Sunday, September 2, 2018

Page 134 - PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 16)

So, I've been dreaming up a soap opera about guys with armpit fetishes who live in a small college town named Pits-Burg.  The town is known for its many craters created by a large meteor shower centuries ago.  Nowadays, the more popular craters are found under the arms of its sexy, male population.

NOTE: You may first want to read the following chapters to catch up with this particular storyline.  Simply click on the yellow links:
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#1)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#4)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#7)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#10)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (# 13)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#15)

The story continues:

Inside the bathroom of his shared apartment, overlooking the art gallery downtown, Paco steps out of the shower.  As he dries himself off he goes over his plan.  Although he's preparing for his sister Petra's surprise party, his main goal tonight is to finally confront Paul, his hunky brother-in-law.  For weeks the two men have shared a secret "affair of the heart" over the Internet.  Only recently, did the college camboy discover that his anonymous online admirer and most generous client, "PassionatePascal" was in fact Paul.  So tonight, Paco is determined to get his sister's husband alone and finally receive some answers.

The stunning young man inspects himself in the mirror.  At this point in his routine he normally reaches for his underarm deodorant.  However, Paco decides to skip the antiperspirant and just attend the crowed party "au naturel".  He figures he'll let his pits warm up a bit and confront his armpit admirer with the full force of his axilla pheromones.

The theme for the birthday bash is Back to the 80's, so Paco goes to his closet and digs out a sexy, red jacket that conjures up memories of the one worn by the King of Pop in the 1980's.

Of course, to give his outfit an extra sexy oomph, he skips wearing a shirt underneath in order to show off his furry torso.  ---  The good-looking guy plans on confronting Paul with every sensuous weapon in his arsenal.  ---  Never in a million years would he imagine himself being so forward and bold.  But for the first time (thanks to "PassionatePascal") Paco has gotten a taste of what it's like to be in love and he's not going to give it up so easily.

He finishes getting dressed, hurries down to the busy street, then hops onto his motorcycle and takes off toward Petra & Paul's McMansion of a home for the big surprise party.  ---  His heart is racing faster than the motor of his bike.

Paco arrives at the party just in time to join the crowd in yelling, "Surprise!" to the birthday girl as she walks in.  Her husband is noticeably gone, for as soon as he saw Paco show up, Paul rushed out the back door to go get some more ice.

[MUSIC CUE #1: To evoke the 80's theme, press play and listen to the party music softly in the background while you continue reading.  ---  To open a separate window, click on the link: Party Background Music Track #1 .]

Petra's girlfriends volunteered to put together the entire party.  They told Paul not worry about anything, they would provide the food and decorations, including the 80's themed costumes for the birthday girl and for him as well.

The gal pals are dressed as totally gnarly ladies from the eighties.  Together they put the birthday girl in a fabulous, fun wig and costume.

Paul finally returns from his "emergency ice run".  He enters the living room to find his gay brother Peyton, sitting on the couch, next to Paco playing Pac-Man on the big TV screen.  Naturally, his in-law (a longtime game boy) is winning.  The attractive young man's seductive red outfit takes Paul's breath away.  However, watching the sheer joy and determination on the face of the object of his infatuation, makes the hunk swoon.  ---  Paul started dating Petra some years ago, when Paco was a teen. Though the two were never close back then, Paul use to call him Pac-Man, because of the youngster's love of video games.  The cute & clever nickname stuck and Paco cherished it.

The game is over.  Peyton opens his arms and attempts to give the winner an intimate congratulatory hug, but the attractive aficionado quickly jumps up off the sofa.

People at the party start welcoming back the missing hubby and tease him for not being present for his wife's grand entrance.  Paco turns and spots him, but is unprepared for the big surprise.  Petra's friends decided to dress Paul as a character from a popular 80's arcade game... Mr. Pac-Man himself.

Throughout the night the red jacketed stud tries to catch the costumed Paul in order to talk privately.  Yet, the agile, former pro-athlete swiftly dodges his lovesick in-law by ducking into other rooms, starting conversations with guests or by leaving the house several times for yet more bags of ice.

Although he has a hard time catching the hunk, Paco is determined that they have their talk tonight.  ---  He's resolved not to go home until they do, even if it means he's the last guest to remain.

Late into the evening, one of the gal pals, dressed as The Material Girl, gets the attention of all the attendees.  She announces the main party game for the evening.  "We're all gonna play Petra's favorite game from her childhood,... Hide and Go Seek."  ---  The guests laugh with excitement.

"You all have to hide while the birthday girl counts to 200!  Then she's gonna go searching for everyone.  And you guys, there are big, expensive surprises in store for the last 2 people Petra finds."  The crowd whoops and cheers.

[MUSIC CUE #2: Stop Music Cue #1.  To evoke the 80's theme, press play and listen to the party music softly in the background while you continue reading.  ---  To open a separate window, click on the link:Party Background Music Track #2.]

"Petra, face the wall, close your eyes and get ready to start counting!" her gal pal yells.  "Everybody else,... on your mark, get set, hide!"

The huge home is filled with wild laughter and feet running in every direction.  While the rowdy revelers scurry throughout the spacious abode to hide behind curtains, inside closets and underneath beds, Paul has an idea.

He goes to the kitchen and sneaks out the back door.  Hoping to totally disappear from sight, he rushes to his garage, located behind the house.  Paul switches off the interior light of the structure so as not be spotted.  He then ensconces himself inside the back section of his parked car.  The oversize costume is unbearably hot, so he removes the giant character head and floppy mittens, then tosses them in the front passenger's seat.  Finally he peels off his black, long-sleeved t-shirt to cool down and lays down, drenched in sweat, onto the luxurious leather backseat.  He feels safe and well hidden from the world.  

However, unbeknownst to the hunky hider, Paco is watching from the kitchen window.  While his sister is turned away, with her eyes closed (still counting out loud) the tenacious young man quietly hurries outside to the dark garage.  He goes to the car and opens the back door of the vehicle and whispers, "Surprise!" much to his brother-in-laws horror.  "Make room, I'm coming in," he softly announces.

"Paco, what the hell?" a startled Paul nervously scolds in a hushed voice as the camboy uncomfortably wiggles and scooches his way onto the narrow back floorboard, just below and right next to him.  "Shut the door!  Stay down and keep quiet, so we won't be found," Paco instructs him.  The door closes and the two men lay there in the dark.

[MUSIC CUE #3: Stop Music Cue #2.  To evoke the 80's theme, press play and listen to the party music softly in the background while you continue reading.  ---  To open a separate window, click on the link:

"What are you doing, man?  Petra's gonna catch us!" the worried husband excitedly whispers.

"Chillax, dude, nobody saw me," he assures him.  "Look, you've been avoiding me for days, so I figured we could talk privately in here, away from everyone."

"Talk about what?" the hot and sweaty hunk asks ever so innocently, yet knowing the answer.

"Well, for starters we need to talk about your fashion choice for this evening's festivities," the game boy smiles.

Paul attempts to defend himself, "Hey, I swear to you, I didn't pick out the costume.  Petra's girlfriends rented it for me.  They thought it would be a hoot to dress me up as Pac Man."

Paco teasingly questions, "And they had no idea he also happens to be my favorite video game character and also your cutesy nickname for me?"

The shirtless heartthrob nervously defends himself, "Exactly!  I didn't know what attire they selected until minutes before the party started.  Believe me, I never would have picked the outfit for myself, especially knowing you might show up."

Paco teases, "All night long I've wanted to run up to you and dramatically say, 'Call me by your name, Pac-Man!'."

Paul is too anxious and clammy to laugh.  "Good-grief, it's so stuffy in here, we're going to melt," he exclaims.

"Tell me about it.  This leather may look cool, but homey, it don't keep ya cool," the young man cracks.  Paco struggles to pull off his red leather jacket in the confined area, revealing his perfect upper body.  ---  Paul is highly mortified and highly aroused as well.  ---  The young man then folds the jacket like a pillow to cushion his head from the uncomfortable floor of the car.  "Danação!" curses the beautiful Brazilian descendant. "It is pretty warm in here.  Hey Captain, give me your car keys and I'll roll down the windows."

Paul reaches into his now sweaty black sweat pants and hands over his key ring.

Paco rises and stretches his beautiful, taut body over the driver's seat, to turn on the ignition and open the windows.  The back end of his tight jeans comes mere inches away from Paul's surprised face.  ---  Whoa, he's not ready to even fantasize about THAT PART part of the guy's anatomy yet, so he quickly turns his head in the other direction.

Trying to deflect his own attention he asks, "Wow dude, you smell amazing!  What's that cologne you have on?"

"Ode de Paco," grins the fragrance free fellow.  ---  The pheromones are working.

Paco returns the keys and lays back down on the floorboard.  Finally he begins the conversation he's been longing to have, "Look Paul, I know it might seem crazy to you, but 'PassionatePascal' was,... is,... the first guy I've ever fallen in love with.  You can't tell me he was some imaginary character you were playing.  Sure, the online name was made up, but those feelings and dreams you shared with me were real.  They were real Paul, weren't they?  If not, tell me it was all some act, some sick joke to fool me and I'll get out of this car.  We don't ever have to discuss the matter again.  We'll simply go back to being polite relatives by marriage who see each other at special family functions and holidays."

After a minute or so of dead silence, the emotional young man's eyes begin tearing up and he reaches for the door handle to leave.  Paul  quickly grabs hold of his brother-in-law's arm and whispers, " 'Pretty One', please wait.  Just give me a minute to calm down and cool off.  I have a confession to make."

Paul is still burning up, mostly due to nerves.  He rests his muscular arms behind his head to vent his pits and closes his eyes to compose himself.  Still on the floor, Paco props himself up with his elbow to glance at the shirtless object of his affection.  A huge surge of adoration and romance comes over him.  He leans over and begins to gently blow a steady stream of breath over Paul's underarm hair, as if blowing gently onto a delicate pinwheel.

He seductively blows gentle, long cool bursts of air over and over again.  The strands wave softly like a wheat field.  His brother-in-law gives a low pitched moan of ecstasy, "Hmmmmm!  Oh wow, that feels soooo good, Pac-Man!"

Paco stays silent.  He simply continues delicately puffing long breaths over those deep, manly pits.

Paul is besides himself, "Goodness, I never even dreamed of a guy doing that to me.  Dang it Paco, that's soooo sexy, dude.  I'm serious, if you keep that up, I'm gonna shoot."

Paco continues to blow.

Just outside the garage door is a very silent bystander.  This person was just wandering by, looking for a better place to hide, when suddenly he heard the voices of two men talking in the backseat of the car.  ---  The passerby recognizes the voices and is stunned as to what he hears.  This silent witness is none other than Peyton, Paul's younger gay brother and Paco's least favorite person in the world.

After all these years of being ostracized by his parents for coming out as gay and not being straight like his all-star big brother, turns out Paulie is homosexual too!  And to top it all off, Paul is now fooling around in the backseat of the car with Paco, the guy Peyton has been wildly attracted to and trying to impress since they were both 15 years old.  ---  The anger and heartbreak boil within him.


All photos used for the collages as well as the videos and pics for this blog entry were found online.  Featured as my fantasy cast for this particular storyline are (pictured below, left to right) Marlon Teixeira as Paco, Flo Mulot as Paul and Matthieu Charneau as Peyton.

Interested in more naughty, underarm drama?  Simply click on the following yellow links to read related soapy stories: 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#2)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#5)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#8)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#11)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 14)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#15)

For a convenient way to follow all the stories click "Follow" at my Google Collection entitled PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera .

Did you like the background music used for this chapter?  To hear the original versions sung by the original artists simply click on the following link and check out my YouTube playlist: My 80's Music (Songs from PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (#16) .

Visit my Pinterest page for more armpit entertainment .

Feel free to leave a comment below and share you own pit memory or fantasy.  Plus, don't forget to press the "Follow" button to keep up with my latest posts.

NOTE: PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera is entirely a work of fiction.  Any similarity to any persons (living or deceased) is strictly coincidental, and no identification of any kind with any such person is intended or implied.

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