Friday, April 20, 2018

Page 94 - PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 7)

Paco Puts On His Brother-In-Law's Smelly Dress Shirt

So, I've been dreaming up a soap opera about guys with armpit fetishes who live in a small college town named Pits-Burg.  The town is known for its many craters created by a large meteor shower centuries ago.  Nowadays the more popular craters are found under the arms of its sexy, male population.

NOTE: You may first want to read PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#1) and  PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#4) to catch up with this particular storyline.  Simply click on the yellow links.

The story continues:

The intense hug between the two men is electric.  There, standing in the middle of his sister Petra's living room is Paco, dressed in a flimsy, revealing tank top, clinging tightly to his sister's husband, the masculine and currently shirtless Paul.  They stand still and silent, neither wanting to let the other go, but each man afraid to make the next move.

Suddenly, Paul's cell phone rings inside his pants pocket, with a strange "VA-ROOM!  VA-ROOM!" sound of a car motor revving up for a race, followed by a few measures of a raucous, rock and roll tune.  The bare-chested hunk flinches and forces himself to pull away from his young brother-law's fervent embrace.  With eyes appearing ready to weep, Paul places his hands firmly on Paco's exposed shoulders and apologizes, "Hey Pac-Man, I'm so, so sorry.  That obnoxious ringtone means it's work.  I usually don't get calls from the dealership when I'm off, unless it's some kind of emergency."

Paco too is disappointed.  "No, I understand, man," he halfheartedly insists.  "It's alright, go ahead and answer your phone." 

Paul stares longingly at the young man.  His strong arms ache for another hug from his wife's gorgeous, gay brother.  With tears welling up he whispers, "There's so much I need to tell you."

"VA-ROOM! VA-ROOM!" the ringtone once again blares, accompanied by that grating rock beat.  In a frustrated huff, the tattooed Adonis pulls the annoying cell phone out from the pocket of his sweatpants and answers, "This is Paul."  He motions to his young guest that he'll return shortly and leaves the room listening to the voice on the other end of receiver.

In the meantime, Paco nervously paces the floor as the gravity and scandal of the situation hits him hard.  "Estou tão confuso!" he blurts out in Portuguese, confused and tempted to finally dash out the front door.

His mind is racing and overwhelmed as he begins an inner-dialog to figure things out:
"What in the world are we doing!!??  The guy's my sister's husband!  I've known him since I was a teen and not once has Paul acted this way before.  And what about me!?  I've never behaved this way towards him either.  But then again, he's never held me in his arms with his shirt off.  Man, that's the hottest body I've ever seen in my life,... and boy oh boy, have I seen lots of hot bodies!"

He continues to pace and ponder, and ponder and pace:
"Wow, how crazy is it that my own brother-in-law might be my secret admirer!?  Or is it his obnoxious, gay brother Peyton using Paul's home computer?  But hold on!  PassionatePascal is soooo flirty and romantic online!  I can tell he's really into me.  Peyton on the other hand is self-centered, obnoxious, immature and raunchy.  However, whenever PassionatePascal visits my chat room he's a perfect gentleman and such a major turn on.  I love it when he refers to me as his 'Pretty One'."

Re-entering the living room, Paul startles his brother-in-law, "Hey Paco, I apologize, but one of my biggest clients is on his way to the car dealership.  He wants to buy several vehicles for his business and he insists that I have to be the one to sell them to him.  The guy's really into sports, so he and I bonded talking about my years as a pro baseball player.  He's extremely wealthy.  This transaction's gonna be huge for the company."

Seeing the sad expression on the beautiful young man's face, Paul interrupts his own rambling, "But Pac-Man,... I really, really was hoping we could talk.  I feel so terrible just leaving like this."

Paco assures him, "No problem.  Maybe some other time.  Besides like I said, I have to take off anyway.  Don't worry about me; go sell some cars."

Ouch, that last statement cuts to the quick.  Paul doesn't want to make his brother-in-law feel that he doesn't matter, yet he knows he has to leave as soon as possible to meet the client.  He asks, "Can you wait a minute longer while I change?"

"Sure," Paco softly agrees.

Paul hurries to the bedroom to fix his hair and put on a fresh, new dress shirt from the closet.  However, he puts back on the business suit he wore earlier.

From the living room Paco loudly inquires, "So, who's this mega business tycoon with the deep pockets!?"

While he finishes getting ready, Paul hollers back, "He's millionaire Oscar Arco!"

The young man is momentarily motionless and stunned.  You see, Oscar Arco is no stranger to the adult website performer.  Paco and every camboy on Pit Boys Live knows the kinky, ruthless, self-made millionaire.

Paul returns to the living room, looking dashing in his business attire.  He makes a suggestion, "Look, I've already caused you to be super late for work.  Why don't you go grab a shirt from Peyton's guestroom closet and put it on over your tank top so you don't have to stop by your apartment to get a shirt."

"Well okay, thanks," Paco agrees.  He feels a little embarrassed for the fib he told earlier about having to leave for work in order to get away from the awkwardness.  Still, he figures he'll borrow the shirt to play out the rouse.

"I gotta rush.  Here's a spare key to the house," Paul offers, tossing the key to the forlorn fellow.  "Just lock the door on your way out."  He looks into Paco's sad, confused eyes and once more apologizes, "Hey, I'm soooo very sorry.  I feel terrible.  How I wish we could talk.  There's so much to say."

"It's alright, really.  Go ahead, we'll talk later," the young man reassures him.

Paul resists the temptation to give his alluring brother-in-law another hug and reluctantly walks out the front door.

Catching his breath, Paco turns and heads down the hallway.  On his way to the guest room, he is distracted by something he sees as he passes the open door to the master bedroom belonging to Petra and Paul.  There, discarded and tossed on the luxurious bed is Paul's white dress shirt, the one he took off when he arrived from work.

Paco enters the room and walks gingerly towards the king sized bed.  He hesitates for a moment, then peels off his tank top and reaches for the shirt on the mattress.  It feels soft and expensive, plus a bit damp with sweat.  With his heart racing, he goes to the full-length dressing mirror by the closet and puts on his brother-in-law's smelly, dress shirt.

Then, as if caught in the middle of a dreamlike daze, Paco slowly and seductively raises an arm above his head.  It unavoidably excites him to see the reflection of himself wearing Paul's used work shirt.  It's as if the hunk's manliness is enveloping him.

Paul's job at the car dealership usually has him showing vehicles to customers outdoors on the lot while dressed in his shirt, suit and tie.  Often the weather in Pits-burg is hot, so he regularly perspires under his coat and shirt.  Thanks to the heat of that day, and the fact that the he-man never wears an undershirt, Paul's masculine cologne and the fragrance of his warm and sweaty hairy armpits permeate the underarms of the shirt's sleeves.  The lingering fragrance is way too tempting to resist, so Paco buries his nose in the lifted armpit of the garment and keeps it there until he commits the scent to memory.  The sexy stink delights Paco.

In a moment of immense arousal, he undoes his jeans and lets them drop to the floor around his ankles.  

It's all is too much to bare.  The possibly of Paul being PassionatePascalthe flashback of hugging Paul's rugged, bare torso, the elation of seeing himself in his brother-in-law's work shirt, plus the musky, manly scent of Paul's cologne and underarms becomes too stimulating for Paco to physically hold in.  He looses control and comes to a magnificent, powerful release.

Suddenly, from the bedroom's doorway comes a shocked voice, "And, what do we have here!!!???"


(Photos all found online.  The hunky model I'm dreaming of to play Paul is "ooh la la" French hottie, Flo Mulot.  That's hot, Brazilian male supermodel, Marlon Teixeira whom I'd love to cast as Paco in my fantasy soap parody.)  

Interested in more naughty, underarm drama?  Simply click on the following yellow links to read related soapy stories: 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#2) and PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#5).

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#3) and  PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#6).

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment .

Feel free to leave a comment below and share your own pit memory or fantasy.  Plus, don't forget to press the Follow button to keep up with my latest posts.

NOTE: This story is entirely a work of fiction.  Any similarity to any persons (living or deceased) is strictly coincidental, and no identification of any kind with any such person is intended or implied.

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