Friday, October 21, 2022

Page 306 - ARMPIT SNAPSHOT #13: " 'Cause My Pits Are Awesome, Bro!"

ME: Dude, I'm trying to take a regular vacation selfie of the two of us to post on Instagram.  Why are you always raising your arm to show off in photos?"

JEFF: 'Cause my pits are awesome, bro!

ME: Seriously dude, cut it out!  What makes you think anyone wants a peek at those smelly things?   

JEFF: 'Cause my pits are awesome, bro!

ME: Dude, you just come across looking conceited!  Why are you so full of yourself?

JEFF: 'Cause my pits are awesome, bro!

ME: Come on dude, for once let's just try taking a normal photo.  Ready in one, two,...!
What the...?  ---  Really?  Really Jeff?  Man, you gotta stop it!  Why do you keep photo bombing every single shot with your nasty armpits? 

JEFF: 'Cause my pits are awesome, bro!

ME: Dude, I don't get it.  You gotta stop advertising that weird, kinky junk!  No girl is gonna wanna look at that hairy jungle under your arm, much less get her face in there!  So, why do you insist on exposing your pitters!?

JEFF: 'Cause my pits are awesome, bro!

ME: Now, hold on!  Wait a minute, wait a minute!  ---  Dude, are you peacocking for my Insta followers, or purposely posing that way, to irritate me?  I don't get it!  I just don't get it!  ---  Are you trying to fill up my phone with pictures of your disgusting underarms?  Unfortunately, there are hundreds and hundreds of them already stored in my cellphone!  I'm way too embarrassed to ever post them.  Give me one reason, just one reason, why I shouldn't delete them all?

JEFF: 'Cause my pits are awesome, bro!

ME: Geez, I don't care how long we've known each other, I really don't know why I should remain best friends with a guy who constantly, constantly teases and torments me with his armpits?

JEFF: 'Cause my pits are awesome, bro!

ME: Oh, I doubt it, dude!  I seriously doubt it!  You know, I'm tired of your endless boasting!  Now, I'm no gay guy, but hey, I'm certainly open minded enough to judge whether another man's pits are awesome or not!  So go ahead, Jeff!  Stick that sweaty, shaggy, mess in my face, dude!  Stick it in my face so I can tell you how gross it really is, and maybe finally shut you up, once and for all, damn it!

ME: Oh, wow!  Oh, wow, dude!  That deep, warm crater, that masculine smell, that wet fur on my face!  You're so right, dude, you're so right!  Your pits ARE awesome, bro!  ----  Aw, man!  Aw, man!  Right now you're making me question a lot of things!  I,... I don't get it, I just don't get it!  Dude, why am I suddenly so horny!?  Why do I have these strange, curious feelings about you?  Why am I so dazed and confused!?

JEFF: 'Cause my pits are awesome, bro!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!  I hope you enjoyed this 13th installment of my ARMPIT SNAPSHOT series.  It's a peek into my imagination.  You see, every time I find an online photo of two sexy men, and at least one guy is showing an armpit, my mind wanders and usually conceives some kinky fantasy!  So, each installment is kind of like me taking a "screen capture" of my naughty daydream! 😍

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main online platforms:

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Also connect with me through 1 of my 3 social media sites...
Twitter @enriquehenry100 ,
and now Tumblr @enriquehenry100!

NOTE: Just click on the yellow links.

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