Saturday, March 31, 2018

Page 90 - Yes You Can Help Me, I'm Looking for Armpit Shampoo

So, I'd love to share with you a very sexy story of a conversation I had recently with a hot, male sales clerk at the beauty supply store.

[It was a lazy, weekday afternoon when I walked into the tiny shop.  Turns out I was the only client and there was only one clerk on duty, a very handsome, bespectacled young man.  ---  You all know how I love a lad who wears glasses.]

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Good afternoon sir.  My name is Conner.  May I help you?

ME:  Yes you can help me, I'm looking for armpit shampoo.


ME:  You see, years ago I use to use 3 different styling products on the hair on top of my head to give it a cool Elvis Presley-like pompadour look.  Back then my stylist recommended a "stripping shampoo" (also known as a "clarifying shampoo") to rid my hair of product residue, buildup, gunk and chemicals. I use to use it once a week and it worked great. 


ME:   Nowadays, I don't use lots of product on the hair of my head, but I'm letting the hair under my arms grow out and I'd like to start using a "stripping shampoo" on my shaggy pits every now and then to leave them free from deodorant toxins and tastes.

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Pardon me,  did you say tastes?

ME:  Yes, tastes.  I'm a little shy telling you this, Conner, but I rather enjoy having men lick my armpit hair.  However, I don't want the guys to taste chemicals.  I'd rather they get a taste of something more mouthwatering, like a minty flavor or my natural body odor.

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Oh really!?  I never thought of it before, but I can see how licking antiperspirant off of a man's hairy pit can be a real turnoff.

ME:  So, do you think you can direct me to a good "stripping shampoo" for my pitters?

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Well sir, let me show you what I personally use.

[He walked me to the middle of the shop and we stopped at a display shelf full of bright, white bottles.]
Actual Product

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  This is a very popular "clarifying shampoo".  It's called Tea Tree Oil Shampoo and it has a really nice lavender, peppermint scent to it.  I sell this one quite a bit.

ME:  And you say you use this shampoo yourself?

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Yes I do, but aaaaa, only on the hair on my head.  I've never tried it anywhere else on my body.

[He handed the bottle to me and I began to read the warning label on the back.]

ME:   Hmmm, here's something strange.  Did you know it says on the warning not to use this shampoo near any orifice on your body?

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Wow, that IS strange.  I never paid attention to the warning label before.

ME:   I guess the peppermint might be too spicy for such sensitive areas.

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Ha, no doubt you're right, sir.

ME:  So Conner, mind if I open the bottle to take a whiff.  After all, I don't want my pits to be too spicy, at least not candy spicy, if you know what I mean.

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Aaaaaa, I kinda think I do.  Go right ahead and take a really good whiff, sir.

[I opened the bottle lid to inhale the scent.]

ME:  Whoa, that smells sexy!  Do you like the way it smells on you, Conner?

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Why yes, I certainly do.  And if I might add, I've had no complaints.

ME:  Oh really!?  Well, in that case, I'm thinking I might take a large bottle.

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Oh wonderful, sir!

ME:  But first, do you have a restroom here for customers?

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Why yes we do.  You'll find it at the far back of the shop.

ME:  Well, since there's no one else in the shop but us, do you mind if I step into your restroom and shampoo my pits a bit in your sink?  I'd like to test the product out before I make my purchase.  You know, in case the scent is not quite right with my body's chemistry.

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  Oh,... aaaaa,... well, I'm not quite sure.

ME:  I tell you what Conner.  If you let me test the shampoo on my underarms, I'll gladly let you give me your opinion on how it smells and tastes on me.  And, if you like it, I'll buy 2 of those large expensive bottles!  Whadda ya say Conner?  That seems fair, doesn't it?

HANDSOME SALES CLERK:  [He smiled.]  Well sir, we were told in our training class that the customer is ALWAYS right.

---  Boy, what a hot scene, right!!!???  Well, as I mentioned earlierI'd love to share with you a very sexy story of a conversation I had  recently with a hot, male sales clerk at the beauty supply store.  I'd love to, however I can't, because sadly the lone shop clerk was a woman, not a guy.  And because she was a woman, I didn't go into the naughty details.  I just asked for a "stripping shampoo" and she sold it to me.  ---  (Sigh!)  Oh well, I can always fantasize about what might happen the next time I go into that store and there happens to be a good-looking, bespectacled man behind the counter, can't I?

(All photos for this post were found online.  In case you were wondering, that's hunky male model Ryan Ball whom I've cast as naughty me in my fantasy.  ---  Oh, and by the way, the Tea Tree Oil Shampoo truly, actually works great on my pits!  Tongue tested, armpit lover approved!!!)

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment .

Let's stay in touch!  Follow me on Twitter @enriquehenry100 or on Facebook at Enrique Henry .  Click on the links to get you to those pages.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Page 89 - My Pit Picks for March 2018

My Pit Picks for the Month

Greetings fellow armpit lovers!  If you've read my blog posting (Page 74 - My "Sock It To Me" Guys) you know all about my "Sock It To Me" list and the secret origin of the title.  Well, the list continues to grow.

I always like to reflect on my choices for the month.  March's group members were a nice mix of hirsute hunks and smooth gents.  I'm convinced that I don't prefer just one type.  I really enjoy a sexy, smorgasbord of pits.

Here are the hot guy photos that kept my interest for March 2018.  Included are names if known and a brief description of what appealed to me about their mouthwatering underarms.

James Alejandro: Unmistakably  Manly Pits

Levi Jackson: Jaw-Dropping, Tongue Attracting Pits

George Elliott: Seductive Pits

Nicholas Spalding: Ready for Butterfly Kisses Pits

Killian Belliard: Snuggle with Your Nose Pits

Anonymous: Ready for Wild Horseplay Pits

Caspar Oechsler: Ready for a Good Hickey Pits

Artyom Dubovik: Dapper Dude Pits

Shayne Cureton: Made to Nibble Pits

So fellow armpit lovers, do we share some of the same taste in men's underarms?  Please, let me know if anyone on this list ends up keeping you "company" on a long and lonely night.

Click on the following yellow links to view my previous lists of hotties: My Pit Picks for January 2018 and My Pit Picks for February 2018 .

For my current and ever growing "Sock It To Me" list of men visit my Pinterest board @ "Sock It To Me" Guys .  

(All photos for collage and individual pics found online.)

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment .

Feel free to leave a comment below and share your own pit memory or fantasy.  Plus, don't forget to press the Follow button to keep up with my latest posts.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Page 88 - The Little Black Tank: A Poem

Cocktail Party Attire

If you're going to a party,
Whether casual or real swank,
Keep your shirt choice very simple,
Wear a cool, little, black tank.

Every lady in her closet

Has a basic LBD. 
We men too need fashion staples,
That are timeless and sexy.

Just a tight, little, black tank-top
Versatile and always chic,
Worn in public makes folks notice,
Makes the gay boys' knees go weak.

Nice with khakis, woolen trousers
Or a pair of skin-tight jeans;
Fits a young guy, fits a daddy,
Or a hunky man of means.

Show your forearms?  Show your muscles?
Certainly, why yes you may!
But the one thing I insist on:
Keep those armpits on display.

Throw away your itchy polos,
Toss your tux shirts in the can.
Every gay guy at a party
Loves to see a tank-topped man.

---  Just a little ditty I wrote after pondering why it is women can wear a LBD (Little Black Dress) to just about any event while the choices for men aren't so simple.  That and also because I'd love to see more exposed armpits at parties.

(All photos found online.)

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment .

Feel free to leave a comment below and share you own pit memory or fantasy.  Plus, don't forget to press the Follow button to keep up with my latest posts.

Page 87 - Behind the Scenes of PITS-BURG's "Clip" & The Basketball Team

Fantasy Casting Fun

One thing I love almost as much as men's underarms is a fun soap opera.  Right now I'm working on 3 ongoing, connected armpit soap storylines: the lustful novela of PACO & HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW, PAUL the steamy story of TWINS DAVID & DARIO, plus the mysterious tale of "CLIP" & THE BASKETBALL TEAM.  You'll find these stories posted regularly on this blog.

I enjoy reading the magazine SOAP OPERA DIGEST to learn behind the scene tidbits of my favorite shows.  So I thought it might be interesting to share a little insight into my sexy, soapy pit drama and its quirky inspirations.  In this particular posting I want to cover the basketball story.

NOTE: You may first want to read PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#3) and  PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#6) to catch up with this storyline.  Simply click on the yellow links.

The idea for "CLIP" & THE BASKETBALL TEAM came from a couple of things:

My boyfriend in high school use to talk about wanting to be cremated when he died and have his ashes mixed with potting soil and placed in a flower pot.  Kind of macabre, but romantic to me at the time. 

Another bit of inspiration was mentioned as a post script to the armpit poem I wrote: Pit Hair In A Box .  In it I shared that  "when I was younger I clipped some of my armpit hair, chest hair and pubic hair and put each clump into 3 separate Ziploc sandwich bags.  I planned on giving the bags to a guy I was dating as a token of my sincere affection.  Believe it or not, I honestly thought it was a sexy idea, however I chickened out at the last minute and never gave him the bags."

Lastly, I think the game of basketball is a visually, sexy sport.  Not only are legs exposed but the uniform tops freely display muscular arms and pits to the public eye.  These loose fitting jerseys give a great, accessible view of underarms when the players reach up for balls or shoot baskets.  ---  When they shoot, armpit lovers score!

I have sooooo much fun fantasy casting for PITS-BURG: AN ARMPIT SOAP OPERA.  The guys I ultimately select need to have several shirtless armpit photos available online.  All except for the role of "Clip".

While searching online for pics of a man trimming underarm hair I found the above photo of a cute, young fellow holding an electric razor.  I instantly thought, "Hmmmm, this guy would be perfect for the role of Clip, the teams' armpit hair barber.  I especially like the mischievous look in his eyes.

Style Guru Robin James
Well, I didn't find out until months later that the guy's name is Robin James.  He's host of a popular YouTube channel focused on men's style and grooming.  And what a coincidence, (I kid you not) one of his episodes is about trimming men's armpits!  To watch that particular episode entitled "6 Manscaping Tips Every Man Should Know" just click on video below:

Also check out his website at: Man for Himself .  ---  Simply click on the yellow link.

Actor Johnny Depp
Broadway musical buffs might have guessed that Clifford's last name (Sweeney) is a reference to the hit show SWEENEY TODD.  The demon barber was portrayed by the smokin' hot actor Johnny Depp in the movie adaptation of the stage musical.

Actor/Model Nathan Owens
Basketball player and Clip's childhood crush, Theo Duncan, was easy to cast for my imaginary soap.  One of my favorite armpit pose photos is by actor/model Nathan Owens (see the perfect, raised arm pose in the above collage).  I just knew his fresh, "guy next door" type look would be a perfect contrast for Clifford's naughty boy character.  To see Nathan and his fellow DAYS OF OUR LIVES soap opera cast mates do a fun striptease click: Men of Days Strip for Benefit .

Actor Rome Flynn
However, coming in as a close second for the role of Theo was soap opera actor Rome Flynn.  He's hot, hot, hot, however he has more of a bad-boy vibe in most of his shirtless pics.  In my opinion, Theo needed a little more "goody-goody" look.

Pro Basketball Player Tim Duncan
By the way, Theo's last name is Duncan, which is a wink to the basketball term "slam dunk" as well as a nod to legendary Spurs player, Tim Duncan.

Actor Gilles Marini
As for art gallery owner Gilles, I wanted a mature, artsy European type.  Sexy Frenchman Gilles Marini fit the bill perfectly.  The actor caught my attention on Season 8 of the American version of DANCING WITH THE STARS.  Check out his sizzling salsa dance with dance partner Cheryl Burke on YouTube at: Gilles and Cheryl Shake It .


Lastly, here's a sneak peek at the latest, hunky fantasy character to join the armpit soap.  He'll soon be interacting with Clip and the gang.  He's my male version of Alexis Carrington Colby from the 1980's primetime soap DYNASTY.

So there you have it, my first behind the scenes look at PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera.  What do you think?  I truly hope you're enjoying reading the stories as much as I'm enjoying writing them.

(All photos for this posting found online.)

Interested in more naughty, underarm drama?  Simply click on the following yellow links to read related soapy stories: 


PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#1) and  PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#4) .


PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#2) and PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#5).

Feel free to leave a comment below.  Plus, don't forget to press the Follow button to keep up with my latest posts.

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment .

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Page 86 - PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 6)

Clipping The Players' Armpit Hair Is His Job

So, I've been dreaming up a soap opera about guys with armpit fetishes who live in a small college town named Pits-Burg.  The town is known for its many craters created by a large meteor shower centuries ago.  Nowadays, the more popular craters are found under the arms of it's sexy, male population.

NOTE: You may first want to read PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#3) to catch up with this particular storyline.  Simply click on the link.

The story continues:

It's early Sunday morning inside the quiet, men's athletic building of the college.  Clip unzips his large backpack and takes out a key ring full of various sized keys.  He unlocks Coach Harrison's private office, located next to the basketball team's locker room and showers.  Once inside he opens a filing cabinet and pulls out the electric razor he uses on the team members' underarms every first Monday of the month, which occurred just 6 days ago.  As per Coach's orders, clipping the players' armpit hair is his job.  This morning he is about to meet Theo, the latest addition to the team.  Since the new guy just transferred to Pits-Burg College as a replacement player, Coach Harrison has requested that Clip meet up with him early on Sunday morning, to trim his underarm fur before the fellow begins practicing with the team the next day.

As he spreads out a clean, white gym towel on the floor of the office, there sounds a loud knocking outside the metal gymnasium door.  "Right on time," Clifford thinks to himself, "the brand-new guy's off to a good start."  He hurries to unlock the closed door and is greeted by a beautiful, smiling face.  "Hey hi there, my name is Theo Duncan,"  greets the stunningly, handsome young man, holding a small toiletry bag, "I'm here to meet with the student assistant.  I think his name is Clip."

"Oh yeah, hi, that's me!  I'm Clip,"  grins Clifford as they shake hands, trying to hide his sudden giddiness at meeting the athletic Adonis.  "Come right in, I have everything ready in Coach's office."


"Say, do you mind if I shower first?" requests the good-looking undergraduate.  "The water line busted at my dorm building this morning and I'd hate for you to get up close and take a good whiff of me right now.  Besides, I'm sure you'd rather not use your clean clippers on my not so fresh, armpit hair."

Awww, but Theo was mistaken.  Little did he suspect that Clip's nose would thoroughly  enjoy the athlete's ripe, axillae bouquet.  The more pungent, the better.

"No problem, sure, go ahead.  The showers are just past the office.  I'll go get you a towel," offers the hot and bothered assistant.

"Hey thanks, man!  Oh and by the way, I brought my own shampoo and soap,"  Theo adds as he casually pulls off his t-shirt above his head, revealing a smooth, trim and sculptured torso and a thick, dark bush of hair under each arm.

Trying to contain his excitement, Cliff stumbles to the towel closet then takes out his cell phone.  He quickly sends a secretive text message to Gilles, the owner of the local art gallery: 

Wowza!!!  New b-ball player showed up & hes drop dead gorgeous! 😍 Magnificent dark & bushy pit hair too!

There is no immediate text response from Gilles, so the happy student assistant returns and hands Theo a clean towel.

"So I've never met anyone named Clip before.  Is that a family name?" inquires the stranger.

"Nah, my real name is Clifford, but because of my unconventional barbering duties, I've been given the quirky nickname by the team," confesses the slightly embarrassed young man.  "It bothered me at first, but then it kinda grew on me."

Theo finishes disrobing, grabs a bar of soap and travel size, shampoo bottle from his toiletry bag.  "Hey Clifford, why don't you come sit nearby while I shower, so we can chat some more."

Clip eagerly, yet nervously, excepts the invitation from the beautiful, naked newcomer.  He grabs the nearest office clipboard to take with him in an attempt to look busy and official, just in case an unexpected visitor happens to come by and question the rather provocative scene.  Once seated on a nearby bench, the timid guy works hard to keep his eyes lowered and focused on the clipboard laying on his lap.

Theo enters the showers.  A waist high partition, designed by Coach Harrison to keep the boys from participating in mischievous activity, is now between him and Cliff.  The small wall hides any view from Theo's waist down, but leaves a perfect view of what interests Clifford the most: the new guy's succulent armpits.

Theo turns on the water and begins to vigorously scrub his velvet smooth chest with the soap.  He raises an arm behind his neck and lathers up the deep hollow of his underarm with the pleasant, yet alluring, peppermint scented soap.

In his time as student assistant to the coach, Clip has gotten up close and personal with dozens of hairy armpits.  However, in his opinion, Theo's pits are the most lovely he has ever seen.  It seems like a crime to trim off a hair of that lucious, underarm shrubbery.

In an attempt to distract himself, Clifford asks, "So where are you from?"

Over the sound of the shower spray Theo answers, "Well, I just transferred from a college up north, but I was born and raised here in The Burg."

"No kidding!?" Clip reacts with a smile.  "I grew up here in The Burg too.  In fact, I use to go to middle school with a guy named T.J. Duncan!  Are you guys related!?

"Hey that's me!"  a surprised Theo answers as he rinses the soapy suds from his body.  "T.J. is short for Theo Junior.  Now I just go by my first name.  No wonder you look familiar!  You're Clifford Sweeney, aren't you!?"

"You remember me!!??"  Cliff was shocked to be recognized by anyone from his past, especially since he use to be a husky, nerdy kid.  Immediately he begins to blush, because truth be told, young Clifford had a huge crush on young T.J., the middle school's cool, athletic cutie.  However, Cliff was too closeted and self-conscious as a kid to pursue T.J. or any other guy back in those days.

"Man, you use to always have some kind of crazy, money making venture going on, "laughs Theo.  "I remember you use to sell comics and trading cards to me and my middle school friends from out of your hallway locker."

"Hey, that gig earned me enough money to buy all my cool, athletic shoes," Clip adds with pride.

Theo recalls, "And if I remember correctly, you were pretty fierce on the basketball court, too."

"Yeah, but unfortunately as I grew older I didn't grow much taller,"  he laments.  "So now I'm on the sidelines helping out Coach Harrison and our amazing, winning team."

As his long-lost crush turns off the faucet and steps out of the shower Clifford quickly looks back down to the handy clipboard.

Theo curiously glances at the clipboard and begins to laugh, "Aaaa dude, I think your might need glasses, 'cause you're staring down at a blank sheet of paper."

Clip joins in on the laughter and looks up as the funny and likable student wraps a towel around his waist.

Once they enter the office, Cliff rests the clipboard and his cell phone on the coach's desk.  He goes to the door to lock it, makes sure the blinds are shut, picks up the electric razor and flicks on the switch.  Above the hum of the clippers he starts chatting with the newest team member to ease the awkwardness of the situation, "I think you're gonna like the college."

Theo raises his arm and Clip places his palm on the young man's firm, bicep to steady him.

The player grins, "Careful Cliff, I'm ticklish."

"Well buddy, don't laugh, because if you laugh I'll start laughing and I might end up shaving more than your pits," Clip jokingly warns.

With a sad expression Theo says, "You know, it's such a shame to have to say goodbye." 

"Goodbye?" questions Clip.

"Yeah, I've kinda grown attached to my pit hair," teases the charmer.

The two young men stand there giggling like little school boys surrounded by the buzzing sound of the awaiting clippers.  This was a pleasant change for Clip.  Usually the homophobic, basketball team players simply stand in stone cold silence as he barbers their underarms.

"Okay Cliffy, I promise I'll try to be quiet and stand still.  I'll be good, I'll be good," pledges the adorable athlete.

At this point Cliff has no doubt that the guy is acting very flirty.

With his arm still raised and his bushy underarm in full view Theo speaks again, "Just one more thing before I hush."

"Okay, just one more thing.  What is it T?"  wonders the barber.

"I'd really like for us to catch up.  So I was wondering," continues a bold Theo, "would you like to go grab brunch after the trim?" 

A wide smile of glee comes over Clip's face, then it's replaced by a look of dead seriousness.  He puts the razor down on the desk and begins to share with Theo, "Aaaaaa, about the trim,..."

Just then, the confession is interrupted by a loud, persistent knocking on the metal gym door.  "Sorry, no doubt that's Coach Harrison," Clifford correctly summarizes.  "He probably misplaced his keys again.  He's kinda been forgetful since the accident.  I'll be right back in a jiff."

As soon as Clip is out of ear shot a strange and humorous message alert goes off on his cell phone atop the desk.  It sounds like a Parisian can-can dance number.


The text light's up the phone.  Curious about the funny French music Theo innocently glances over at the phone's bright screen and notices the message:

Mon ami, just woke up and received your text. UR new b-ball player's pit hair is sure to bring in beaucoup $$$ !!! 😛

A look of shock and puzzlement comes over Theo's face as he wonders, "What kind of perverted scheme is Clifford up to!?  And what that heck does he want with my underarm hair!?"


(Photos all found online.  Featured pics include cute blogger and YouTube grooming celebrity Robin James who I dream of for the role of "Clip" and gorgeous actor, model Nathan Owens, whom I'd want to cast as Theo.  Also shown is sexy actor Gilles Marini who would be perfect for the role of gallery owner Gilles in my armpit fantasy.)

Interested in more naughty, underarm drama?  Simply click on the following yellow links to read related soapy stories: 


PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#1) and  PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#4) .


PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#2) and PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#5).

I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main 3 online platforms.  Simply click on the yellow links to get you to the sites:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

You can also connect with me on Twitter @enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera is entirely a work of fiction.  Any similarity to any persons (living or deceased) is strictly coincidental, and no identification of any kind with any such person is intended or implied.