your page.   That is NO reflection on you or how you lay out your page, and, really, they are NOT THAT piggy, as there is nothing obscene, it is just, sort of lame "MMMMM SLURP" which is just so tired and yes, yucky.  Be a little more creative, guys.  I don't know what to make of those folks, if they are undersexed, oversexed or, "pigs!"

In years past I have been on Vintage Men pages and Fans of Hairy Chests pages, and yes, their fair share of "Mmmm, hot, I want his hole," so those were piggy too, but not a lotta "SLURP."  Still, I bailed from each and every one, because it was just so cold and vulgar.

YOUR page, thank heavens, maintains an aspect of warmth, even if it is just you doing all the work and presenting imagery in a manner that is polite and inviting.  Those other pages had little preface at all as far as posts, just, BAM, a guy, then, "Mmm, hot, need his hole on my face yeah" over and over and over, repeat.

Yours is much friendlier and tailored.  I don't think half of those guys know how good they've got it!  OR, they are just shy and do not comment.

But, sexy things CAN be fun, it doesn't all have to be raunchy and dark and BDSM-ish.  ---  That gets old FAST.

Oh, I sooo agree!

Sometime ago, I was in a serious relationship with a guy named Rodger, who I really, really loved.  Our biggest obstacles were that he was heavily into the whole leather culture, including pain during sex (I was not), PLUS he wanted to call me "Son", and for me to call him "Daddy" (which I did, but I was secretly never into).

Other than those issues, we had so much fun and shared so very much in common, more than any other guy I had ever dated.  We dated for almost an entire year!

The relationship did not last, because who he really wanted wasn't who I really was.  I share this sad story as a cautionary tale.  Dear reader, if you're a Pit Pig, find someone who is into Pit Pig Play, or if you are an "Armpit Romeo" find yourself an "Armpit Julio", and have the kind of romance you can maintain and want to maintain.  It will satisfy you both.

I did have a good thought regarding: kinkiness, pigs, etc.

Using the oft-referred-to foot fetish as an example, and how it is sort of lodged in pop culture as "a kinky fetish," and trying to figure where armpits would fall in.

Imagine two characters in a movie, or cartoon panel, having a chat about things they think are kinky, and one might say "Oh, licking toes!" and they both giggle like embarrassed little girls.

So then, if armpits came into the conversation, would their world be rocked?  Would they just NOT even know how to react to "that?"

I would love to think they could find a happy nook for it.  Instead of a gasp and wide eyes as if someone had just shown them a scat video or a snuff film.  But something positive instead.  

Sadly though, I think too many are automatically wired to think "the senses," and that "Oh, they're pervs who like to sniff armpits," instead of "there are PEOPLE who like to sniff them."  Add to that, "there are PEOPLE that like to SEE them," too, because for you and I, Enrique, much of it is seeing the photos and admiring the aesthetic of the pit.  The hollows, the curves, the way the hair grows, the patterning of it, distribution, and, yes, imagining the smell, but not always, since even in that regard it varies.  ---  You like the pit to smell like a MAN, however, I want it to smell like pumpkin spice cake!

Anyway, I suspect if one Googled "Foot Fetish Memes" and "Armpit Fetish Memes,"  feet would win out.

They are just the widely accepted fetish, I think anymore.  I mean there's tats and all that, but that has SO faded into normalcy anymore.

Wow, I could converse all day with you about all things armpits!  Thank you so much, Paulito for agreeing to this Pit Talk.

Thank you, this has been fun and educational!  Made me think about the Big Picture.

I always appreciate your thoughts on anything art related, and of course on pits. 😘

The colorful Gay Pride
& Armpit Fetish Flags.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Well, Pit Pals, I hope you enjoyed this conversation.  I'd love to have another one soon.

Please make sure to click on the link and follow Paul on FacebookPaul S. Wilson .

Plus, check out Paul's creative and quirky YouTube videos: Crashing Crockery .

BTW, to read my about my first encounter with Ben visit: Bitter Sweet Armpit Treats .

Also, click on the link to read one of my blog entries about Rodger: "Hey Guys, He's Wearing Deodorant! Let's Strip Him Down!" .

(Pictures collected for the title collage and "Armpit Romeo" composition, as well as the pit pics, and gif used for this blog entry were all found online.)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!

Hanging on the wall are the Progress Pride
and Armpit Fetish Flags.

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, or buy me a coffee, visit my all-in-one hyperlink site on Willow@enriquehenry100 .  ---  Just click on the yellow link.

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#PitPig #ArmpitRomeo #PaulSWilson #EnriqueHenry #armpitblog

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