Sunday, January 28, 2024

Page 391 - Finding the Perfect, Late-Night Pit Pic

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!  The following story is true.

It's 1:16 AM on a weekend, I'm horny as heck, and desperately searching online for an armpit,... or rather, a special picture of a man's pit that will get me "bursting with excitement" before I go to bed.

I explore all my usual social media sites for a fresh pit.  I check out Instagram, Facebook, MastodonX (formerly Twitter), Tumblr, and the fairly new platform, Threads.

FYI, Threads is an alternative to Twitter, but not as naughty. 👼

It's on Threads that I spot the guy!  Not just any guy, but THEE guy!  He's gorgeous!

I don't recall ever seeing him before.  The stranger is beautifully built, dark hair, bearded, oh-so confident, plus his face could launch a thousand wet dreams!  He ticks every one of my boxes tonight,... except for one: his pits are shaved!  ---  NOOOOOOO!!!!!

Don't misunderstand friends, I love all men's underarms, but right now I seriously need a hairy pitter for the job at hand!  But goodness, this guy is too hot to pass over!

I search through his feed to see if maybe I can find a photo that shows him sprouting lots of armpit hair.  Even if it's a much older post and his body appears not as muscular as in recent snapshots.  Blimey, I'd even accept a photo of him without the sexy beard!

The guy is a proud fitness buff, therefore there are several pictures of the handsome hunk flexing!  But still, little to no hair in the shared images.

I scroll and scroll, again and again!  Wow, he is too-too much,... but his armpits just aren't enough!

Even his sexy posturing can't do the trick for me tonight.  I blame the missing pit pelt!

In the past, I have,... shall we say, "strangled the cyclops" to many a man's shaven or even baby smooth armpits.  (Really, I have!)  But tonight, the one-eyed monster has a specific craving!

"Me want a hairy pitter!!!"

Pit shot, after pit shot, the Adonis is absolutely lovely to look at, but I can find the right photo.

Most days I'd be going gaga over the dude, but dang it, I need some fur in those underarms right now!  Lots and lots of pit fur, or I'll,... I'll,... I'll cry,... I'll scream,... I'll pass out!!!  That's what it feels like!  ---  I know I'm probably being over dramatic, due to my lack of sleep and recent lack of sex.

All over the World Wide Web, there are currently billions of other armpit selfies, by billions of other hot men, that I'm sure I could easily find with a simple click or two.  But, my heart refuses to exit my new man-crush's page.

Suddenly, the thought hits me, "Enrique, he's offering his armpit to the viewer, to armpit lovers everywhere!  That mean's he's offering his pit to you!  Don't refuse him, Enrique.  Give him what he wants.  Give him your attention."

Wowzah, that changes everything!  There's an immediate shift in my thinking! 😈

I quickly grab a nearby sock, scroll the page a bit more, and find the perfect photo of the model to satisfy Mister Cyclops!  ---  Ahhhhhh,...sweet release, at last!

Some minutes afterwards, I notice an Instagram link at the top of his Threads page, by his bio.  ---  How did I miss that?  ---  Out of curiosity, I click on it and visit the other, more popular platform.  The guy's Insta feed is packed with lots of content!  There, are several "new to me" pit pics as well as older photographs of him flexing, including a few from last year where he displays his hairy hollows!

I quickly press the follow button and saved a few shots as favorites to definitely use another night. 😁

Well, Pit Pals, I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my psyche.  I wrote the whole ordeal down so that you might get to know be better, and realize you aren't the only one with wild thoughts about men and their underarms.  However, please, oh please don't think me insane,... maybe just crazy for pits! 😍👃👅😈

Want to view more photos of the object of my late-night obsession, minus the brush strokes?  Then, follow fitness trainer Harshman Arora on his social media platforms:



[The photos and clipart collected for this blog entry were all found online.  Brush strokes were added to cover the Harshman's face solely for artistic and dramatic effect.]

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch! 

"Me want more pitters!!!  More, more!!!"

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, or buy me a coffee, visit my all-in-one link page on Willow@enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Just click on the yellow link.

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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Page 390 - "Dear Hot Guys of the World,..."

Based on true events.

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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Page 389 - Armpit Advice for the New Year, Created by ChatGPT

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!  Well, it's a new year and many of us have been contemplating ways to improve our lives over the course of these next 12 months.

While most folks are aiming for higher paying jobs or improving their health, I naturally am focused on bettering my pits!

As you might imagine, I have many questions on how to achieve some of my personal armpit goals, but I don't have people in my social circle who are comfortable talking about underarms.  So, I decided to do what most folks are doing nowadays, and asked my ol' pal, ChatGPT, for advice.

The highly advanced chatbot was developed by OpenAI, and "trained on a diverse range of internet text and can generate human-like responses to text prompts."

(REMINDER: The following advice is strictly for entertainment purposes.  Please, make sure to do proper research and/or speak to a professional before applying the following suggestions to your life's routine.)

Now, let's check out my conversation with the popular Artificial Intelligence app:

Hey, Chat!  Happy New Year!  Please refer to me as Enrique.

Happy New Year, Enrique! 🎉 Wishing you a year filled with joy, success, and fulfillment.  How can I help you as you start this new year?

I want to make some personal improvements in my life this year.  May I ask you for some advice?

Of course, Enrique!  I'd be happy to help.  What specific personal improvements are you considering, and how can I assist you in achieving your goals for the year?

What can I do to make my armpit hair appear thicker?

If you're looking to give the appearance of thicker armpit hair, there are a few things you can consider:

Sometimes, the way you groom your armpit hair can affect its appearance. Trim the hair regularly to keep it neat and well-maintained. This can create the illusion of thicker hair.

Your overall health can impact the condition of your hair. Eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and getting regular exercise can contribute to the overall health of your hair.

There are styling products specifically designed to add volume and thickness to hair. While these are more commonly associated with head hair, you might find certain products can also add texture to armpit hair.  You can use hair products such as volumizing or thickening mousse to add some texture and lift to your armpit hair.  Apply a small amount and comb through to distribute evenly.

If you're concerned about your hair or if you're experiencing unusual changes, it's advisable to consult with a dermatologist. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation.

Hair growth varies from person to person.  Sometimes, hair thickness can be a matter of genetics and age. As you age, your hair may naturally change in texture and thickness. Additionally, some people find that their hair thickens over time.  If you're trying to grow thicker armpit hair naturally, it may take time. Be patient and give it the opportunity to grow.

Remember that everyone's body is different, and individual factors such as genetics play a significant role in the thickness and growth rate of hair. It's essential to embrace your natural attributes and not feel pressured to conform to any specific standards of beauty. If you have specific concerns about your hair or appearance, consider consulting with a dermatologist or healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Next question.  What exercises can I do to make the hollows of my underarms deeper and more defined?

The "hollows" of the underarms generally refer to the area between the biceps and triceps muscles. To enhance the definition and depth of this region, you'll want to focus on exercises that target both the biceps and triceps while also reducing overall body fat to reveal more muscle definition.

Here are some exercises you can incorporate into your routine:

Find parallel bars or use the edge of a sturdy bench or chair.  Lower your body by bending your elbows until they are at a 90-degree angle.  Push yourself back up to the starting position.

Traditional push-ups engage the triceps and can help define the underarm area.  Keep your body in a straight line and lower yourself by bending your elbows.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and hinge at the hips, keeping your back straight.
Extend your arms behind you, engaging your triceps, and then return to the starting position.

Lie on a bench and grip the barbell with your hands closer together than shoulder-width.  Lower the barbell to your chest and push it back up.

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).
Curl the weights towards your shoulders, engaging the biceps.

Use dumbbells or a barbell to perform standard bicep curls, focusing on controlled movements.

Engage in cardiovascular activities like running, cycling, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to help reduce overall body fat.

Ensure you are following a balanced diet with a caloric deficit if your goal is fat loss. This will help reveal the muscle definition in your arms.

Remember to include these exercises in a well-rounded workout routine that targets various muscle groups and incorporates both strength training and cardiovascular exercises. Additionally, consult with a fitness professional or healthcare provider to ensure these exercises are suitable for your fitness level and any specific health considerations you may have.

May I ask another question?

Absolutely! Feel free to ask any questions you have, and I'll do my best to help. What would you like to know?

When I go on a date with a guy, I do not want to use typical underarm antiperspirants or deodorants in case he wants to lick my armpit.  Are there any home remedies that are safe to consume which I can use on my pits to help keep them smelling nice and inoffensive?

While I understand your inquiry, it's important to note that using edible substances on your armpits may not be a practical or effective solution for managing body odor. The skin in the armpit area is sensitive, and some food items may not provide sufficient odor control, potentially leading to skin irritation or discomfort.

If you're looking for natural alternatives, you might consider the following options:

Lemon juice has natural antibacterial properties and a fresh scent. You can apply a small amount to your armpits, but be mindful of any irritation.

Some people use a small amount of baking soda as a natural deodorant. It can help neutralize odors, but be cautious, as it might cause irritation in some individuals.

Some people use coconut oil as a natural deodorant. It has antimicrobial properties and can be applied to the armpits for a mild deodorizing effect.  However, its effectiveness can vary from person to person.

Certain essential oils like lavender, tea tree, or eucalyptus have natural antibacterial properties and pleasant scents. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil like coconut oil and apply sparingly.

It's important to remember that these alternatives may not provide the same level of effectiveness as commercial deodorants, especially during strenuous activities or in warm weather. Additionally, individual reactions to these natural remedies vary, so it's recommended to patch-test on a small area of skin first to check for any adverse effects.

Always be cautious when using substances on your skin that are not specifically intended for skincare purposes, as they may lead to adverse reactions. If you have any concerns or specific skin conditions, it's advisable to consult with a dermatologist for personalized advice.

I have another armpit question.  Is that okay?

Of course! Feel free to ask any questions you have, and I'll do my best to help. What's your next armpit-related question?

What is the best way to strip off  underarm deodorant and antiperspirant chemicals from my armpits when I shower?

Removing deodorant and antiperspirant residue from your armpits during a shower can be done effectively with a few simple steps. Here's a guide on the best way to clean your underarms:

A.) Use Warm Water
Start by wetting your armpits with warm water. Warm water helps to open up the pores and makes it easier to remove any product buildup.

B.) Use a Mild Soap or Cleanser
Apply a mild soap or gentle cleanser to your armpits. Make sure it is suitable for sensitive skin to avoid irritation. Gently lather the soap and spread it across your underarms.

C.) Scrub with a Washcloth or Exfoliating Tool
To help remove residue, use a soft washcloth or a gentle exfoliating tool. Gently scrub your armpits in a circular motion. Be careful not to scrub too hard, as the skin in the underarm area is sensitive.

D.) Allow the Cleanser to Sit
If your cleanser is safe for leaving on the skin for a short time, consider letting it sit on your armpits for a minute before rinsing. This can help break down any stubborn residue.

E.) Rinse Thoroughly
Rinse your armpits thoroughly with warm water to remove all traces of the soap or cleanser.

F.) Pat Dry
After rinsing, pat your armpits dry with a clean towel. Avoid rubbing too vigorously, as this can irritate the skin.

If you find that regular soap and water are not sufficient, you can also try natural remedies like a baking soda paste or a mixture of lemon juice and water. However, be cautious with these alternatives, as they can be abrasive or cause irritation in some individuals.

It's important to note that frequent use of exfoliating products or harsh cleansers may irritate the skin, so it's advisable to strike a balance and not overdo the cleansing process. Additionally, if you experience persistent irritation or discomfort, it's a good idea to consult with a dermatologist for personalized advice.

Hey, thanks!  Your advice is very much appreciated.  I bet you don't get too many armpit questions.

You're welcome!  I'm here to help with any questions you have, whether they're about personal improvements, skincare, or any other topic.  While armpit-related questions aren't the most common, I'm here to assist with anything you need.  If you have more questions or if there's anything else I can help you with, feel free to ask!

Will do!  Good night, Chat-ster!  Pleasant pit dreams to you!

Good night! Thank you for the warm wishes. May you have sweet dreams and a restful night.  Take care! 😊🌙

* * * * * * * * *

Well Pit Pals, I hope you enjoyed this fascinating armpit chat with ChatGPT. I know I'll never look at lemons and coconuts the same way again!

Please contact me and let me know if you have any armpit goals for the new year. 😘

* * * * * * * * *

Hey, lovers of underarms and tech!  Curious to read my other blog posts that were created with the help of some form of Artificial Intelligence?  Then, simply click on the yellow links to visit the following pages:

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The Robot Thinker
(Inspired by Auguste Rodin)

[NOTE: Photos of the all the shirtless hotties were downloaded from my paid subscription to Dreamstime, a royalty-free, stock image provider.  I assembled the cartoon of the robot at Lucy's Physiatrist Booth using the PowerPoint app and clipart images found online.

The realistic images of the shirtless guy with the ribbon reminder, the human hands and robot hands typing on the keyboards, plus the robot featured on the cover photo, as well as The Robot Thinker, were created by yours truly, using the Artificial Intelligence app DALL-E.]

* * * * * * * * *

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!

Hanging on the wall is the Armpit Fetish Flag.

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, or buy me a coffee, visit my all-in-one hyperlink site on Willow@enriquehenry100 .  ---  Just click on the yellow link.

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