Sunday, December 1, 2019

Page 199 - He Said, "Take Your Finger Out Of My Armpit!"

Greetings, armpit lovers!  I've written this blog entry to share a rather personal confession from my real life.

As you may know, I love all types of male underarms, but I really dig hairy, manly pits!  So I'm very relieved and glad my guy doesn't shave his.

When last I blogged about my sweetie, Grant, I mentioned that I had convinced him to start wearing sleeveless t-shirts around the house.  Not only to help with his underarm heat rash, but for the secret pleasure my pit lovin' eyes would gain every time he raised an arm.

(Simply click on the yellow link to read that blog entry:
BAD NEWS: He Had A Pit Rash/ GOOD NEWS: He Now Wears Sleeveless Tees! )

Well, the other night Grant and I were sitting on the living room couch, watching TV.  He had a hard time remaining sedentary.   His shoulder muscles were tight and sore since he'd spent most of the afternoon strenuously working outside.  So looking at me with sad puppy dog eyes, he asked, "Would you do me a favor?  Will you please give my shoulders a massage?

As per our usual routine, I opened my legs and he sat on the floor in front of me for easier access.  He kept his sleeveless shirt on, since his request was not sexual in nature.

A massage on Grant's broad shoulders is always a time consuming undertaking.  He requires long sessions due to his pent-up tension and intense pain.  Kneading those rock-hard shoulder muscles can be sexy, but eventually my hands become numb and tired.

After half an hour or so of non-stop shoulder manipulation, the index finger to my right hand seemingly got bored.  The curious digit slowly made it's way down Grant's arm to the front of his shirt, inching towards the gaping armhole of his sleeveless tee.  Once at the entrance I gingerly let my finger slip in between the closed crack of his armpit.  I started slowly pumping my extremity in and out, in and out,... simulating an act usually reserved for a certain other type of extremity.

He flinched and in an irritated tone said, "Hey, take your finger out of my armpit!" ---  My heart wept.

Attempting not to express my hurt I playfully replied, "I just wanna have some sexy fun."

Grant curtly responded, "But not with your finger,... and definitely not with my armpit!

Well, my first instinct was to run to my home computer and Google "divorce lawyers in my area".  However, cooler heads prevailed.  I simply stopped rubbing him.

My sweetie was still in pain so he changed his intonation and begged me to please continue massaging him.  ---  And so, I begrudgingly tended to his aching shoulders while I quietly nursed my aching heart.

As previously mentioned, Grant grew up a skinny, gay kid and was unmercifully teased by his older brother and fellow classmates, as well as strangers.  He became immensely shy in middle school and remained so all the way through his college years.  Therefore, I try to understand his bashful quirks and weird body hangups. We get along extremely well, plus the two of us share a lot in common.  However, one major thing we do not share is a love for pit play.  ---  I love it, he hates it.

But I think, "Come on dude, your pits are beautiful and they deserved to be worshiped!"

Once, while taking a 3:00 A.M. shower together, I got brazenly dominant enough to "go to town" on his armpits with my tongue.  (I don't drink alcohol, but I think I was drunk on allergy meds.)  Well, that was the ONLY time he allowed me to have my way with his hairy hollows.  Could be because his pitters were freshly scrubbed at that moment, or perhaps he figured it was futile to try and stop me in my medicated stupor.

(Naturally I was inspired to write a blog entry about the experience: "Is It Clean Fun You'd Prefer?": An Armpit Poem .)

Afterwards, we dried off and he's rejected any sexual overtures towards his underarms ever since.

A big flaw we have in our relationship is we hate confrontation with one another, so we often avoid it.  But, one of these late nights I'm gonna need to take another heavy dose of allergy meds and have a frank conversation about my peculiar sexual needs.  My armpit fetish may be a bit kinky and not so mainstream, but hey, it's a major part of my sexual identity.

Mind you, I'm not in the market for a trade in,... just some pit trade.

So, learn from my mistakes and misfortunes, dear readers.  If you adore armpits, get a guy who not only loves you, but who delights in underarms too.  Otherwise you'll spend hours upon hours blogging to the world about how you long for a bit of pit passion in your life.

(Photos for the collages, as well as the pit pics and gif used for this blog entry were all found online. By the way, that's studly, male model Cody Callahan, pictured below, whom I've cast in my fantasy to represent my sweetie, Grant, for this post.)

I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main 3 online platforms:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

You can also connect with me on Twitter @enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Simply click on the yellow links to get you to the sites.

Feel free to leave a comment below and share you own pit memory or fantasy.


  1. Well that sucks manly hairy armpits need to be worshipped

    1. Hey there, fellow pit lover! Thanks for checking out my blog and for your words of solidarity and support!

  2. Absolutely LOVE your site! Found it by chance as I was surfing the web for hot pits (again...). Good to see I'm not alone in my maschalagnia obsession - though it seems to be a rare admission here in the UK... most of my friends think I'm nuts!
    Are you aware of Douglas Giles..? If not, check him out... great pits!
    They often say that "the eyes are the windows to the soul", but I think the armpits are the windows to the body..! They can be so revealing and can stimulate ALL the senses. I adore Asian pits too, particularly Indian and Pakistani. The darker and thicker the hair, the better!
    Well done Zombie! Love your pic too. I'll be checking back here again more often.
    With much love and respect from Manchester. xxx Stay safe pit-lovers everywhere... hopefully we'll all be back on those beaches someday soon! LJ xxx

    1. Hey, LJ! Thanks for checking out my blog! It's always, always so great to meet a fellow armpit lover! You are not alone, most of my friends can't understand my attraction to men's underarms either. So, I'm glad to find others like me online. BTW, I agree, Doug Giles and his pits are quite yummy! Please keep in touch. --- Enrique xxx
