Saturday, March 8, 2025

Page 442 - The Perfect Top #5

Greetings, Pit Pals! Here's something for every armpit lover's wardrobe! 🤣👍❤️

This fun design is available for purchase through the online marketplace ETSY.
For more information visit: .

[PLEASE NOTE: I do not profit from the sales of this t-shirt, I just think it's a cool item of interest. --- Enrique 😚]

#gayarmpitlover #armpits #fetish #armpitfetish #pitfetish #malearmpits #pits #axila #axilas #sobaco #sovaco #suvaco #suvacão #oxter #kilikili #underarms #armpitworship #erotic #armpitlicking #armpitmerch #thepowerofpits

Friday, March 7, 2025

Page 441 - "Whisper to My Pit": An Armpit Poem

Greetings, lovers of pits and poetry!  Once again, I'm sleep deprived and can't stop my mind from obsessing over men's underarms.  In addition, I'm feeling a tsunami of emotions, due to several things that happed to me over the coarse of this week.

And so, I decided to write a few thoughts down.  Soon, the written thoughts quickly morphed into a strange, little poem about finding comfort in a very special place.

An Armpit Poem

Whisper to my pit,...
All the things that make you cry,
All your pain, your fears, your worries,
Things that make you long to die.

Whisper to my pit,...
All the things that make you smile.
All your joys, your jokes, your daydreams, 
Things that make life so worthwhile.

Whisper to my pit,...
Feelings most can't comprehend,
There's no judgement, feel protected,
Let my armpit be your friend.

Whisper to my pit,...
When the world turns a deaf ear,
When the world is way too busy,
Come to me, my pit's right here.

🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗

Well Pit Pals, I hope you enjoyed my short, peculiar poem!  I'm sure some of you might relate, but when I'm feeling all kinds of feelings, an armpit can bring me extreme comfort, especially a warm, hairy one.

💓💓 💓 💓💓 💓 💓

[NOTE:  The PNG images of the "shirtless comforter" were found online.  Backgrounds were added to blend with other images featured in this blog entry.  However, photos of the bearded guy (meant to represent me) were all downloaded from my paid subscription to Adobe Stock, a royalty-free, stock image provider.]

💻 💻 💻 💻 💻 💻 💻

Hungry for more pit poetry?

Then click on the following links and check out these other poems I've composed:

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, visit my all-in-one link page on Willow@enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Just click on the yellow link.

#gayarmpitlover #armpits #gay #fetish #armpitfetish #pitfetish #malearmpits #pits #axila #axilas #sobaco #sovaco #suvacão #oxter #kilikili #underarms #armpitworship #erotic #fitness #hotguy #hotpits #armpithair #hairyarmpits #EnriqueHenry #armpitblog #armpitpoetry #pitpoem #thepowerofpits

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Page 440 - "You Seem to Be My Type, But,..."

[NOTE: The image of the extreme hottie was downloaded from my paid subscription to Adobe Stock, a royalty-free, stock image provider.]

#gayarmpitlover #armpits #gay #fetish #armpitfetish #pitfetish #malearmpits #pits #axila #axilas #sobaco #sovaco #suvacão #oxter #kilikili #underarms #armpitworship #erotic #fitness #hotguy #hotpits #armpithair #hairyarmpits #armpitmeme #EnriqueHenry #thepowerofpits

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Page 439 - Check Out This Artistic Pit Pose by Richard Vyse 🔥

Greetings, lovers of armpits and art!  Check out this sexy, artistic pit pose! 

ARTIST: Richard Vyse

TITLE: "Lad on Line" (part of an ongoing line art series)

Richard studied at the school of Visual Arts in Manhattan and taught at Pratt in Brooklyn. His art has been sold internationally and featured in international men's magazines.

Follow the talent artist on his social media platforms:

INSTAGRAM - @artbyvyse

TUMBLR - @richardvyseart

BLOGSPOT - @manartbyvyse

NOTE: Simply click on the yellow links.

(Just click on the yellow links.)

🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨 🎨

[NOTE: All images and artwork used for this blog entry were found online.]

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, visit my all-in-one link page on Willow@enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Just click on the yellow link.

#gayarmpitlover #armpits #gay #gaylife #armpitlover #pitlover #ArmpitLove #fetish #armpitfetish #pitfetish #malearmpits #pits #axilla #axillas #sobaco #sovaco #suvacão #oxter #kilikili #underarm #erotic #pitshot #armpitworship #FitnessMen #fitness #hotguy #hotpits #hairyarmpits #homoerotic #hairy #art #gayart #gayartist #queerart #queerartisit #gayillustration #illustration #art #pen #lineart #gayhairy #hairymale #hairyman #RichardVyse #enriquehenry #armpitblog #thepowerofpits

Friday, February 28, 2025

Page 438 - Is There A Perfect Armpit Play Toy?

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!  As most of you already know, I LOVE pit play.  However, my longtime sweetie refuses to partake in any kind of "underarm hanky-panky" with me.

Some years ago, when I was a young lad, I saw famous sex therapist, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, make a guest-star appearance on a popular LIVE daytime TV talk show.

A sex-starved, female audience member asked for advice on finding some kind of remedy.  Dr. Ruth seriously recommended that the lady relieve her own frustrations with naughty toys or even certain firm vegetables found in the kitchen!  The show's host, along with the entire studio audience, were visibly shocked and roared with laughter!  ---  Me?  I took serious notes.

Like many of you, I was a curious, but closeted, gay teen. I played around with various household items in hopes of finding a satisfying substitute for an amorous lover.

Now that I'm a grown man, I find myself still seeking "simulated stimulation", but mostly for my lonely pits.  And I'm not the only one.

Since I began my blog, many men from around the world and all walks of life, have confided in me that they too have lonely pits.

Nowadays, there are all kinds of kinky toys for lonesome men's joysticks, feet, nips and private places where the sun don't shine.  These apparatuses are plentiful and easy to find in specialty shops or online.

Alas, I've experimented and searched the Internet, but to my knowledge, personal entertainment "doodads and doohickeys" to perfectly pleasure one's own pits are nonexistent!

Now, please allow me to take a brief detour and we'll circle right back around.

A friend of mine, Bradley, told me this true story.  When he was a shy teen, he enjoyed using carrots for his private "pleasure sessions".

However, that all stopped when his father found some used, stained carrots discarded in the teenager's bedroom trash can.

Fortunately for Bradley, his dad was a very progressive thinking, and non-judgmental parent.  ---  I suspect that canned sliced carrots were on the family's grocery list from that point on.  😊

You know, many a lonely night, I've pondered, "What if I discover that a common vegetable can fulfill my armpit lovin' needs?  Imagine if something already in my refrigerator could perfectly hit my pit spot.  Like for instance, a cucumber!"

If it were a reality, pit loving guys would quickly raid the local supermarkets worldwide!

The cucumber could become an armpit lovers' new best friend!

Maybe "pit play starved" boyfriends and husbands could meet in each others homes for very special veggie nights!

And me?  I no doubt would need to get a second job, just to afford my new produce addiction!

So, will there ever be a proper substitute for an armpit lover in my lifetime?  Will scientists one day, invent a self-love toy exclusively for the male underarm?

Oh, how I wish there were some kind of machine that could satisfy my favorite fetish!

Illustration by @boreddudeonline on DeviantArt

Although I see many fun, illustrated designs online, none are available in the real world.  ---  Hmmm, I may just have to start getting creative with some gadgets around the apartment.

Sorry my dear area rugs, but every vacuum cleaner available is going to be busy working on the shag carpets under my arms for the next few days.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hey Pit Pals!  Are you into tickling or being tickled?  Then, check out this special blog entry, featuring masterful machines designed to get the job done!  ---  Simply click on the yellow link.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yum!  If the guy were a vegetable, he'd be a cute-cumber.

[NOTE:  Most of the pictures and clipart used for this blog entry were found online.  However, photos of Bradley, his dad, plus the veggie loving, bearded guy (meant to represent me) were all downloaded from my paid subscription to Adobe Stock, a royalty-free, stock image provider.]

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, visit my all-in-one link page on Willow@enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Just click on the yellow link.

#gayarmpitlover #armpits #gay #fetish #armpitfetish #pitfetish #malearmpits #pits #axila #axilas #sobaco #sovaco #suvacão #oxter #kilikili #underarms #armpitworship #erotic #fitness #hotguy #hotpits #armpithair #hairyarmpits #selflove #EnriqueHenry #armpitblog #thepowerofpits

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Page 437 - My Armpit Lover's Wish List (If I Were Rich)

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!  Like most Americans these days, I've been thinking quite a bit about finances.  As my mind tends to do, my thoughts quickly turn to musings about men's armpits.

So, I decided to compile an "armpit wish list" for myself to keep handy, just in case I someday come into a large amount of money.

Surprisingly, my list began to have hints of illicit dealings, or at the very least, questionable business practices.  But hey, I was having fun!

By the way, I tried very hard to NOT list stuff that would technically involve me cheating on my sweetie.  ---  I had to be very creative. 🤔

So now, without further ado, here is,...


💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰

If I were rich AND it was legal...

I'd open a high-end, worldwide franchise of male on male, armpit massage parlors for men!   ---  You know, for health purposes.  😉

Each parlor would be staffed by handsome, skilled masseurs, trained in the fine art of sensual massage for the male underarm.  ---  Tickling is extra.

💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰

If I were rich AND it was legal...

I would generously pay my next door neighbor's, twentysomething year old hottie son, Josh, to give me his work t-shirt as soon as he gets home from his physically taxing, construction job.  I want each tee wet and stinky, straight off the dude's body!  ---  Now, what I choose to do with it is nobody's business, but my own.  👿

💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰

If I were rich AND it was legal...

I would contact Brad, the highly skilled, shampoo technician who sometimes washes my hair at the overpriced, high-end hair salon at the mall.  ---  Wow, the way he massages my scalp is incredible!

Naturally, I'd offer to pay him to come to my home, shuck his top, and give my armpits a good scrubbing while I lie still in the bathtub!  💦

💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰

If I were rich AND it was legal...

I'd use my vast fortune to buy a controlling stake of Axe Body Spray.  Then, I'd instruct the company's best perfumers to develop scents that smell like the underarms of sexy, male celebrities!

Just image Momoa Musk: the aroma of actor Jason Momoa's musky, manly, massive pits! 👃🔥  ---  "My man!"

💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰

If I were rich AND it was legal...

I'd offer singer/songwriter Nick Jonas a deal to be the spokesmodel for a sexy new line of sleeveless t-shirts and tanks, by ENRIQUE HENRY INC.!

Naturally, there would be a firm "no shaving or trimming your pit hair" clause in the contract.  ---  "The better to sell the shirts, my dear Nick!"

Also, in the contract?  ENRIQUE HENRY INC. (translation: me) gets to keeps every single shirt Nick Jonas wears in the ad photo shoots.

💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰

If I were rich AND it was legal...

I'd pay the SHOWTIME network to release the "Extended Kink Cut" of its popular 2023, gay mini-series FELLOW TRAVELERS, starring  Matt Bomer and Jonathan Bailey. 

I would insist the producers include ALL the extra hours of cut footage featuring the darling duo's hot love making scenes, especially a longer version of Matt licking Jonathan's armpit in bed.

Hmmm, I wonder how many takes that sizzling scene took to film!? 👅

💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰

And, speaking of streaming...

If I were rich AND it was legal...

I'd pay NETFLIX an exorbitant amount of cash to branch out and start an offshoot streaming network called PITFLIX, featuring movies and TV shows with significant armpit scenes.

Prominent films like DRY WIND and the aforementioned FELLOW TRAVELERS, as well as every episode of SURVIVOR, and more, would be available with a click of the remote!  ---  Uncensored, naughty movies are available for an extra $7.99 a month.  🤫👿

Each show will have a tongue rating of 1 (👅) to 5 (👅👅👅👅👅) depending on the program's pits and appeal to our people.

SURVIVOR hunk, Ethan Zohn

However, PITFLIX will most definitely need to have an onscreen cautionary disclaimer whenever the viewer logs in:  "Warning, watching PITFLIX may lead to you excessively calling out from work, loosing contact with your friends and family, plus cause severe dryness to your eyeballs.  ---  But hey, it's worth it!" 

💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰

If I were rich AND it was legal...

I'd also buy lots of shares of OUT magazine.  Then, I'd hire a fabulous, fashion photographer, to take several shirtless photographs of my ex-boyfriend, Ben, for the publication.  He can be told that OUT is doing a feature on sexy, successful, gay business men from Texas, over 30!

Actor Jeremy Pope on the cover of OUT

---  In his twenties, Ben was an aspiring model.  He's so narcissistic, he'd pose shirtless for anyone with a camera in a heartbeat.  In his defense, if you've got it, flaunt it!

You may be asking, "Enrique, why do you want pit pics of your former pit lover?  Well you see, I'm curious.  I haven't seen Ben or his musky underarms in decades.  Sadly, he's not a social media kind of guy.

I often wonder what his armpits they look like and how they taste these days.  After our breakup, he kept all the private, kinky polaroids we took of each other, including many shirtless shots.

💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰

The next items on my list involve adult entertainer, standup comic, and armpit god, Drew Valentino.  😍

So, if I were rich AND it was legal...

I'd pay whatever Drew would ask to see someone make passionate pit-love to his awesome armpits, LIVE, up close and in person.  Heck, I want to be right there on the bed next to the action!  I want my sense of sight, smell, and hearing to be overloaded!

---  Sorry, senses of taste and touch, but I have to try to stay faithful to my hubby.

In addition, if I were rich AND it was legal...

I'd pay top price to see Drew himself worship another guy's underarms!  Again, I want a front row seat to the expert licker's techniques!

And my final Drew Valentino request, if I were rich AND it was legal...

I'd pay Drew Valentino to put on his sexy, eye glasses and stand perfectly still, with his arm lifted, to let me stand with my nose two inches away from his overexerted, sweaty furry hollows.  Two inches, for three minutes of pure paradise!

Sure, I'd love to get closer,... but again, I'm trying to be a good spouse.

💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰

Well, Pit Pals, there you have it, my current "armpit wish list" for when I get super rich.  I guess I should also add hiring savvy lawyers to my list, because I'm sure I'll need some legal advice to successfully accomplish my questionable goals.  But hey, if they can help make just one of these wild wishes come true, I'll be one happy (albeit horny) armpit lover!  😁

* * * * * * * * *

[NOTE:  Most of the pictures and clipart used for this blog entry were found online, including the photos of model/actor Levi Michaels, who is a dead-ringer for my ex, Ben.

However, a portion of the photos (including those of "Josh", and the bearded fella meant to represent me) were downloaded from my paid subscription to Adobe Stock, a royalty-free, stock image provider.]

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch.

"Hmmm, what were tonight's winning numbers?
Did I win?  Come on, Pappa needs more pits in his life!"

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, visit my all-in-one link page on Willow@enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Just click on the yellow link.

#gayarmpitlover #armpits #gay #fetish #armpitfetish #pitfetish #malearmpits #pits #axila #axilas #sobaco #sovaco #suvacão #oxter #kilikili #underarms #armpitworship #erotic #fitness #hotguy #hotpits #armpithair #hairyarmpits #FellowTravelers #NickJonas #DrewValentino #LeviMichaels #EnriqueHenry #armpitblog #thepowerofpits