Monday, June 18, 2018

Page 112 - PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#10)

So, I've been dreaming up a soap opera about guys with armpit fetishes who live in a small college town named Pits-Burg.  The town is known for its many craters created by a large meteor shower centuries ago.  Nowadays, the more popular craters are found under the arms of its sexy, male population.

NOTE: To catch up with this particular storyline you may first want to click on the following links and read the previous pages:

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#1)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#4)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#7)

The story continues:

From the bedroom doorway comes a shocked voice, "And, what do we have here!!!???"  It's Peyton, Paul's younger, self-centered and obnoxious gay brother, staring in disbelief.  There before him, standing in front of the full length mirror, is Paco wearing an unbuttoned dress shirt and underwear briefs, with his jeans down around his ankles.

The bedroom belongs to Paco's older sister Petra and her husband, Paul.  He hurries to take off the magnificently musky dress shirt belonging to his hunky brother-in-law, and nonchalantly holds it in front of him as a barrier between Peyton's curious eyes and the hopefully unnoticed, fresh wet spot on his briefs.  The stain is courtesy of his forbidden fantasies of Paul.

The two men first met as young 15 year old boys at Paul and Petra's engagement party.  Peyton was instantly attracted to the beautiful, wavy haired teen of Brazilian descent.  Initially, Paco thought Paul's little brother was quite a cutie, nevertheless the attraction quickly diminished.  You see, the cute youngster spend most of the event bragging about himself and his family's new wealth due to Paul's then pro-baseball career.  Paco was a hardworking teen who came from a low income family, so he was not impressed.  Since Peyton wasn't getting the selfish attention he craved from the Latin lad, he began to get inappropriately flirty, but his advances were immediately rebuffed.

Now Paco finds himself in an awkward and compromising position, standing practically naked before his longtime irritant.

"Hey Peyton you startled me!  What are you doing here!?" Paco inquires as he reaches down to pull up his jeans from his ankles.

"Well, I'm staying here with Paul and your sister for a few weeks to take in the sights of Pits-Burg.  And I must say, I'm thoroughly enjoying the sights, especially right now!" he answers with a lustful smirk.

Paco finishes zipping up his denims.  In an attempt to not appear guilty of inappropriate activity, he casually throws Paul's dress shirt back onto the bed.  His gloriously, taut torso is breathtaking!

Peyton instantly pulls off his own t-shirt over his head and grins, "So stud, did I just walk in on a private party or can anyone join in?"

Paco grabs his discarded tank top from the floor and slips it back on.  "In your dreams, skeez!  I showed up to visit my sister," he attempts to explain.  "Since I was on my way to work and needed a shirt, your brother kindly suggested I borrow one from the closet.  They both left awhile ago.  I happened to grab that dress shirt and tried it on for size.  Guess I got a little silly looking at myself in the big mirror and started posing like some kind of model in a fashion magazine."

"You mean porn magazine,"  Peyton quips, doubting he's being told the full story.

"Anyway, the shirt isn't a perfect fit," Paco points out.

Peyton lifts his arms, exposing his hairy pits and strikes his most alluring pose.  "You want a perfect fit, Mister Man?  Your tongue would fit perfectly in either one of my armpits."

Paco vehemently informs him, "It's never gonna happen, so cut it out, pig!"

Frustrated and disappointed, Peyton drops his arms and asks, "Dang it Paco, why can't I seem to I turn you on?  I've been trying to hook up with you for years.  Are you jealous of me or what?

The answer comes quickly, "Quite simply, your egocentric, lecherous ways turn my stomach.  You were a nasty, selfish brat when I met you, and you're still a nasty, selfish brat to this day."

"Oh yeah?  Well, I can be unselfish!" a somewhat wounded Peyton argues.

"Who are you trying to kid?" laughs Paco.  "You've never done one unselfish thing in your entire narcissistic life."

"Oh, really?  Just raise your arms behind your head and I'll show you how unselfish and giving my tongue can be," Peyton chuckles.

Paco rolls his eyes and sighs loudly in exasperation, "I'm outta here!"  He's had enough and besides he wants to get away from Peyton, before the guy figures out what was taking place mere moments ago.  He walks past the shirtless hottie and leaves the house.

Once Paco shuts the front door, Peyton quickly picks up the wrinkled shirt from the bed and tries it on.  He takes a deep whiff of the still warm fabric.  It smells perfectly pungent and oh so manly.  Unbeknownst to him the intoxicating scent is due to a mixture of Paco's sweat and cologne as well as that of his hunky brother Paul, who wore it to work that day.  Peyton unbuckles his belt and drops his jeans to the floor.  He closes his eyes and takes in the fascinating fragrance.  With no one around he begins to eagerly stimulate himself.


Later that night, in his apartment above the art gallery, Paco walks into his bedroom and locks the door behind him.  He sets up some special lighting, turns on the camera and microphone hooked to his computer, then logs onto his Pit Boys Live account.  Several subscribers tune in as he begins to entertain his adoring viewers.

After an hour or so, Paco sees that PassionatePascal has joined the chatroom.  He's unsure if the mysterious admirer is really his brother-in-law Paul.  It could possibly still be Peyton or someone else entirely.  The uncertainly is eating away at him, however finding out that it is Paul would certainly cause complications for the two men, not to mention Petra.

"Welcome back, Pascal!" Paco calls out to his favorite guest.

As usual, the stranger's camera and microphone are turned off, so PassionatePascal types:

Hey Pretty One, can we move to a private chatroom?  I don't feel like sharing you tonight.

"Sure," Paco answers, then informs the rest of his audience, "Sorry fellas; private chat!  I'll catch you all later."  He taps a button on his keyboard and he and Pascal are alone.

The sound of a bell rings on the almost naked camboy's computer, alerting him that his client has just sent an online tip.  Glancing at the window Paco sees that the amount comes to a generous $100.00!  He responds:

"Wow, thank you, Pascal!  So what would you like me to do for you tonight?  Wanna see my pits?  Should I lick them for you again?"

I just want to talk right now.


The two men are silent for a long while.

"How 'bout a quick game of Truth or Dare?  I'll ask first,... Truth or Dare?"

Uh-oh, this game might get us into some trouble. ;)

"Come on Captain, pretty pleeeease?  Play with me!"

As soon as Paco playfully refers to PassionatePascal  as Captain he remembers that Paul use to be captain of his pro-baseball team.  Oh well, if it's not Paul, the guy might get a kick out of the new nickname.  If it is Paul, the affectionate term might hopefully arouse him.

Okay. --- Truth.

"Tell me something about yourself nobody knows."

Paco is hoping for a confession that'll give him a hint as to the identity of his secret online admirer.  However, the answer is a total unexpected surprise.

I have a secret place I like to go to in order to escape from the world.

"Oh?  What's the name of the bar?"

Ha-ha!  It's not a bar.  It's a hauntingly beautiful, quiet place just outside of town, created by falling stars, centuries ago. 

I go there to think and enjoy the night sky.  When I'm there it feels like I'm alone on the moon. 

A smile comes over the young man's face.  Paco is sure he knows the place.  It's been years since he and his friends visited the meteor pits of Pits-Burg, but he fondly recalls the otherworld landscape and its majestic beauty, especially late in the evening.

Your turn. --- Truth or dare?

"Hmmm, although it's sometimes scarier than dare, I'll choose truth." 

Tell me something about yourself nobody knows.

The client expects the seductive, webcam model to reveal a scandalous sex-capade.  So the real answer is a shock.

"Well,... I've never been in love."

What!!!???  A hot looking guy like you!!!???  I bet you must've had lots of boyfriends.

"Oh, I've gone on hundreds of dates, but I've never called anyone my boyfriend, or told a guy I loved him.  Guess I've always been too busy with school and stuff to find the right man.  But enough about my sorry love life, it's my turn again.  Truth or dare?"

There is no response.  The comment screen is blank.  After a few minutes the category Paco has waited for finally appears.


The curious chap thinks about it for a bit then grins.

"Okay Captain, I have a special request.  For weeks I've been showing you mine, so now I dare you to turn on your computer's camera and show me your armpits."

There is no response.

"Pascal, are you still there?"

Suddenly a new screen window appears on Paco's computer.  The stranger's camera is turned on reveling an almost pitch black room.  The place is so dark, if not for the light coming from his client's computer monitor the camboy would barely be able to make out shapes.  The sound is noticeably still turned off.  The camera moves in a jerking motion, then zooms in to focus on PassionatePascal's right underarm.

"Whoa, what a sexy beast you are Pascal!  So muscular and hairy! Your armpit is so inviting I can almost smell it!  ---  Now let me admire your other fuzzy pit too." 

After a long pause, the silent client shifts the camera to his left side.  In his nervous enthusiasm, he lifts his left arm towards the lens and unknowingly gives a glimpse at the elaborate tattoos on that arm.

Paco immediately recognizes the complex ink work.  There is now no doubt in his mind: that's not Peyton or some random secret admirer.  PassionatePascual is definitely his sister's hot and handsome husband, Paul!

The sound of five separate bell alerts come over the speakers of Paco's computer. A large tip has just been received, which usually means the client desires a favor.  The amount is a whopping five-hundred dollars!  It becomes difficult for the young man to hide his excitement.  The revelation of his best client's true identity and his oh so, extravagant generosity is overwhelming.

"Whoa, Captain!  Thank you sooooo much!  You must have a very special favor to ask."

Pretty One, I've never made this request of you before, or of anyone else for that matter.  But I want to see you pleasure yourself while you look at my armpits.  It's my turn to be worshiped.

Paco hesitates as he ponders the ramifications.  Suddenly the tip alarm sounds five more times.  An additional five-hundred dollars has been added to his account.  This is insane!  His brother-in-law has now contributed a small fortune to basically watch Paco have a jerk off session while watching Paul tease him with those delicious underarms.  Yet, what an excellent way for the young man to secretly express his growing lust for his brother-in-law.

"I know I'm gonna hate myself for this, but damn, you've got me so turned on."   Paco looks straight into the camera and grins, "Let's do it, Paul!" 

As soon as it comes out of his mouth he realizes he's called out the wrong name.  He stutters, "I,... I meant to say Pascal!  Let's do it, Pascal!"

Although he corrects himself, it's too late!  The charade is over!  Paul knows that Paco knows its him.


All photos for this blog entry were found online.  Featured as my fantasy cast for this particular storyline are (pictured below, left to right) Marlon Teixeira as Paco, Flo Mulot as Paul and Matthieu Charneau as Peyton.

Interested in more naughty, underarm drama?  Simply click on the following yellow links to read related soapy stories: 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#2)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#5)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#8)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#3)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#6) 

For a more convenient way to follow all the stories click "Follow" at my Google Collection entitled PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera . 

Feel free to leave a 
comment below.  Plus, don't forget to press the "Follow" button to keep up with my latest posts.

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment .

NOTE: This story is entirely a work of fiction.  Any similarity to any persons (living or deceased) is strictly coincidental, and no identification of any kind with any such person is intended or implied.

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