Friday, March 1, 2019

Page 167 - PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 21)

So, I've been dreaming up a soap opera about guys with armpit fetishes who live in a small college town named Pits-Burg.  The town is known for its many craters created by a large meteor shower centuries ago.  Nowadays, the more popular craters are found under the arms of its sexy, male population.

NOTE: PITS-BURG features three continuing tales.  All three soap storylines are related.  However, you may want to first read the following chapters to catch up with this particular story.  Simply click on the yellow links:

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 1)
While at home, on an extended lunch break from work, Petra (Paul's wife and Paco's older sister) is in her husband's study.  She presses a key to wake up his sleeping computer screen.  With a click, it lights up and the curious wife is greeted with the bright and erotic login page for PITS BOYS LIVE!  ---  She needs no further proof,... Paul is in fact, gay!

After letting the anger and shock sink in a bit, Petra sits down at the desk and decides to do some snooping on his computer.  For awhile now, she's also suspected that Paul might be having an affair.  This is the perfect opportunity for her to get some answers.

The user name (PassionatePascal) has already been entered, no doubt earlier by Paul.  Now, all that needs to be done is to type in the password.  The wrathful wife quickly rummages through her hubby's desk drawers and finds the little notebook he keeps hidden away, which contains various passwords written down.  Towards the back of the book, next to the initials PBL (no doubt for PITS BOYS LIVE!) she finds the phrase: deepcraters11.  She has no idea what "deepcraters" refers to (😉), but she does recall that "11" was his old, pro-baseball uniform number.  Petra smugly types in the password.  ---  Aha, she's in!

There, before her eyes are hundreds of shirtless, young men on the forum's LIVE menu.  Each lusty lad reveals his underarms to the camera, tempting aroused customers to enter their chat rooms and send tips.  It's common knowledge that the company is owned by mega billionaire, Oscar Arco and based in Pits-Burg.  She wonders if Paul is having an affair with one of the local Pit Boys.  The frustrated female doesn't recognize anyone.

Suddenly, an idea comes to the bewildered beauty of Brazilian descent.  "I know!  I'll call Paco!" she tells herself.  "He's gay, so he probably knows lots of homosexuals at the college and around town.  I'll just call my little irmão and ask him to come right on over and help me.  Maybe together we can figure out which sleazy bastardo is fooling around with my cheating husband!"

Petra grabs the nearby, home telephone on Paul's desk and dials her brother's cell phone number.  However, her call immediately goes to voice mail.  ---  "Droga!" she curses, then hangs up.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile, on a road leading to the outskirts of Pits-Burg, Paco is (quote-unquote) "test driving" a new car from the dealership where Paul works.  His hunky, salesman, brother-in-law is relaxing in the passenger's seat.

"Take off your coat and tie, dude; we're on a mini-vacation from the world!" laughs Petra's brother.

A rush of complete inhibition comes over the usually uptight, older guy as he joyfully removes his suit jacket, business tie, and starched-pressed dress shirt, revealing his fine physique and tattoos.

The two men converse while on their way to their destination:

PACO: "Hey Querido, did you get the personal video message I sent you on PITS BOYS LIVE!?"

PAUL: "No, not yet.  When did you send it?"

PACO: "Right after the surprise party."

PAUL: "Hey, I'm sorry Pac-Man.  I actually haven't been on the website lately."

PACO: "That's okay.  Make sure to check it out when you get home."

PAUL: "Speaking of the party.  You know,... Petra's been acting kind of strange since her birthday."

PACO: "Oh?  How so?"

PAUL: "She's been out clubbing with her gal pals, every single night.  She gets home real late and pretty wasted, then ends up sleeping in the guest room."

PACO: Well, at least she's not in bed with you.  ---  Look, Petra's always been a big party girl.  I wouldn't be surprised if she and her friends are just extending the birthday festivities.  ---  Hey, I was thinking!  Let's you and I fly out to Guam where  you can get a quickie divorce.  I did some research online and found out,...

PAUL: "Don't you think it's kind of weird, investigating ways for me to divorce your sister?"

PACO: "Believe it or not, I do love my irmã.  But Paul, you deserve to be happy and so does she.  That means you with a gay man (preferably me) and Petra with a straight one (that means definitely not you).  The sooner the better."

PAUL: "Well, the reason I wanted the two of us to talk, was to let you know,... I'm asking your sister for a divorce this weekend.  I'll be moving out of the house and into a hotel for now.  When the divorce is final, I'm hoping you and I can finally start dating."

Due to the delicate and controversial circumstances of their forbidden relationship, the delighted driver tries to hide his excitement.

They arrive at THE PITS and park by the edge of one of the craters.  Small groups of tourists are scattered around the mouths of the various meteor indentations, taking in the splendor and beauty of their vast, canyon-like pits.  Paco turns off the ignition to the crossover utility vehicle.  He then innocently stretches his tired arms behind his head, not realizing he's giving quite the show.  Paul sits silently taking in the beauty of the pits --- not the meteor made creators, but the ones under his beautiful, brother-in-law's arms.  The hairs of the youthful guy's axillae seem to fan out like the feathers on a proud, peacock's tail.

The location is a hauntingly beautiful, quiet place just outside of town created by falling stars, centuries ago.

Paul rolls down the window to allow the fresh outdoor air in and is thrilled, "It's so wild!  Here I am at my most favorite place in the world, with my most favorite guy in the world.  As I've told you, I love to come here in order to escape from the everything.  Especially at night, when all the tourists are gone, and it feels like I'm alone on the moon."

The two men step out of the vehicle and gaze at the majestic sight before them.  Still, the adoring eyes of the bare-chested, former pro-baseballer keep focusing back to the shirtless, captivating camboy.

Paco ponders, "It's so beautiful out here.  I wonder why my college classmates don't hang out at THE PITS more often?"

Paul smiles, "Probably because cell phones don't get reception out here."

They both chuckle together.  ---  It's funny, 'cause it's probably true.

As the dazzling, shirtless duo walk along the rim of one of the craters they chat and share things that are on their hearts and minds, including Paco's coming out story.  He concludes his testimony saying, "I guess I was fortunate that my family didn't totally disown me when I came out, like your folks did to poor, Peyton.  ---  By the way, if you dare tell that obnoxious, self-centered brother of yours that I feel an ounce of sympathy for his sorry butt, I'll deny it!"

They laugh and keep walking.

As the breeze tousles his lovely, wavy hair, Paco continues to reflect, "You know, ever since my mom passed away, my family hasn't been quite as close.  ---  I wish you could have met her.  You would have loved her and she would have adored you.  ---  Since I came out as gay, Papai and my bigoted, macho brothers treat me like I'm not a full fledged member of the family anymore.  Initially, even Petra had a hard time with me being gay.  She still kinda does, so we just don't talk about anything homo related.  But, I'm glad you and she encouraged me to move away from home and come to college here in Pits-Burg.  It was the perfect fresh start for me.  Plus, I've made some great friends."

Paul feels the need to open up to his brother-in-law and begins, "Hey buddy, I need to make a confession to you.  It'll explain my relationship with Petra."

The young man starts to feel a bit anxious, not sure if he's ready to hear what the married man has to say.

"It's about something that happened some time ago.  You're family thought you were too young at the time to be told.  I think you were about fifteen.  But, when your sister and I were dating, she got pregnant.  I wasn't the father.  ---  We knew that for a fact, because I wanted to wait for marriage before we had sex.  In reality, I wasn't ready to have sex with a woman, due to my secret attraction to men.  ---  Well anyway, Petra had a one night stand with some stranger she met at a bar, while out with her friends.  She was so scared of telling your judgmental father and those big, scary, brutish brothers of yours.  Despite her affair, we were still good friends.  I didn't want her to suffer shame from that volatile family of yours, so I asked her to marry me and I would help raise the baby as my own."

The young man expresses shock, "Oh my God, I never knew!  What happened to the baby?  Did you two decide to give it up for adoption?"

"No.  Sadly, she miscarried, a few weeks after the wedding." Paul informs him.  "We were both devastated.  I stayed with Petra to help her through her depression.  Remaining married also helped me in another way.  You see, I was still in the major leagues and having a wife seemed to squelch the rumors among some of the press that I might be gay.  ---  Try to understand Pawk, it was a different time back then."

"Now it all makes sense," discerns Paco.  "I didn't want to say anything to hurt your feelings, but my sister hasn't been happy in years.  Now I know why."

"Man, I'm so tired of all this sadness," discloses the hurting hunk.  "I'm finally ready for some happiness!"

Wanting to brighten the mood, Paco announces, "Okay, well, we're here at the craters, so now you can open the present I gave you back at the dealership."  They quickly return to the vehicle and Paul reaches inside and grabs the small, pretty red box, resting on the dashboard.

The camboy explains, "I know we need to wait until things are officially over with you and Petra, but I got you a little something."

Paul opens the box to find a shiny red star on a keychain.  "Awww, it's pretty, but I'm kind of confused.  Is this to hold a key to your apartment?" he asks.

Paco pulls out his smart phone and shows Paul a saved picture of the armpit fetish flag.

The cheerful fellow begins to enlighten his beau, "Let's see if I memorized it correctly.  According to the The Gay Fetish Flag Site :'The right of the field contains six vertical lines, representing the body; the six lines represent the six continents/land masses of the world, and the array of skin tones meant to encompass all races. At an angle from the upper right to lower left is a thinner band of the same six bars, representing an arm, coming to an apex in the upper right corner, to represent the armpit.  The five pointed star signifies the five senses, the top point of the star pointed towards the armpit. The red of the star represents the blood which flows within all armpit enthusiasts.' "

"Ha, who knew there was an armpit flag!" smiles the elated enthusiast.

"So, my dearest PassionatePascal,..." Paco begins, but has to pause as he chokes up.  After taking a brief moment to compose himself, he continues with what is the most heartfelt declaration he has ever made.  "Captain, I've never felt the way I feel about you with anyone else in my entire life.  ---  Paul, the star on this keychain represents my 5 senses waiting and longing to connect intimately with your armpits.  Do you accept this symbol as a token of my adoration and lust?"

Although the moment is cute and kinda kinky, it somehow has the emotional weight and feel of a marriage proposal for the two men.  ---  This is a big step and not without consequences.  ---  Paul's face is glowing as he answers with tears in his eyes, "Heck yeah!  I too have never felt this close to someone or so strong a desire to be with anyone else in my entire life.  I gladly accept this symbol, because I sooo adore and lust after you, my Pretty One."

Feeling that they're not quite ready for their first kiss, the two bare-chested men instead passionately embrace one another, as the hot wind caresses their backs.

Paco takes in a deep whiff and softly remarks, "Wow babe, the scent from those warm, bushy pits of yours is so damn intoxicating.  You always smell good and sexy."

"And I'm crazy about your cologne," coos Paul into the guy's ear.

"Ha, I'm not wearing cologne or underarm deodorant,"  grins the contented college guy.  "It's pure Ode de Paco."

"Well, it smells delicious," whispers the happy hunk.

After pulling away from their long bear hug, Paul wipes his tears of joy and comments, "Thanks for the gift, Pac-Man.  It's perfect,... just like you."  ---  The brothers-in-law smile and stare intensely into each other's eyes.

Paco then realizes the time, "Hey, I better get you back to work before your boss calls the cops and tells them I stole the vehicle and kidnapped their number one salesperson."

The duo steps into the brand-new CUV and the young man starts the engine.  Paco slips his tank top back on, while Paul suits up again, putting on his starched shirt and business tie.  They leave the vast otherworld landscape, with its majestic beauty, and drive back into town,... all the while holding each other's hand.  ---  Although it may not be armpit licking, the feel of the other man's loving hand is just as electric.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Back at Paul's home, Petra, has become somewhat manic and determined to uncover her spouse's dirty secrets!  She locates the main menu to PITS BOYS LIVE!, scrolls down and finds "Purchased Photos".  She clicks on the option and dozens, upon dozens of photos appear.  She is stunned to see that each and every one of the bare-chested purchased pics is of her gorgeous, gay brother!  Petra had no idea her youngest sibling was a camboy!

Her curiosity increases, then she continues down the menu and finds "Purchased Videos".  Dozens of video thumbnails appear.  Every preview image displayed is of a half-naked Paco as well.  Petra selects one of the shows and presses the play button.  Before her very eyes she watches her brother foundling and licking his own armpits for the viewer's pleasure!

The final option she selects is "Private Video Messages".  It shows that Paul has one, new unopened message.  Fear paralyses her for a few moments.  She takes a deep breath and forces herself to click play.

It's Paco, lying bare-chested in his bed.  He smiles directly into the camera and says in a sultry voice, "Hey, Captain!  It's your Pretty One here.  Sorry I had to leave the birthday party so soon.  Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you tonight.  Can't wait for us to finally be together.  My tongue and pits are waiting.  Contact me when you're ready.  ---  I miss you every moment we're not together, Paul."

Well, she finally has her answer.  ---  Her husband's sleazy bastardo is Paco, her very own little brother!!!

Immediately, she reaches for the phone sitting on the desk.  Petra tries to steady her shaking hand as she dials a long distance phone number.  It's one she's known for years.  After a couple of rings, someone answers on the other end.  She no longer can hold in her emotions and begins to sob like an injured child.  "Papai!  Papai!" she calls out to her father.  "I have something I must tell you and my brothers!  ---  Paul is cheating on me, Papai! He's cheating on me!  ---  And you'll never guess with who!!!"


My "fantasy cast" for this particular storyline would be (pictured below, left to right) French model Flo Mulot as Paul and Brazilian model Marlon Teixeira as his brother-in-law, Paco.

And that's beautiful Brazilian model, Emanuela De Paula, who I'd love for the cameo role of Paco's sister Petra.

(Photographs, as well as the various images used for the collages in this blog entry were all found online.)

Interested in more naughty, underarm drama?  Simply click on the following yellow links to read related soapy stories:

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 3) 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 6) 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 9) 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 12) 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 15)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 18)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 2))

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 5)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 8)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 11)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 14)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 15)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 19)

For a convenient way to follow all the stories visit my Pinterest board @ PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (on Pinterest) or click "Follow" on my Google Collection entitled PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (that is, until Google Plus ends).

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

Let's stay in touch!  Follow me on Twitter @enriquehenry100 or on Facebook at Enrique Henry .  Click on the links to get you to those sites.

Feel free to leave a comment below and share your own pit memory or fantasy.  Plus, now you can press the "Follow" button on this page to keep up with my latest posts.

NOTE: PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera is entirely a work of fiction.  Any similarity to any persons (living or deceased) is strictly coincidental, and no identification of any kind with any such person is intended or implied.

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