Saturday, October 20, 2018

Page 140 - PITS-BURG: AN ARMPIT SOAP OPERA (Chapter 18)

So, I've been dreaming up a soap opera about guys with armpit fetishes who live in a small college town named Pits-Burg.  The town is known for its many craters created by a large meteor shower centuries ago.  Nowadays, the more popular craters are found under the arms of its sexy, male population.

NOTE: All three soap storylines are related.  However, you may want to first read the following chapters to catch up with this particular story.  Simply click on the yellow links:

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 3)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 6) 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 9)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 12)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 15)

It's very early on a weekday morning.  Inside one of the rooms at the young men's dormitory of Pits-Burg College, Theo Duncan (a recent transfer student and talented basketball player) sits bare-chested, alone on his bed.  He sends a text, via his cell phone, regrettably informing Coach Harrison that he will not be attending practice today.  Feeling somewhat pensive, Theo lies back down and stretches out, contemplating how he's going to deal with his secret dilemma.

A few minutes pass and the locked doorknob to his room begins to jiggle, followed by rapid knocking.  Theo cautiously gets up to answer the door.

"Hey dude, open up, it's cold out here!" yells the familiar voice.  Theo undoes the lock and his dormmate David (the sexy business major and straight twin to gay sibling, Dario) enters the room with wet hair and a white towel wrapped around his waist.  "I didn't know I had to take my key with me to go to the showers," he remarks.

"Oh, hey man, I'm sorry," apologizes Theo.

You see, the lovely lad has just finished taking a long, hot shower in one of the stalls down the hallway, after a rough night of sleep.  The fresh, alluring scent of his body wash, shampoo and manly, underarm deodorant gel permeates the tiny room and awakens Theo's senses.  David sets his shower tote down, throws the damp towel over a chair and nonchalantly walks around the small living quarters in his briefs, same as he did for years growing up around his brother.

The gay ball player makes a valiant effort not to stare at the straight guy's fine physique, especially when David reaches up high for something on the top shelf of his closet.

"So, are you feeling okay, Dave?" Theo asks the seemingly beleaguered fellow.  "You were tossing and turning quite a bit in bed last night."  

"Yeah man, I was up most of the night with an upset stomach," he replies as he gets into a clean pair of jeans.  "I'm pretty nervous.  This weekend is the big initiation for that prestigious fraternity I've been trying to get into."

"Man, don't sweat it.  You'll probably just have to drink lots of shots and maybe swallow a couple of goldfish or something," the athlete jokes, trying to calm his perpetually high-strung roommate.  Sensing that the twin is in need of some fun and distraction, Theo makes an invitation, "Hey Roomy, you and I have hardly had a chance to get to know each other since I moved in.  So, I was wondering if you'd like to catch a late lunch together?"

"Oh wow, Theo, that would be cool and all, but I really can't today," David apologizes.  "After classes I have to stop by the frat house to get some info.  Then I'm going over to my brother's place and probably spend the night again."

"Wow, you guy's must be pretty close," Theo remarks.  "You seem to always be staying over at his apartment."

David smiles, yet says nothing as he slips on a tight t-shirt.  In an effort to change the subject he asks, "Speaking of getting to know each other, you've never mentioned if you have a boyfriend."

Theo sighs, "Well,... when I attended college up north, I had an obnoxious boyfriend who tended to be very self-centered.  Our relationship was mostly me being the gardener to his rose,... if you know what I mean."

"Aw man, that sucks," comments his dormmate as he grabs his books.  "Well, tell you what, let's make it a point to get together sometime after the initiation, okay?  Until then,... guess I'll see ya, when I see ya."  David exits and uses his key to lock the door behind him.

Mr. Duncan's phone starts to ring.  According to the caller ID he sees that it's Clifford, the coach's student assistant.  Both young men knew each other in middle school, and Cliff has shown an definite interest in the good-looking jock.  Although Theo is very attracted to the cute, charismatic guy, he's overwhelmed and distracted right now, so he declines the call.

His mind flashes back to the last time the two saw each other.  ---  The same day his dilemma came up.

Theo and Clifford are in the workroom of the art gallery downtown, owned by Gilles.  The beautiful athlete is shirtless with a bright, red heart painted around his armpit.  A smitten Cliff has his electric razor in hand, ready to trim down the young man's bushy underarm hair, per coach's strict grooming regulations.  However, the jock is very upset at the assistant for not being upfront with the team about what he's doing with their armpit hair after he clips them.

"Cliff, you gotta do what's right.  They have to know the who, what and why of your plan," Theo urges him.  "I'm sorry, but if you don't come clean to the teammates, you're not getting those clippers, another paintbrush, nor your hands near my pits."  Theo grabs his shirt and storms out of the art gallery.

As he walks along the town square, he is unknowingly followed down the block by a mysterious, dark car.

The chauffeur steers the luxury auto up close to the distressed ball player.  Slowly, the rear passenger window rolls down, revealing a rugged and sexy, older man lounging in the backseat.  "Why, good afternoon, Mr. Duncan," greets the deep, husky voice.  Theo immediately recognizes the macho, silver haired, hunk as the town's resident, mega billionaire, Oscar Arco.  He quickly turns his gaze away and ignores the ruthless rogue and keeps on walking.

Arco orders his driver to stop the vehicle.  The brash billionaire, steps out of the car and rushes to join the nervous student for a stroll on the sidewalk.  He amps up his Southern charm, "Forgive me for my lack of manners, Mr. Duncan.  Allow me to introduce myself."

"No need for introductions," Theo replies.  "You obviously know me and your unscrupulous reputation proceeds you."

"Why, all rumors and exaggerations I'm sure.  Except for the stories about how great I am in bed," the cocky cad laughs in his loud and raucous way.

Feeling somewhat intimidated, Theo starts walking faster, but the muscular, older man manages to keep up with the youngster.

"I'm a huge sports fanatic, especially of your school's basketball squad," enthuses the rich rascal.  "I've done my research on you, and I must say, you're gonna make a fine addition to the college's already, winning roaster."

Theo stops in his tracks and turns to confront his chaser, "And just what is it that you want, Mr. Arco?"

"Awwww, right to the point," Oscar grins.  "As I'm sure you already know, I've made a mighty generous deal with that little ol' wheeler, dealer, Clifford Sweeney.  He's clipping and collecting the hair from each of your teammate's armpits, and Gilles the artist is bonding the clippings onto paintings of each fine and fit fellow.  ---  All in exchange for a cool two million buckaroos."

"I'm fully aware of the arrangement he made with you," Theo responds in a rather cold manner.  "Now, if you'll excuse me,..."

"Awww, but judging by the way you left the gallery awhile ago, I suspect, good old 'Clip', has yet to collect your underarm trimmings," deduces the billionaire.

Theo doesn't say a word.

"Your silence speaks volumes, Mr. Duncan," grins Arco.  "Well, in that case, I'd like to make ya a little proposition."

The student's stomach is tied in knots, but he keeps a brave face on and asks, "And what might that be?"

"I'll throw in an extra five thousand dollars, if you let me be the one to trim your underarm hair instead of that itty-bitty boy assistant, Coach Harrison recruited.  ---  Whadda ya say, T.?"

Theo is dumbstruck!

"Come on, why should Cliffy have all the fun?  Besides, don't you think the extra money would help a great deal with the oh so worthy cause?" tempts the tycoon.

"So, you know what the money's for!?" questions the surprised jock.

"Why, yes siree!  I'm in on the whole, hush-hush secret," the rich man reveals.  "Sweeney gave me all the details when he came to me with his proposal.  Boy, I tell ya, that little pipsqueak sure is one, clever schemer."

"Don't I know it," Theo softly agrees.  "Look Mr. Arco, I've gotta go."

"Okay, I'll raise the price to an extra ten thousand.  Just think of all the good the additional money could do," the baron bargains.  "And don't worry,  we don't have to get intimate, unless of course, you want to.  I merely would like the pleasure of clipping those delicious fuzzy pits of yours, myself.  I've seen video footage of you shooting hoops online and boy howdy, your pitters make my tongue stiffen up."

"Tell ya what,.." he continues, with the smile of a Cheshire Cat, "I'll even trim you at the gallery in front of Gilles, the owner himself, so you won't feel threatened in anyway.  Come on, it's all for a good cause."

Yes, the extra money would help.  Besides, what Arco is suggesting is not sex, it's just a barbering session, with a trusted witness present.  Yet, Theo feels very uncomfortable.  He sheepishly responds, "Look, Mr. Arco, I'm flattered, but,..."

"Well, don't say no just yet."  The silver fox interrupts, as he reaches into his wallet and hands the young man his personal, business card.  "Think about it a spell and give me a call in a couple of days.  Remember, an extra ten grand can do a lot of good."

The rich man's indecent proposition causes quite a dilemma for the athlete.

Flash forward to the present.

Theo is suddenly startled by a frantic knocking at his dorm room door.  He quickly slips on a shirt, but stays quiet, hoping the unexpected guest will go away.  His biggest fear is that it might Arco, trying to pressure him into the kinky pit trimming session.

The voice on the other side turns out to be a friendly one, "T.J., are you okay?  It's me, Cliff!"

The relieved jock hurries to unlock the door.  He swings the door wide open and immediately pulls Clifford in for a close, tight hug.  The coach's assistant is pleasantly surprised, but worried, "Hey Sweetie, what's wrong!?"

Theo hurries him inside the room and quickly relocks the door behind them.  He then proceeds to tell Sweeney about his uneasy meeting with the terrifying and twisted tycoon.

"Listen up 'Teej'.  Whether you and I eventually end up being beaus or not, there is no way in 'H-E-Double Hockey Sticks' that Arco is getting anywhere near your pretty pits!"  Clifford declares.  "That fat-cat, horn dog is just trying to get his slimy paws all over you!"

"But think of all that extra money," Duncan points out.

"Oh Honey Bunny, you just trust good ol' Scheming Sweeney.  We'll get the 2 million smackeroos, plus the extra cabbage, without you having to sacrifice you're virtue," Cliff promises.  "Now, why don't you get ready and I'll walk you to the gym.  Besides, I want you there.  After practice, I'm going to get the guys together and finally confess to everyone what's really going on and the reason I made the secret deal with that deviant devil."

"Okay, just let me first hurry down the hall and take a quick shower," Theo smiles.  "I was so nervous about the lewd proposal, I was sweating buckets in my sleep.  I'm sure my pits stink like,... how'd you put it?... 'H-E-Double Hockey Sticks.' "

Cliff catches a brief whiff as his longtime crush breezes by him and is tempted to say, "Baby, your underarms smell like succulent ambrosia!" but he keeps his mouth shut.  The beautiful baller grabs a fresh towel and exits the room, closing the door behind him.

Sweeney takes the phone out from his pocket and composes a text to Coach Harrison, informing him that the team's newest player will be attending today's practice after all.  Plus, he reminds the old grouch to take his morning meds.

As soon as he hits 'send', Clifford is startled by a repetitive, loud pounding at the door.  He takes in a deep breath and goes to confront the rude, early morning knocker, figuring it's one of Oscar Arco's goons or perhaps Mr. Moneybags himself.  The scrappy student assistant is ready for a fight if necessary.

He opens the door to find a somewhat familiar face.  It's none other than Peyton, Paul's gay, self-centered and obnoxious younger brother.

The two briefly met the other day at the cafe, when Clifford and his best buds, Paco and Dario, were drinking and chatting.  Although Cliff remembers the stranger as being 'porn pretty and oooozing with swagger and sex appeal', he also recalls how unpleasant the scoundrel can be.

Peyton is somewhat confused, "What the hell!!!???  What are you doing here!?"

Clifford attempts to be cordial, "Why, you're Paco's friend, aren't you?"

"Aaaaa, I wouldn't call us friends, especially after last night," the rascal responds.  "Anyway, I'm here to speak to Theodore.  Is he here?"

"I'm sorry, but T.J. can't talk right now," Cliff apologizes, trying to keep calm.

"Well, it's kind of important.  I need to speak with him, immediately," announces the pesky pretty boy as he tries to push his way in.

However, Clifford is stronger than his small stature would indicate.  He blocks the intruder and snarls, "In case you didn't hear me the first time, T.J. can't talk right now!"

Peyton's frustration grows, "Look shorty, I'm not in the mood for your fake machismo act.  I woke up very early this morning to come here and talk to Theodore before he heads to practice.  Now damn it, where is he!?"  Again, the sexy scamp endeavors to get through the door, but once more his efforts are thwarted by the diminutive dynamo.

Clifford huffs, "I'm telling you, Miss Rudeness, visitors are not being accepted right now!"

"And who the hell are you to Theodore?" Peyton demands to know.  "Are you his roommate?  His study buddy?"

"No, I'm his boyfriend," Cliff responds.

"His boyfriend!?"  Peyton questions with serious doubts.

"Well,... sort of," clarifies Cliff.  "And who the heck are you to Theo?"

Peyton shouts back, "Well, Theo and I met when he was attending college up north.  ---  I happen to be his damn, fiancé!!!"

His fiancé!!!???  Theo's fiancé!!!???  ---  Oh, 'H-E-Double Hockey Sticks!!!'  ---  For once in his life, Clifford is speechless!


All collage photos and pics for this blog entry were found online.  Featured in this chapter as my fantasy leading men are (pictured top row, left to right) Robin James ("Clip"), Nathan Owens (Theo), Colton Ford (mega billionaire Oscar Arco), 
(pictured bottom row, left to right) Marcos Patriota (Dario) and Matthieu Charneau (Peyton).

Interested in more naughty, underarm drama?  Simply click on the following yellow links to read related soapy stories: 

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 2))

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 5)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 8)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 11)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 14)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 15)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 1)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 4)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 7)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 10)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 13)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 15)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 16)

PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 17)

I'd love for us to keep in touch!  So, I invite you to my main 3 online platforms.  Simply click on the yellow links to get you to the sites:

Follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Enjoy more armpit entertainment on my Pinterest page @pinterest,com/enriquehenry100 .

You can also connect with me on Twitter @enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera is entirely a work of fiction.  Any similarity to any persons (living or deceased) is strictly coincidental, and no identification of any kind with any such person is intended or implied.

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