Monday, March 26, 2018

Page 87 - Behind the Scenes of PITS-BURG's "Clip" & The Basketball Team

Fantasy Casting Fun

One thing I love almost as much as men's underarms is a fun soap opera.  Right now I'm working on 3 ongoing, connected armpit soap storylines: the lustful novela of PACO & HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW, PAUL the steamy story of TWINS DAVID & DARIO, plus the mysterious tale of "CLIP" & THE BASKETBALL TEAM.  You'll find these stories posted regularly on this blog.

I enjoy reading the magazine SOAP OPERA DIGEST to learn behind the scene tidbits of my favorite shows.  So I thought it might be interesting to share a little insight into my sexy, soapy pit drama and its quirky inspirations.  In this particular posting I want to cover the basketball story.

NOTE: You may first want to read PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#3) and  PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#6) to catch up with this storyline.  Simply click on the yellow links.

The idea for "CLIP" & THE BASKETBALL TEAM came from a couple of things:

My boyfriend in high school use to talk about wanting to be cremated when he died and have his ashes mixed with potting soil and placed in a flower pot.  Kind of macabre, but romantic to me at the time. 

Another bit of inspiration was mentioned as a post script to the armpit poem I wrote: Pit Hair In A Box .  In it I shared that  "when I was younger I clipped some of my armpit hair, chest hair and pubic hair and put each clump into 3 separate Ziploc sandwich bags.  I planned on giving the bags to a guy I was dating as a token of my sincere affection.  Believe it or not, I honestly thought it was a sexy idea, however I chickened out at the last minute and never gave him the bags."

Lastly, I think the game of basketball is a visually, sexy sport.  Not only are legs exposed but the uniform tops freely display muscular arms and pits to the public eye.  These loose fitting jerseys give a great, accessible view of underarms when the players reach up for balls or shoot baskets.  ---  When they shoot, armpit lovers score!

I have sooooo much fun fantasy casting for PITS-BURG: AN ARMPIT SOAP OPERA.  The guys I ultimately select need to have several shirtless armpit photos available online.  All except for the role of "Clip".

While searching online for pics of a man trimming underarm hair I found the above photo of a cute, young fellow holding an electric razor.  I instantly thought, "Hmmmm, this guy would be perfect for the role of Clip, the teams' armpit hair barber.  I especially like the mischievous look in his eyes.

Style Guru Robin James
Well, I didn't find out until months later that the guy's name is Robin James.  He's host of a popular YouTube channel focused on men's style and grooming.  And what a coincidence, (I kid you not) one of his episodes is about trimming men's armpits!  To watch that particular episode entitled "6 Manscaping Tips Every Man Should Know" just click on video below:

Also check out his website at: Man for Himself .  ---  Simply click on the yellow link.

Actor Johnny Depp
Broadway musical buffs might have guessed that Clifford's last name (Sweeney) is a reference to the hit show SWEENEY TODD.  The demon barber was portrayed by the smokin' hot actor Johnny Depp in the movie adaptation of the stage musical.

Actor/Model Nathan Owens
Basketball player and Clip's childhood crush, Theo Duncan, was easy to cast for my imaginary soap.  One of my favorite armpit pose photos is by actor/model Nathan Owens (see the perfect, raised arm pose in the above collage).  I just knew his fresh, "guy next door" type look would be a perfect contrast for Clifford's naughty boy character.  To see Nathan and his fellow DAYS OF OUR LIVES soap opera cast mates do a fun striptease click: Men of Days Strip for Benefit .

Actor Rome Flynn
However, coming in as a close second for the role of Theo was soap opera actor Rome Flynn.  He's hot, hot, hot, however he has more of a bad-boy vibe in most of his shirtless pics.  In my opinion, Theo needed a little more "goody-goody" look.

Pro Basketball Player Tim Duncan
By the way, Theo's last name is Duncan, which is a wink to the basketball term "slam dunk" as well as a nod to legendary Spurs player, Tim Duncan.

Actor Gilles Marini
As for art gallery owner Gilles, I wanted a mature, artsy European type.  Sexy Frenchman Gilles Marini fit the bill perfectly.  The actor caught my attention on Season 8 of the American version of DANCING WITH THE STARS.  Check out his sizzling salsa dance with dance partner Cheryl Burke on YouTube at: Gilles and Cheryl Shake It .


Lastly, here's a sneak peek at the latest, hunky fantasy character to join the armpit soap.  He'll soon be interacting with Clip and the gang.  He's my male version of Alexis Carrington Colby from the 1980's primetime soap DYNASTY.

So there you have it, my first behind the scenes look at PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera.  What do you think?  I truly hope you're enjoying reading the stories as much as I'm enjoying writing them.

(All photos for this posting found online.)

Interested in more naughty, underarm drama?  Simply click on the following yellow links to read related soapy stories: 


PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#1) and  PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#4) .


PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#2) and PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#5).

Feel free to leave a comment below.  Plus, don't forget to press the Follow button to keep up with my latest posts.

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment .

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