Greetings, fellow armpit lovers! At the time of this writing, it is yet again way, way, waaay past my bedtime. And why is that? Because as usual, my mind is wandering. And what am I thinking about? Men's underarms, of course.
And as I ponder about pits, my mind reflects on my past and the strange fantasies I use to have as a youngster. Please, allow me to share some private, innermost thoughts from my early years.
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Okay, let's go back in time!When I was a closeted, gay teen (many, many years ago) I had very strange, sexual armpit daydreams. This was before I purchased my first porno magazine and before my folks got cable.
As most of you know, I led a very sheltered life, in a very conservative religious home. Despite my efforts to deny my attraction to dudes, my daydreams were very homoerotic, rather risquรฉ, and incredibly inappropriate for someone my age at the time.
Most of my intimate imaginings consisted of attractive, well built, straight fellas forcing me to "be gay".
"Come closer, Enrique!"
"Keep your voice down, Enrique."
"Touch me here, Enrique."
"Take a sniff, Enrique."
"Kiss me there, Enrique."
"Open your mouth, Enrique."
"Don't stop, Enrique."
The guys in those fantasies ranged from different ages and backgrounds. Some of the characters that fueled my fantasies were:
Made up famous rich business tycoons, real-life sexy male celebrities,...
...sleazy strangers, ex-convicts,...
...and even a few of the popular bad boys at school.
All the guys were super hot and of course, super horny for me!
Okay, here's the weird stuff.
Most of the "plots" in these flights of fancy, involved me being offered money in exchange for indecent favors. But, goody-goody me, ALWAYS had a righteous reason to accept. Usually, because my folks needed the cash to buy food or pay the mortgage. --- I know, I know,... VERY DISTURBING! But, in my mind, if my family desperately needed the money, I had no choice but to accept the various indecent proposals.
And so, each time, I willingly gave into the men's homosexual-like demands. Demands such as kissing them, hugging with our shirts off, smelling and licking their smelly armpits, performing lewd acts, or letting them have their way with me. I happily complied, all the while denying my obvious gayness.
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BRIAN BUZZINI: PLAYGIRL MALE MODEL --- A younger me fantasized, "Hmmm, might he give me what I need, if I do what he wants? I'm willing to find out!" |
Looking back at my youth, I blame my uptight, super-conservative upbringing for those over-the-top, kinky contemplations. --- Or it could also have been the bad influence of my older cousin, Sam. Guess I'll never know for certain.
Nevertheless, in my daydreams, whenever I'd get caught by my parents, I'd say in my defense,
YOUNG ME (Panicking):
"But mom and dad, don't you see?
It wasn't my preference to do those things,... honest!"
"I'm not gay, just 'gay for pay'. There's a difference!"
"Sure, I licked the hairy armpits
of that handsome millionaire,
but I did it to help our family survive!"
"Please, oh please, don't be upset!"
"It only happened once,... okay twice!"
Naturally, my parents would be understanding and respond,
MOM & DAD (Wiping Away Tears):
"Oh well Enrique, you had
a noble reason for doing those kinky deeds
with that handsome millionaire."
"As long as you did it for La Familia!"
"How wonderful that we can finally eat a good meal
and pay the mortgage on our humble home."
Plus, for good measure, a bit of farfetched fantasy might be added to the ending,
MOM & DAD (Embracing Me):
"Son, be assured that we both still love you
and won't ever reject you."
"Don't worry, you may still attend
the upcoming family reunion."
Well, now that I am all grown up, I have fully embraced my gayness! (My family not so much.) I'm out and proud, plus, I've been together with my hubby, Grant, for several years.
Alas, my sweetie is not into armpit passion, so I still have various, racy underarm reveries,... especially late at night.
Strangely, sometimes I imagine Grant finding out about my inappropriate hookups.
The script goes something like this:
ME (Panicking):
"Wait, wait, don't be upset, Hon! It's not what you think!
Really! It wasn't up to me Sweetie, honest!"
"I just had to make passionate love to the armpits
of that hairy, handsome, hunky, foreign government spy,
posing as a dashing male model! I just had to!"
"Sweetie, don't you understand? The fate of the entire
United States, and democracy as we know it, was at stake!
So please don't be upset, Pookie!"
"My tongue was basically performing
an act of patriotism on his pits!"
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JOSH WALD: MALE MODEL --- Present day me dreams, "Hmmm, could he be a hairy, handsome, hunky, foreign government spy? I'm willing to find out!" |
Naturally, my long-suffering, but understanding, hubby responds,
GRANT (Wiping Away Tears):
"Oh well Dearest, if you had to, you had to!"
"Certainly I will understand if you have to go on
another hush-hush, undercover, underarm assignment
this coming weekend. Afterall, it's for our country."
"Enrique, be assured, I still love you,
and won't ever reject you."
Wow, such a kind, understanding husband!
Then, for good measure, a bit of cold reality might be added to the end of the dream,
"Oh, by the way Enrique, I noticed that your parents
posted pictures on Facebook of the recent family reunion.
Surprise, surprise, once again, we weren't invited."
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Well, Pit Pals, I hope you enjoyed this little kinky confessional. It's super late, so I better get back to bed. Mind you, I don't know if I can get any sleep. I'm much too stimulated.
Maybe I can amuse myself by musing about "alleged foreign government spy" Josh Wald. I'll have him take off his shirt to prove he's not wearing a hidden recording device. Of course, his armpits will need to be checked, to make sure he's not concealing high-tech nanobots within those dark bushes.
He'll say something like this:
JOSH (Surrendering):
"Well, Agent Enrique, since you don't believe
my pits are free of microscopically small robots,
have your trained sniffer dogs take a thorough whiff."
ME (Grinning):
"Or better yet, Agent Wald, ...
I have a more practical way of
searching those hairy hollows of yours!" ๐
[NOTE: The images collected for the collages featured in this blog entry, plus the gif, were all found online, including the photos of models Brian Buzzini and Josh Wald.
However, the pictures of the shirtless guy used to represent me, as well as those of the "hush-hush" men, were downloaded from my paid subscriptions to Dreamstime and Adobe Stock, both royalty-free, stock image providers.]
To read more pit related, true confessions about me and my older cousin, Sam, click on the following links:
Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch.
Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . --- Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.
Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, visit my all-in-one link page on Willow: @enriquehenry100 .
NOTE: Just click on the yellow link.
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