Friday, January 18, 2019

Page 158 - PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 20)

So, I've been dreaming up a soap opera about guys with armpit fetishes who live in a small college town named Pits-Burg.  The town is known for its many craters created by a large meteor shower centuries ago.  Nowadays, the more popular craters are found under the arms of its sexy, male population.

NOTE: All three soap storylines are related.  However, you may want to first read the following chapters to catch up with this particular story.  Simply click on the yellow links:

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 1)

It's a lazy, weekday morning as Paul wakes up alone in bed.  His wife Petra was out after midnight again with her friends.  So, as usual when coming home late and drunk, the Mrs. slept in one of the guest bedrooms of their huge house.  She rolled out of bed at the crack of dawn today and has already gone off to work.

Paul's self-centered, gay, younger brother, Peyton, has been staying with the couple for the past several weeks.  He woke up earlier than usual this morning and has left as well.

All is calm and quiet as Paul blissfully dreams of a carefree life with his forbidden, true love,... his young brother-in-law, Paco.

The alarm clock beeps, waking the hunky, sleeping beauty.  He cheerfully turns it off, but remains in bed just a few minutes longer, leisurely stretching his nude body and welcoming the day in solitude and silence.  Finding himself posed with both arms raised behind his head, Paul aims his nose towards his right underarm and gives it a brief, adoring sniff.  Not wanting his left pit to feel neglected or ignored, he turns and lovingly inhales it's morning perfume as well.

A wide grin stretches across his face as he recalls bits and pieces of his dream.  Next, he reaches for his cell phone on the nearby nightstand.  After composing a brief text, he hits the "send" button, but doesn't expect an immediate response, knowing the person's busy morning schedule.  Seeing that his phone's battery is almost dead, he plugs it into the charger and leaves it on the nightstand, while he proceeds to get out of bed and prepare for his day.

Being shy and somewhat of a local celebrity (due to his pro-baseball days), plus the fact that he's a prominent business man, Paul's a pretty conservative guy.  He usually likes to cover up his muscular physique and tattoos when he's out at work or running around town doing errands.  But, at home he feels a bit more freedom, so he normally walks around shirtless.

After finishing his morning cup of coffee, Paul spends half an hour or so sprawled out on the couch, reading a book of biographies, spotlighting famous American athletic coaches.  Included in the book is a chapter on his old, middle school gym teacher and mentor, Coach Harrison, who for many years has been coaching the multi-championship winning basketball team at Pits-Burg College.

There are several hours to spare before he's scheduled to be at the car dealership for work this afternoon.  So, since it's a nice warm morning he heads out to the backyard and takes a brisk dip in his private swimming pool, secluded by a privacy fence. 

Half an hour later he throws on some casual exercise gear and jogs to the nearby neighborhood park for a quick workout.  Paul figures he shouldn't skip his daily exercise routine, especially now, since Paco is so young and fit.

[NOTE: To witness brief video clips on YouTube, simply press the play buttons.]

While he runs through his calisthenics, both women and men stop and stare at the attractive Adonis, appreciating the results of his workout regiment.  The armpit lovers from the neighborhood walk a bit slower as they pass by the park today.  For Paul has decided to throw caution to the wind and wear a tank top in public and even go so far as to remove his shirt at times during his exercises.  ---  Yes, he's ready to live a more freer live.

Paul returns to the empty McMansion, very hot and sweaty, retreating to his personal study.  Since no one else is around, he decides to log onto the PIT BOYS LIVE! website, and stream one or two of the steamy video downloads he purchased from the site.  The vids are of Paco, his favorite camboy and his wife's gorgeous brother.

For weeks the two conducted an online "affair of the heart".  Recently, they both confessed their feelings to one another, privately and in person, during Petra's surprise birthday party.  Nevertheless, they've agreed to put things on hold until Paul decides how to sort things out.  Sorting things out is complicated.  In his mind it includes asking his wife for a divorce, getting the divorce, then revealing to Petra and her family that he and Paco have fallen for each other.  He knows it won't be easy, but in the end, it will all be worth it.

The last thing his young, brother-in-law said to him was, "Let me know when you finally decide when and where we can be together."  ---  Paul has decided that the time needs to be sooner than later.

He starts logging onto the naughty website with his online alias (PassionatePascal) and proceeds to type in his password (his nickname from Spanish class, plus his old baseball uniform number,11).  But, before he can fully complete the login process, his cell phone rings.  It's still charging on the nightstand so he rushes to the bedroom to answer it.  The phone is blaring a strange "VA-ROOM!  VA-ROOM!" sound of a car motor revving up for a race, followed by a few measures of a raucous, rock and roll tuneThat obnoxious ringtone means it's work.  Paul usually doesn't get calls from the dealership unless it's some kind of emergency. 

Well, the receptionist on the other end informs him that a persistent customer wants to test drive a new car in an hour and is requesting Paul's help.  The successful salesman assumes it must once again be gay, mega billionaire, Oscar Arco, his biggest and most demanding client.  Although he's not scheduled to be at work for another couple of hours, Paul agrees to show up early for the test drive.

He contemplates skipping his shower and rushing to the showroom, however after his workout in the park, his body smells a bit ripe.  Although the kinky Mr. Arco might appreciate the musky fragrance, Paul decides to jump into the shower and properly get ready.

Afterwards, he gently and lovingly pat dries his underarm hair, wondering when Paco will finally get to touch and taste a part of him that he has never shared with anyone, neither man nor woman.  Spending all those hours on PIT BOYS LIVE! has birthed an obsessive fetish for male armpits within him.

As he continues to get ready, he looks at the man in the mirror and smiles.  For the first time, since he was a kid, Paul's melancholy heart is full of hope.  You see, he was a happy, active child, but when he became a teenager, his joy was replaced with sullenness and worry.  He began to hide his budding, gay inclinations from his judgmental family, his younger brother and the world.  He withdrew even more while playing major league baseball and then when he had to marry Petra.

Paul finally arrives at the dealership.  One of his co-workers hollers to him, "Yo, Slugger!  Your customer's waiting out front.  Here's the key, Sport!"  The disheveled business associate pitches the key fob to him as a baseball pitcher would to an opponent's bat, aiming to strike him out.  However, as usual, the dashing, former pro-athlete catches the fast throw with ease.

Paul exits the showroom and steps out onto the open car lot.  There, he's surprised and overjoyed to see Paco standing beside one of the new crossover utility vehicles.  "Pawk, what are you doing here!?" he beams.

The young man smiles, "Your text this morning said you wanted to talk, so I figured it would be best to do it in person.  And what better way to get you alone than to have you come into work early, so we can take a test ride together and chat." 

"Now wait a minute, you're not skipping classes to see me are you?" the older guy worries.  " 'Cause Paco, college is too important to,..."

"Relax Captain, I only had one class today and it was earlier this morning.  I'm free til much later on, when I'm putting a few hours in at the art gallery, to help Gilles with some huge project for Oscar Arco's big shindig.  But hey, it's sweet that you care."  The flirty fellow puckers up and blows an air kiss to his sister's husband.  "Now get in the car."

First, let me tell my manager that we'll be gone for awhile.  In his expensive, custom business suit, he makes a mad dash into the showroom.  A minute later, he runs back out like a happy, little kid racing to an ice cream truck.  The giddy salesman opens the passenger door of the shiny, new CUV and slides in.  He's shocked to see that Paco has peeled off his tank top, exposing his taunt torso and fuzzy pits.  The lusty lad digs into the back pocket of his jeans and pulls out a very thin, small gift box.  Paco gleefully hands the present over to his crush.

His hunky brother-in-law is taken aback by the unexpected surprise, "What's this!?"

"Surpresa!" shouts the beautiful Brazilian decedent.  "It's a little something special I bought for you.  But, don't open it til we get to where we're going." 

"Oooooo, a mystery gift," Paul happily coos.  "And just where is it that we're going?"

Paco starts the engine, revs up the motor and announces, "Take off your coat and tie, then buckle up Baby, we're heading out to The Pits!"

["The Pits" is a local nickname for the area of meteor craters just outside of town.  Paul recently shared that it's his favorite place to unwind.]

The surprised car salesman is overjoyed and laughs, "Paco, you're crazy!"

"Crazy for you, Captain!" the young man responses with a flirtatious grin.  He then puts the vehicle in drive.  "Now let's see how this beauty runs out on the open road!  ---  Yee-haw!!!"

The two men laugh hysterically as they ride away from the car lot and head outside of town,.. beginning their first ever outing together.

Meanwhile, back at the McMansion, Paul's wife comes home for her lunch break.  Usually, she eats at work.  However, since Petra is still nursing a hangover from last night's outing with the girls, she figures she'll grab a quick bite to eat, then take a short nap.

Making her way down the hallway she passes her husband's study.  Earlier that day, in his rush to the bedroom to answer his charging cell phone, Paul left the door wide open and his personal computer still on.  To save energy, the monitor has turned itself off.  Petra can hear the hum of the computer still running and slowly walks up to the keyboard on the desk.  She presses a key to wake up the sleeping screen.  With a click, it lights up and the curious wife is greeted with the bright and erotic login page for PITS BOYS LIVE!  ---  She needs no further proof,... Paul is in fact, gay!

After letting the anger and shock sink in a bit, Petra sits down at the desk and decides to do some snooping on his computer, ready to sort through hundreds of downloads, private files and photos.  ---  She is determined to find out the identity of the slutty toyboy who's having an affair with her cheating, horndog husband.


My "fantasy cast" for this particular storyline would be (pictured below, left to right) French model Flo Mulot as Paul and Brazilian model Marlon Teixeira as his brother-in-law, Paco.

Photographs and videos of the many sexy shades of Mr. Mulot were found online, as were the other photos, along with the various images used for the collages in this blog entry.

Interested in more naughty, underarm drama?  Simply click on the following yellow links to read related soapy stories:

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 3) 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 6) 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 9) 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 12) 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 15)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 18)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 2))

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 5)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 8)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 11)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 14)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 15)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 19)

I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main 3 online platforms:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog on BLOGGER @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

You can also connect with me on TWITTER @enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Simply click on the yellow links to get you to the sites.

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera is entirely a work of fiction.  Any similarity to any persons (living or deceased) is strictly coincidental, and no identification of any kind with any such person is intended or implied.

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