Sunday, May 15, 2022

Page 291 - The Calming Whiff of My Deodorant-Scented Pits!

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!  As I write this blog entry, it's another hot weekend here in my home state of Texas.

I knew ahead of time that today was going to be a rather stressful one.  My car was in the garage with a broken air-conditioner, and not expected to be ready until later in the afternoon.  The weather outside was predicted to be brutally hot, and I had lots of errands to run around town once my vehicle was finally fixed.

After forcing myself to get out of bed, I stripped and took a shower.  My regular routine is to apply deodorant after bathing.  But, normally I prefer NOT to wear underarm deodorant on weekends, to give my pits a chemical rest.

However, due to all the stress, and also later having going out in public, I decided to give my pitters a couple of quick swipes of my "go-to" deodorant, Degree Men's Cool Rush Antiperspirant.

Some hours later (after fixing breakfast, chillin' in front of the TV, and doing a couple of household chores) I got the call from the mechanic that my car was ready.  So, I ended up taking off my old "lounge around the house" tee and changing into a nicer shirt to wear in public.

In my dash to get out of the house, I threw my dirty top onto the bed, instead of in the hamper.  But then, in a moment of curiosity, I picked it back up and dug my nose into the an armpit of the used t-shirt.

Now, I often stick my nose straight into my own naked, hairy armpits, before and after showering.  But, for some reason, I'm not a big fan of sniffing my pits while they're coated in antiperspirants.

I do have a couple of online buddy's who absolutely love smelling a guy while he's wearing deodorant.

Singer Shawn Mendes & lucky Swedish TV host Martin Björk.

However, it confuses me, because I never have enjoyed inhaling the strong chemicals created to cover pit perspiration.

Of course, it simply could just be the brands worn by the guys I dated.  Most were either too harsh smelling, or waaaay too "old lady" perfumy for my liking.

While I certainly enjoy exploring a stinky pit, I do appreciate it if a guy wears deodorant when going out with me, so as not to offend.

No one wants to have a fancy meal in a classy restaurant where your date is so pungent, he overpowers the garlic bread.  ---  Speaking from experience,... trust me folks, it's not romantic.

Anyway, getting back to earlier today...

I don't recall what possessed me to do it.  Maybe I just needed a quick whiff of a pit to calm me down.  But I snatched that worn t-shirt up from my bed and gave those warm armpits a couple of hardy inhales!  And wow, it was better than smelling a fresh cut bouquet of calming lavender!  Suddenly, I was ready to face what awaited me beyond my front door.

Who knew Degree Men's Cool Rush, mixed with my light musk was so intoxicating and relaxing?  Sadly, I didn't have time to pull down my pants and fully enjoy the experience.

I decided NOT to throw the shirt into the laundry hamper, but instead leave it on the bed, to wait for me, till I returned. 😈

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Well Pit Pals, I hope you enjoyed this account of my surprising realization.  Have you had a similar experience?  Please let me know.

Oh, and by the way, want to read about me learning to apply underarm deodorant for the first time?  Then click on the link to check out one of my favorite blog entries...

(All images used for this entry were found online.)

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main online platforms:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Also connect with me through 1 of my 3 social media sites...
Twitter @enriquehenry100 ,
and now Tumblr @enriquehenry100!

NOTE: Just click on the yellow links.

#armpits #gay #armpitlover #pitlover #ArmpitLove #fetish #armpitfetish #pitworship #pits #axilla #axillae #underarms #sovaco #oxter #hairyarmpits #menspits #deodorantpits


  1. That was a great story! I too love to smell my shirt pits when I come home from work be for I throw the shirt in the hamper I give it a good sinf . when I was in high school I brought my gum uniform home on Friday . after a week of sweaty in it I wenT home straight to my bedroom took off my clothes and smelled my shirt.

    1. That's great. I have a friend that I've known for over 50 years and he doesn't wear deodorant. I love smelling his pits. It a absolute turn on.

  2. I love sweaty and smelly armpits but I also love men with proper hygiene. I love the smell of Old Spice Wolfthorn deodorant because it reminds me of a sophisticated man.
