Friday, July 20, 2018

Page 123 - PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#13)

So, I've been dreaming up a soap opera about guys with armpit fetishes who live in a small college town named Pits-Burg.  The town is known for its many craters created by a large meteor shower centuries ago.  Nowadays, the more popular craters are found under the arms of its sexy, male population.

NOTE: You may first want to read PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#3)PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#6)  and PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#9) to catch up with this storyline.  Simply click on the yellow links.

The story continues:

He's a handsome, married, former pro athlete and successful salesman, yet, for most of his life, Paul has felt fearful and lonely.  Fearful that someone might find out the truth about his amorous feelings towards men and lonely because he keeps family members and others from growing too close to him emotionally, because they might somehow figure out his secrets and lies.

Paul's promising career in major league baseball was cut short, due to an injury.  In a way, he was relived, because he no longer had to deal with all the fame, interviews and public scrutiny.  Times were different back then.  There was tremendous pressure on gay professional athletes to stay in the closet and suppress their homosexual desires.

Sadly, Paul never kissed a guy, much less touched one sexually or romantically.  Marrying Petra, whom he cared for, eased the pressure on him publicly, but forced him to bury his feelings even further.  His old, middle school gym teacher and mentor, Coach Harrison, use to tell his students, "Lies are a form of disrespect."  The former jock often dreamt of a life without lies.

One sleepless night he discovered the gay, online site PITS BOYS LIVE.  Paul logged in using the alias, PassionatePascal, which was his name,... sort of.  He got the nickname Pascal from his old Spanish language instructor.  Everyone of her students were referred to by their proper Spanish name.  However, there were two boys in class with the English name Paul.  So, she called the another guy Pablo and randomly chose to call him Pascal.  He enjoyed being someone other than his shy, fearful public self.

Low and behold, that evening on the website, he saw Paco, his oh so pretty, young brother-in-law, showing off his armpits for other men to adore.

There was Paco, LIVE on his computer screen: topless and raising his arms to reveal his hairy pits, with such carefree joy.  What a sight!  Paul suddenly began to cry, the way one cries when he or she sees a perfect sunset or views a masterpiece painting that touches the soul.

In the darkness of his study room, he began to anonymously tip the lovely camboy to see more of his mouthwatering underarms.  (He even purchased every steamy video download the pit boy had on sale for his fans.)  For weeks both men were flirty and naughty with each other.  Eventually they began to share their dreams and innermost thoughts.  The anonymous, online "affair of the heart" was so fulfilling,... yet forbidden.

Tonight, while on his home computer, Paul has learned that Paco somehow figured out his true identity.  He immediately closes the PIT BOYS LIVE website window.  Horror grips him as he whispers, "Paco knows!  Paco knows!" 

All of a sudden, there's a knock at the door to his study. The person on the other side jiggles the knob back and forth, but can't get in, because it's locked.  The knocking persists.

"Yo, Paulie!  Hey Paulie, it's me!" announces the voice.  "Are you okay!?"  ---  It's his openly gay, younger sibling, Peyton,

The sexy cad came out in his early teens and since then has never been fully accepted by the family, except by Paul.  He's currently visiting for a few weeks.

Paul quickly shuts down his computer and tries to stop his nervous shaking.  He makes no attempt to cover his bare chest, since he's use to walking around his home shirtless.  Immediately, his cell phone rings.  He glances at the screen, but he ignores it and makes his way to unlock the study door.  He cracks it open just a bit to hide his anxiousness and says, "Sorry, I was busy."

Peyton is wearing a tank top (that perfectly frames his hairy pits), blue jeans and brand new canvas shoes.  He's ready to leave the house and enjoy the nightlife of Pits-Burg.  "Hey big brother, I was wondering if you'd give me a few bucks. I'd like to go check out the town square and maybe stop by THE HAIRY HOLLOW for a drink.  I figure it's better to go out tonight, because tomorrow is Petra's surprise birthday party."

"Shoot, that's right, it's tomorrow!  I've been so preoccupied lately I totally forgot," Paul confesses.  Although the celebration is at his house, his wife's girlfriends are hosting and taking care of all the details. The surprise party is going to have a 1980's theme, since his slightly older spouse is a child of that decade.  Luckily, the ladies are in charge of everything, including the decorations, food, music and Petra's favorite childhood party games.  Now, his biggest concern about the event is that Paco is sure to be in attendance at his older sister's birthday.

"Let me get you some cash."  He walks back to his desk and picks up his wallet.  Paul's phone starts ringing again.  Still, he pays no attention to it.

"You wanna get that?" Peyton asks.

"No, I'll call back later," is his reply as he fully opens the door and digs into his wallet.

Seeing that his brother is visibly rattled, Peton inquires, "Whoa Paulie, you look super upset!  What's going on?"

"Just a bunch of stress.  I'll be alright, don't worry about me," Paul assures him, handing his sibling a crisp one hundred dollar bill.  "You just go out, be safe and have fun with a nice boy."

"I'd rather have fun with a bad one," Peyton quips.  "Hey, thanks for the moolah, I'll see ya later."  In a rare display of compassion, Peyton pauses and tries to give his sad sibling a hug.

The shirtless hunk politely declines, "Thanks Pey, but I'm sure I reek.  I was outside most of the day at the dealership and I haven't showered yet."

Nevertheless, Peyton goes in for an embrace.  "Don't be silly.  You ain't stinky, you're my brother," he cracks.  During the tight squeeze his nose catches a whiff of Paul's macho cologne mixed with the sweet smell of underarm spice.  Shockingly, the aroma is all too, too familiar.  It's exactly like the scent on the dress shirt he caught Paco fooling around with earlier in Petra & Paul's bedroom.  He thought the arousing odor of the garment was all Paco's, turns out it was mostly Paul's!

Because of what the horny rascal secretly did with the shirt after Paco discarded it and left, Peyton decides it's best not to think about it right now and quickly stops hugging his big brother then leaves.

As Paul shuts and relocks the door, his cell phone starts ringing again.  He goes to check the caller ID and sees that Paco is trying to get a hold of him once more.  As much as they need to talk, Paul is too scared and embarrassed right now to speak with his attractive brother-in-law.  So the lonely man sadly lets the call go to voice mail.  ---  He stands over the phone and begins to weep.

On the other end of the telephone, Paco gets frustrated and hangs up rather than leave a message.  He starts to compose a heartfelt text, but deletes it; deciding they should talk instead.  Although discussing matters in person would be best, he figures Paul is too ashamed and would rather ignore what occurred online and what has been developing between the two.  However, Paco simply can't forget.

He enjoyed all those times they romantically flirted in the chatroom!  Paul was his ever so passionate "Pascal" and Paco was his "Pretty One".  Oh the fun they had as he erotically posed for the camera and played with his own pits, as his generous, secret admirer gave directions.  Plus, how thrilling it was to see his brother-in-law's bare chest for the first time, and of course, those intense hugs in his sister's living room with a shirtless Paul.  How could he ever forget that chiseled hairy chest, those firm muscles, that strong back, the aroma of his woodsy cologne, the guy's manly musk and the scent of his succulent, sweaty pits.  

Yet, what he treasures most are the weeks and weeks of private chats, as both men took time to bare their souls to one another over the Internet.  He's never talked like that to a guy before or been made to feel so special.  Most men pay more attention to his outward appearance, but "Pascal" mostly wanted to get to know his heart.  ---  Paco's never been in love, but this is the closest he's ever come.

The young man is torn.  Why oh why, did his secret admirer have to be his sister's husband?  But if Paul is gay, he shouldn't be with Petra, should he?  Petra deserves to be happy, but shouldn't Paul also?  The whole situation is so complicated.  Oh, how he longs to talk to his cherished confidant, PassionatePascal.

Well, since his brother-in-law refuses to accept his phone calls, Paco figures the best way to force him to communicate is to confront Paul, face to face --- at the big surprise party.


All photos for this blog entry were found online.  Featured as my "fantasy cast" for this particular storyline are (pictured below, left to right) Marlon Teixeira as Paco, Flo Mulot as Paul and Matthieu Charneau as Peyton.

Interested in more naughty, underarm drama?  Simply click on the following yellow links to read related soapy stories:


PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#2)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#5)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#8)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#11)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#3)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#6) 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#9)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#12)

Want further info on Pits-Burg's only gay bar?  Then click on the yellow link to check out my poem: The Hairy Hollow Bar: A Fantasy Poem . 

For a convenient way to follow all the stories click "Follow" at my Google Collection entitled PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera .

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page .

Feel free to leave a comment below and share you own pit memory or fantasy.  Plus, don't forget to press the "Follow" button to keep up with my latest posts.

NOTE: PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera is entirely a work of fiction.  Any similarity to any persons (living or deceased) is strictly coincidental, and no identification of any kind with any such person is intended or implied.

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