Friday, November 23, 2018

Page 148 - PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 19)

So, I've been dreaming up a soap opera about guys with armpit fetishes who live in a small college town named Pits-Burg.  The town is known for its many craters created by a large meteor shower centuries ago.  Nowadays, the more popular craters are found under the arms of its sexy, male population.

NOTE: All three soap storylines are related.  However, you may want to first read the following chapters to catch up with this particular story.  Simply click on the yellow links:

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 2))

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 5)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 8)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 11)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 14)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 15)

It's turning out to be a warm, sunny afternoon in the Burg.  Sexy college student, David, is finished with his classes for the day and heads out to the far side of the quad, towards the most well known frat house on campus, for a private one on one meeting.

The young and ambitious business major is excited yet apprehensive, for this weekend he'll be pledging to be accepted into the prestigious fraternity.  Many successful businessmen are alumni of the popular fraternal order.  ---  Most notable is kinky, gay mega billionaire, Oscar Arco.

In David's mind, being a member would surely bring him many advantages in the corporate world after graduation.  He also figures that the leverage will eventually help him earn more money, so he can financially help out his struggling mom as well as his gay, twin brother Dario, who has taken a break from attending college.

As famous and esteemed as the fraternity is, it also has a notorious, hush-hush reputation for the deviant hazing of its pledges.  Through an inside source, David (who is straight) has learned that this weekend's scheduled initiation will consist of each pledge being blindfolded and forced to lick and suck the sweaty armpits of several fraternity brothers.

Arriving onto the frat house grounds, David spots the person he's there to meet.  The young man is standing in the yard, surrounded by a small group of handsome and raucous, frat boys.  Nonetheless, the cute and charismatic, bearded fellow is uniquely noticeable in the crowd,... or in any crowd for that matter.  His name is Orelio, but he's known around campus as "Cookie", due to his name sounding somewhat similar to the famous chocolate wafers with a sweet, creamy filling.

A few weeks back, David helped Orelio with a very difficult and important project for a business class in which they are both enrolled.  So in return, the well-established fraternity member has become the nervous student's secret insider, revealing plans for the upcoming hazing ritual.

The scruffy guy notices David coming his way and leaves the small herd of boisterous young bucks to meet up with him.  "Yo Dave!  What's up?" smiles the friendly frat boy, as he waves hello, in his revealing, loose fitting tank top.

Cookie is the stuff of every gay, Papa Bear's dream.  Although David is not homosexual, his eye is instantly drawn to the vast and fuzzy acreage growing in the hollows under his friend's muscular arms.  To the apprehensive hetero, obsessed with the kinky hazing, his buddy's pits resemble two overgrown, football fields.  He's not sure if Cookie will be one of the fraternal brothers getting attention from the pledges this weekend --- he's been too scared to ask.  However, David has no doubt that he'd get hairballs stuck down his throat if he attempted to lick and suck the charming guy's bushy axillea.

After giving his visitor a "bro hug" Cookie puts one hand on Dave's shoulder then does his best impression of a showcase model from THE PRICE IS RIGHT game show.  With a grand, sweeping wave he points out the array of hunky frat brothers hanging out on the lawn.  "Well Dave-ster, here they are!  It's the field of underarm dreams,... or I guess in some cases the field of underarm nightmares, depending on your taste buds," he playfully chuckles.  "Get this, several of the guys are abstaining from deodorant all week, just to add a little spice to the main coarse this weekend."  ---  David's eyes slowly widen.

Over the past few weeks, the high-strung student has developed an anxiety disorder over the matter.  You see, when he gets too anxious he throws up.  So, he fears he'll ruin his chances of being accepted if he upchucks on any of the fraternal order members while licking and sucking their pits.  It's not that the jittery pledge is homophobic (heck, he loves and accepts Dario, plus supports the GLBTQ community).  David is merely afraid of failure and also of attempting things he's not good at, like male pit play.  ---  That's why he's been having private, personal tutoring sessions with his twin.

Suddenly, sheer terror overcomes him as he observes the surrounding groups of sweaty, male students and their exposed armpits.

First are all the college guys spread out on the lawn, no doubt chilling after a day of intense course work.  Most of these hunks have their arms behind their heads, cooling off their warm, manly pits.  The sizzling heat is causing their skin to glisten and the musky fragrance under their arms to bake in.

David stares at the sprawled out studs and thinks to himself, "Is that one of the guy's I'm going to have to lick?  What about that one?  Or that super, hairy brute over there!?"

Next, it's the tank topped cuties that get the attention of the twin's saucer-sized eyeballs.  A few of their underarms display mere wisps of down feather-like patches, some resemble waving golden wheat fields, others dense forests of fur.  To a gay, armpit lover it's pure Nirvana, but to the panicked fraternity pledger, it's pure torture.

David continues to have concerned conversations in his head, "All that hair!  What if a frat guy's tender tuft tickles my nose and I start to laugh or sneeze!?  And over there!  Will I be expected to munch on that 'mulberry bush'?  It's sure to get stuck in my teeth!  Oh and ewww, the sweaty spaghetti on that other dude is definitely gonna leave a bitter aftertaste."

But, what seems to get David's hysterical heart really racing is watching the shirtless guys playing Frisbee on the yard.  With each throw and every dive to catch those plastic, brightly colored disks, the agile athletes extend out their arms revealing hairy, sweat dripping, and no doubt, smelly armpits,... over and over and over again.

David feels the guys are taunting him.  He infuriatingly ponders, "Are those jerks purposely working up a sweat?  Why aren't any of them wearing t-shirts?  Are they deliberately mocking me by repeatedly flaunting their pits?"

Orelio jokes, "Man, it's kinda like an underarm version of Old McDonald around here.  You know, 'Here a pit, there a pit, everywhere an armpit!' "  He gives David a hardy slap on the back, interrupting the guy's obsessive worries, and makes an invitation, "Hey dude, let's go inside the house.  You said on the phone you wanted to see where the hazing will be taking place, so I'll show you the basement."

As they step inside the old historic home, the change in thermal conditions is stifling.  The entire frat house is uncomfortably warm and stuffy.  Box fans are humming in several rooms.  Every now and then a breeze will blow through an open window, yet it brings but a brief respite from the sweltering, indoor heat.

"Whoa, did the cooling system breakdown?" Dave asks.

"Naw, these goof balls had the bright idea to keep the air-conditioner off until after this weekend's initiation," Cookie laughs.  "They're working hard to outdo any and all previous hazing stunts conducted in the history of this house."  ---  David starts to feel light-headed.

They both travel downstairs to the common area, located in the basement, where the kinky ritual will happen.

Shirtless, perspiring frat bodies lounge around the wide open space.  The stench is potent and smells like a neglected locker room for old men with poor hygiene.

Everything about the area is overwhelming: the almost dungeon-like appearance, the hot funky air, the bare torsos,... those wet pits!  David is so panicked, he has a hard time catching his breath.  The room seemingly begins to spin round and around.

Orelio glances over at the panicked pledge's flustered face and voices his concerned, "Hey dude, you look terrible.  Is the heat getting to ya?"

"No, that's not it,"  David answers, then swallows hard.  "Look Cookie, to be honest with you, I'm not sure I can go through with the hazing."

"Awww, don't sweat it Dave-ster.  We'll have plenty of liquid courage on hand," his pal informs him.  "Hey, take a chill pill, my man.  It's all in fun.  We just wanna mess with the minds of the pledges!  You know, it's all stupid tradition and stuff."

Regardless, David has to dash out of there as soon as possible.  So, he quickly announces, "Look, I gotta go. Thanks for the tour.  See you this weekend."  In a mad rush, he exits the house like a bat out of hell, and runs to the town square several blocks away.   His panic attack is throwing him off balance, so much so that everyone he passes assumes he's yet another drunk college kid.

Finally he arrives at the building that houses the art gallery.  He stumbles up the narrow stairwell to the doorway of the apartment above.  David barely has strength left to knock more than a few times, before he collapses.  ---  Dario opens the door to find his brother down on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

As the concerned twin kneels next to his sibling, David cries, "I'm still not ready; I'm not ready to go through with the initiation!  I'm sorry, but please, please Darito, you have to train me some more.  Teach me until I love licking and sucking armpits like you do!"

"Davy, you have to give up joining the fraternity," pleads the younger twin.  "This obsession of yours is going to make you so ill you'll end up in the hospital!"

"You don't understand, you just don't understand!  I have to go through with it!  Everything depends on it!  But I can't succeed without you," he pleads.

Dario deeply senses his brother's unbearable pain and anxiety.  He'll do anything to stop David's agony.  Remembering his personal vow to help his brother anyway he can (no matter what it takes) he reluctantly agrees to yet another intimate, one on one tutorial with his sibling.

Then, amid sobs, the older brother repeats the phrase he and his twin have recited to one another since childhood, whenever the other has done a huge favor, "I love you forever, dear brother."  Dario tearfully replies with their traditional response, "And I love you forever too, dear brother."  

As the two rest at the foot of the doorway, they silently pause for a moment to gaze at one another.  It's like looking in a mirror.  Both are stunningly attractive, identical in shape and muscle tone.  ---  The only difference is the lovely, beauty mark above Dario's left eye.  ---  David is overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude.  He loves and trusts his brother more than anyone else in the world.  More than his mom, his pals, his roommate or his estranged girlfriend, Vanessa.  Tenderly he pulls his younger twin in close and gently kisses him on the cheek.  Dario closes his eyes and cherishes the tender display of affection.

He then lifts his exhausted brother up from the entryway, guides him into the apartment and shuts the door.  Without words, they slowly walk together to the gay man's bedroom, clinging to one another.

That evening they experience the most intense and relentless training session they have ever had.  ---  Their bodies are exhausted, their jaws ache, their pits are red raw.  ---  The duo ends the evening worn out and practically naked in bed, tangled within a jumbled mess of sheets.

Dario holds tightly to his sibling as they both weep.  For despite all their best efforts (not to mention violating several taboos) David is still scared.  He's certain the only armpits he can ever learn to successfully lick and suck are those of his beloved "dear brother".


Collage photos, spinning optical illusions and other pics for this blog entry were found online.  Featured as my fantasy cast for this chapter of my soapy, fantasy parody are (pictured below, left to right) Márcio and Marcos Patriota as twins Dario and David, plus yummy model David Laflamme for the guest-starring role of "Cookie".

Interested in more naughty, underarm drama?  Simply click on the following yellow links to read related soapy stories:

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 1)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 4)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 7)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 10)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 13)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 15)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 16)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 17)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 3)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 6) 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 18)

For a convenient way to follow all the stories click "Follow" at my Google Collection entitled PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera .

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

Feel free to leave a comment below and share you own pit memory or fantasy.  Plus, don't forget to press the "Follow" button to keep up with my latest posts.

NOTE: PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera is entirely a work of fiction.  Any similarity to any persons (living or deceased) is strictly coincidental, and no identification of any kind with any such person is intended or implied.

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