Saturday, October 12, 2024

Page 417 - "Pit Angel": An Armpit Love Song Parody


Greetings fellow armpit lovers!  Today, I posted the following angelic armpit image of Charles P. Semko to my social media sites as part of my regular feature: MY FAVORITE PIT PIC OF THE DAY.

Charles P. Semko

Along with the photo, I also added a few lyrics from the popular 1950's song, "Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)".  However, being obsessed with men's underarms, I renamed it to "Pit Angel", and changed a few of the words.

I'd like to share the entire song with you here on my blog. ðŸŽ¼ðŸ˜‡❤️

Press the YouTube play button to listen to the instrument version of the tune so you can sing along:

An Armpit Love Song Parody

Ohhh, Ohhh!

Pit Angel, Pit Angel,
Will you be mine?
My Darling Dear,
Love you all the time.
I'm just a fool,
A fool in love with you.

Ohhh, Pit Angel, Pit Angel,
Will you be mine?
My Hairy Honey,
Love you all the time.
I'm just a fool,
A fool in love with you.

I fell for you and I knew
The vision of your love-loveliness.
I hope and I pray that someday
I'll be the vision of your hap-happiness.

Pit Angel, Pit Angel,
Please, be mine.
My furry fella,
Love you all the time.
I'm just a fool,
A fool in love with you.

MUSIC BREAK (with Photos)

Pit Angel, Pit Angel,
Will you be mine?
My Armpit Pookie,
Love you all the time.
I'm just a fool,
A fool in love with you.

Ohhh, I fell for you and I knew, yes I knew,
The vision of your love-loveliness.
I hope and I pray that some sweet, sweet, sweet day
I'll be the vision, the vision, the vision of your happiness.

Pit Angel, Pit Angel,
Will you be mine?
My Bushy Bubba,
Love you all the time.
I'm just a fool,
A fool in love with you.


Well there you have it, Pit Pals!  I hope you enjoyed my little love song to my favorite pit of the day.  An armpit has to be pretty amazing to be celebrated in song, and Mr. Semko's pitters surely qualify!

* * * * * * * * *

[NOTE: The photos of Charles used for this blog entry, as well as the clipart and gif, were all found online.]

Make sure to follow the heavenly, hairy hunk, Charles P. Semko, on his social media platforms:

INSTAGRAM - @chaz_semko

THREADS - @chaz_semko

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch.

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, visit my all-in-one link page on Willow@enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Just click on the yellow link.

#gayarmpitlover #armpits #gay #fetish #armpitfetish #pitfetish #malearmpits #pits #axila #axilas #sobaco #sovaco #oxter #kilikili #underarms #armpitworship #erotic #fitness #hotguy #hotpits #hairypit #hairychest #fur #furry #scruffy #scruff  #hairyarmpits #ChazSemko #thepowerofpits

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Page 415 - My Strange Dream About My Armpit Loving Ex

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!  As I've mentioned before, my hubby and I are in a longtime committed relationship.  Although we're happy together, there always seems to be something lacking when it comes to our times of intimate passion.  I'm into pit play and Sweetie in NOT.

Several years ago, my now ex-boyfriend, Ben, introduced me to armpit amor 💓, and I've been addicted to men's underarms ever since.

Well, last night I had a strange dream about Ben.  Truth be told I often have erotic night fantasies about Ben, as well as other former lovers.

The fact that I dreamt about Ben again wasn't the weird part.  What did, or rather didn't happen in the dream was rather bizarre.  Allow me to elaborate.

In the dream Ben was asleep, lying shirtless in a large bed.  He had the covers pulled up to his waist, so I'm not sure if he was wearing his usual sleeping boxers on or not.  (Use your imagination.)  I didn't recognize the bed nor the room, but I'm pretty sure it was suppose to be his boudoir in the scene, not mine.

The room was softly lit by the moon glow coming in through a nearby window.  (FYI, Ben loved to sleep by moonlight.)  He lay there perfectly peaceful, his head resting on a fluffy white pillow, slumbering on his back.

I slowly and quietly I walked into his bedroom.  In my mind I knew he and I were still exes and that I was suppose to be committed and faithful to my real life sweetie.  Still, I didn't hesitate to peel off all my clothes and climb under the covers next to Ben.

He stirred a bit, then lazily opened an eye, and saw it was me.  I paused just a bit, but then my bygone beau smiled and quickly pulled me on my side next to him, placing my head on his furry chest.

I could clearly hear the familiar rustle of his chest hair against my ear, as my head moved slightly to find the perfect resting spot near his heart.  Within seconds Ben was fast asleep again.  There was no other sounds in the room, but his relaxed heart beat and the two of us breathing.  No clock ticking, no noise coming from the other side of the window.

I remained perfectly still, taking in the warmth of his body, the smell of his breath, his familiar after-midnight musk caused by his body sweating a bit.  Then without giving it a second thought, I wormed my index finger into the crack of his closed underarm.  And there it was, the armpit hair I longed for, the very first pit I ever tasted, the sweet and stinky spot that use to bring me to complete ecstasy.  I was touching it again, for the very first time in years!

Naturally I didn't want to be rude and wake up my ex, so I settled for just that one single finger wedged in his moist pit crack.  I wasn't feeling greedy nor extremely horny, just,... well,... just content.  Content and fulfilled, like a hungry baby bird who had finally being fed.

The dream went on much longer, but nothing else really happened.  We didn't kiss, there was no heavy petting, nor man on man action.  It was just Ben calmly sleeping while I closed my eyes and blissfully cherished having a bit of contact with an other man's armpit,... even if it was just one of my digits plugged into his tight pit crevice.

Hours later, my alarm clock rung, so I regretfully got out of bed and began to get ready for work.  Funny, but that silly little dream stayed with me while I showered, while I ate my bowl of cereal, and even popped into my head several times throughout the day.

So, what does this strange dream mean?

Do I want Ben back?  Hell no!!!  He's super hot and a great lover, but he's also rather toxic, unscrupulous, and a thief. 

Am I tempted to have an armpit affair with another man?  All the time!

Will I have an affair?  Probably not.

Is it sad that such a simple silly dream was so sexually fulfilling?  Most definitely!


[Pictures collected for the collages featured in this blog entry, as well as the gif, were all found online, including the photos of model/actor Levi Michaels, who is a dead-ringer for my ex, Ben.]

To read more pit related, true confessions about me and my former boyfriend, click on the following links:

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch.

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, visit my all-in-one link page on Willow@enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Just click on the yellow link.

#gayarmpitlover #armpits #gay #armpitlover #pitlover #ArmpitLove #fetish #armpitfetish #pitfetish #malearmpits #pits #axila #axilas #sobaco #sovaco #oxter #kilikili #underarms #erotic #armpitshot #armpitworship #fitness #hotguy #hotpits #malearmpits #hairyarmpitmen #hairyarmpits #MyExBoyfriend #EnriqueHenry #armpitblog #thepowerofpits

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Page 414 - "Is That My Naughty Cousin?"

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!  My, oh, my, the human psyche is weird (plus rather kinky) and can easily be triggered.  Last night, I saw an armpit photo online that made me wonder, "Is that my naughty cousin?"

As exciting and arousing as the image was to look at, it strangely brought to mind a disturbing incident from my youth.  Thankfully, I was not physically hurt back then, just threatened in jest.  Still, the occurrence was rather traumatizing, and the memory upsets me to this day.

DISCLAIMER:  Rape or abuse of any gender is not a funny topic, nor should the threat of rape or abuse be taken lightly. If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted or abused and need help, contact RAINN (24 hours/7days a week) by calling 1-800-656-4673 or online at: .

So, last evening, I was scrolling through Instagram looking for images of hot guys and their sexy pit pics.  ---  It's something I do quite frequently.

Eventually I came upon a shirtless guy showing off his armpits, whom the "all-knowing algorithm" suggested I might be interested in following.  When I saw the face of the handsome hunk I was shocked!  To my surprise, he was the spitting image of my real life, naughty cousin, Handsome Julio!

[NOTE: To those unfamiliar with the name, Julio is pronounced "HOO-lee-oh" with the emphasis on the first syllable.]

My father's side of the family is very Hispanic and very religious.  My grandma was a Pentecostal preacher and my grandpa owned and worked a farm.

Julio is just two years older than I am, plus he's the eldest of the boy cousins, on my father's side of the family.  His mother, "Aunt Tina", is my dad's sister.  Julio's papa was a dashingly debonair, tall and intimidating Hispanic man, with the look of an Aztec warrior, yet strangely quiet at family gatherings.

I'm the 2nd boy cousin, followed my several more males, who are all somewhat close in age.  Well, Julio was pretty much the alpha cousin of the bunch, not only because of his age, but due to the fact that the handsome lad towered over us in height, and acted as the "Macho Alpha Man" of the group.

Well, one day, back when we were kids (I was about 10 or 11 years old) my family drove out to my grandparent's farm for a 4th of July family celebration.  After dinner, my mother and Aunt Tina, volunteered to wash dishes in the kitchen by hand, since grandma didn't own a dishwashing machine.

While they were alone chatting, my nosey aunt asked, "Why does Enrique play with his girl cousins, but not the boys?"  Mom was mortified and didn't know how to answer.

Later that evening, when we arrived home, my mother pulled me aside and shared what Aunt Tina had asked.  My poor, nervous mom tearfully begged me, "Promise me you'll play with boys not girls, Enrique!  Promise me you'll play with boys, not girls!"  I swore to her that I would.  ---  (Insert your own joke here.)

So the at the following family gathering, I left the girl cousins, playing inside, where all the grownups were chatting, while I took a hike with six of the boys.  All of them had lots of experience spending time helping grandpa with chores during summer breaks and weekends, so they knew the land pretty well.  I was more of a city boy and usually avoided exploring the property. 

Well, Julio lead us far behind the farmhouse, out into the vast field of tall grass at the edge of of Grandpa's land.  Eventually, he took us across the fence and into a neighbor's field.  I knew we shouldn't be trespassing, but I was too chicken to be the one to object.

The walk was nerve-wracking due to the scary isolated location.  Poor young me feared that  as we were walking, further and further away from our grandparent's farmhouse, there was no way our parents could find us if we got lost.  --- Plus, I suspected there were hidden snakes and critters that lurked all around. ---  On top of all that, the Texas summer heat was brutal, yet none of us had canteens, nor water bottles!  The trek was not only terrifying, but extremely dangerous!

After what seemed like an hour, I asked my cousins, "Do you guys know where we're going?  Shouldn't we head back?"

Julio chuckled and smiled, his handsomely devilish smile, then pronounced to all, "He's nervous because he thinks we're going to rape him."

The boys howled and laughed along with Julio.

I did not laugh, for suddenly, the thought occurred to me, "Julio knows!  Julio knows!  He knows I'm secretly gay!  Aunt Tina must have told him!!!"

Extreme panic set in!  Crazy thoughts entered my head, "Julio is such a macho jerk, maybe he's going haze me, or make me give him a blow job while the other male cousins gathered around and watched!  Could there be a chance that he'll actually force me to take off my clothes and rape me?  If so, afterwards, is he then gonna leave me out here, far from the farm, naked and alone, just for being a queer!?"

I doubted my other male cousins would participate.  However, they certainly were the kind of kids to witness something appalling and keep quite about it.  That side of my family is really good at keeping secrets,... even to the grave.

To my relief, nothing came of his threat.  I guess we was just joking, but in a mean, twisted way in order to insinuate to the others that I was gay.

We eventually turned around and headed back to the noisy farmhouse, sweaty and thirsty.  The other five boys were still very jovial, I on the other hand was nervous and desperate to get away from Julio and the bunch.

When we arrived, I went straight to my mom and told her I wasn't feeling well, so my parents, my 3 younger siblings and I got into the family's old station wagon and headed home.  No one question why I sat uncharacteristically quiet the entire ride home.  I guess they figured I really wasn't feeling physically well.  My body was okay, but my mind was a mess!

After the incident in the field, I tended to stay away from Julio, out of fear.  Fear that he might threaten me again, or because he might out me to the family.  I went back to hanging out with the girls.

As a teen, I made up excuses to stay home and not attend family gatherings at the farm.  There were just too many places hidden from the eyes of adults.  It seemed safer going to the homes of relatives who resided in the suburbs.  With the except of Aunt Tina's house.

Not only was I nervous about my Aunt Tina spying my every move in her home, but I worried that Julio would invite all the guy cousins into his bedroom.  And who knows what kind of cruelty and debauchery might ensue behind his closed door?

You know, the human psyche is so weird.  Back in the day if teen Julio would have properly propositioned me to fool around in a private place, I would have no doubt gladly agreed, since I was a rather curious youngster about all things homosexual.  However, I NEVER would have agreed to be violently violated.

Wow, being a secretly gay young guy, scared, lonely and very horny, plus being brought up in an ultra conservative family, was a terrible combination for me.  Thankfully, I've learned to accept who I am, and now I'm an out and proud gay man.

As for Julio, I haven't seen him since my grandmother's funeral, way back when we were both in our early twenties, many, many years ago.  According to my mom, he's now happily married to his second wife and has a couple of kids.  ---  No news as to whether he's still a jerk or not.

Okay, now back to the VERY INNOCENT, shirtless stud, with the pretty pits, gracing my computer screen last evening.  He was hot, hot, hot!  His underarms were calling my name.  But, I forced myself to refuse the temptation to start,... shall we say, "jerkin' the gherkin" to images of a fella who looked like my naughty cousin, Julio.

By the way, for some strangely perverted reason, I did save several of the Instagram model's fetching armpit photos for myself. 😈

So, why in the world would I save sexy, armpit images of my cousin Julio's look-alike?  Well, as I previously stated, the human psyche is weird,... and rather kinky.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Interested in seeing more of the dashing doppelgänger?  Follow José Andrés Jiménez Castaño (model, sportsman, athlete, and DEFINATELY NOT my creepy cousin) on INSTAGRAM: joseandresjimenezc_ .  ---  Just click on the yellow link.

[NOTE: The clipart and gif seen in this entry were found online.  However, the images of the handsome bearded guy, used to represent me, were downloaded from my paid subscription to Dreamstime, a royalty-free, stock image provider.  All other clipart was found online.]

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Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!

Featured on the wall is the logo for the NOH8 Campaign,
"a charitable organization whose mission is to promote marriage, gender and
human equality through education, advocacy, social media, and visual protest".

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, or buy me a coffee, visit my all-in-one hyperlink site on Willow@enriquehenry100 .  ---  Just click on the yellow link.

#gayarmpitlover #armpits #gay #armpitlover #pitlover #ArmpitLove #fetish #armpitfetish #pitfetish #malearmpits #pits #axilla #axillas #sobaco #oxter #kilikili #underarms #erotic #armpitshot #armpitworship #fitness #fitnessmodel #hotguy #hotpits #EnriqueHenry #armpitblog