Saturday, September 8, 2018

Page 136 - A Freaky Friday, Armpit Poem

Hey guy!  How are ya?  So glad you're reading this!  The other evening, I was wondering what would happen if you (yes you, the guy checking out my post) and I traded places, you know, like in that movie FREAKY FRIDAY.  In fact, the thought inspired me to write a little poem about it.  Hope you enjoy:

Last night we both ordered some takeout Chinese,
Our two fortune cookies no doubt were bewitched.
Today we woke up to a crazy surprise
For both of bodies have magically switched!

When you touch me now, it's like you touching you,
When I touch you, wow, it's like me touching me!
You're you, but you're me, and I'm me, but I'm you
It's freakin' amazing and kinda kinky.

That smell on your body, I know it, it's me,
That horny, musk fragrance, familiar yet new.
My morning breath stink, coming out from your mouth,
Now come closer and get a good whiff of you.

Dude, don't be so shy, see, this body is yours.
Have fun with my nostrils, be savage, don't tease.
That's it, don't hold back, be curious, be bold,
Just stick my nose in there, wherever you please.

I'm loving your body, it's manly, and strong,
It feels like I'm wearing a muscular coat.
With curious hands, I touch every warm inch,
I peek in your undies and begin to gloat.

Now, pucker on up and give your lips a kiss,
Let's do some French kissing and swap spit for brunch.
Hey, let's have some fun, we'll not tell a soul,
Come show me my armpit, I'll give it a munch.

Dang, I taste so fine, so pungent, yet sweet,
Now how 'bout you sample yours right over here?
Boy, that was so wild, I bet you taste great!
Now, leave a pit hickey as a souvenir.

Oh man, what a day!  What a freaky Friday!
A naughty day, thanks to a weird ancient hex.
We took off from work, and stayed in instead,
To pleasure our bodies and have armpit sex.

---  Just a little ditty I wrote inspired by the movie and musical FREAKY FRIDAY, plus it's based on daydreams I've had about few of my favorite readers.  If you're thinking it's you, well, you're probably right.  Oh, and please "+1" this blog entry if you'd like to switch someday.

(Photos used for the collages featured in this blog entry were all found online.)

Want to read some additional armpit inspired poetry I've written?  Check out: Armpit Poetry .  Simply click on the yellow link.

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page .

Feel free to leave a comment below and share you own pit memory or fantasy.  Plus, don't forget to press the "Follow" button to keep up with my latest posts.

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