Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Page 429 - My Pit Picks for June - December 2024

Greetings, fellow armpit lovers!  I know it's been a while, but once again, I'd love to share my elite collection with you all.

The "VIP treatment" - receiving special or preferential treatment, often reserved for people considered "very important persons" (VIPs), like celebrities or high-profile individuals, which could include extra perks and personalized service beyond what is typically shown to the general public; essentially, being treated with a higher level of care and attention than usual.

The photos featured in all my "Sock IT To Me" galleries are more than just nice pictures of male underarms.  You see, not just any pit makes the list.  It takes an exceptional photo (featuring a certain combination of a guy, a pit and a pose) to get the full "special treatment" by me!  😍🔥😈

Wink-wink, nudge-nudge!
Ya know what I mean?  Ya know what I mean? 😉

NOTE: If you're curious about the "inspiration" of my secret, naughty Sock It To Me guys list, simply click on the yellow link to find out:
By the way, please do me a favor.  I did some research and have included the social media information of most of the fellas in this privileged gathering.  Make sure to Like and Follow the guys, and treat them like the superstars they all are!  🌟

So now, without further ado, let's roll out the red carpet (or our better yet, get out our socks) and review my most recent collection of  VIPs: VERY IMPRESSIVE PITS!

Here they are, in no particular order:


1.) Pedro Carvalho
@pedrocarvalhodj on X (formerly Twitter),
@pedrocarvalhodj_ on Instagram, and
@pedrocarvalhodj_ on Threads

2.) Dylan Fabas
@fabasaurusrex on X (formerly Twitter),
@fabasaurus on Instagram, and
@fabasaurusrex on TikTok

[NOTE: I couldn't just pick one of Dylan's pit pics!  I HAD to have both.]

3.) Emerald
@Emeralds2222 on X (formerly Twitter)

4.) David
@davidwtks on Instagram,
@dolphinatelyd on X (formerly Twitter),
and @davidwtks on Threads

5.) Edward
@edward_jafm97 on Instagram 😇
and @edward_jafm97 on X (formerly Twitter) 

6.) Anonymous

7.) Bob @bobgerd on Instagram, @bobgerd on Threads, and @sanchooxxx on X (formerly Twitter)🌶️😈

8.) Dani López
@_Danibrok on X (formerly Twitter)

9.) Alex Mardrean
@alex.mardrean on Instagram
and @alex.mardrean on Threads

10.) Pedro Stolf
@p_stolf on X (formerly Twitter)
and @p.stolf on Instagram

11.) Sobhan Arya
@sobbiearya on Threads

12.) Anonymous

13.) Asher
@urljock on X (formerly Twitter)
and @urljock on Instagram

14.) Connor Brooks
@brooks_1040 on Instagram
and @brooks_1040 on Threads

15.) Marius Nick

16.) Anonymous

17.) Kit Connor, actor
kit.connor on Instagram

18.) Otávio Medeiros
@lotaviomedeiros on Instagram and
@lotaviomedeiros on Threads

19.) Tony
@evsybaby on Bluesky Social,
@evsybaby on X (formerly Twitter)
and @MistersWolfe on Instagram

20.) James Dawson Martin
@jamesdawsonmartin on Instagram,
@jamesdawsonmartin on Threads,
@jamerjay on YouTube, and
@jamesdawsonmartin on TikTok

21.) Amrinder Singh
@singh_amrinder92 on Instagram and
@singh_amrinder92 on Threads

22.) Luke Signoretti

23.) Alpha Alex
@AlphaGodAlex on X (formerly Twitter)

24.) Moy Suárez
@moysuarez on Instagram,
@moysuarez on Threads,
on TikTok,
and @Moysuarez on YouTube

25.) Hunter McVey
@hunter_mcvey on Instagram,
@HunterMcVeyX on X (formerly Twitter),
@HunterMcVey on YouTube, and
@hunter_mcvey on TikTok

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

So there you have it, Pit Pals!   Thus concludes my Sock-It-To-Me club collection for the year 2024.  I hope these men bring you Very Intense Pleasure as they certainly did to me.  😁😘

[NOTE: The gifs, plus the images used for the collages, as well as photos of the models featured in this blog entry, were all found online.]

Curious as to which guys in the past received my full attention?  Then click on the following yellow links, to open a new window and see for yourself:


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Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch!


Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, visit my all-in-one link page on Willow@enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Just click on the yellow link.

#gayarmpitlover #armpits #gay #armpitlover #pitlover #ArmpitLove #fetish #armpitfetish #pitfetish #malearmpits #pits #axila #axilas #sobaco #sovaco #oxter #kilikili #underarms #erotic #armpitshot #armpitworship #fitnessmodel #fitness #hotguy #hotpits #hairyarmpits #guyswearingglasses #eyeglasses #SockItToMeGuys #EnriqueHenry #armpitblog #thepowerofpits

Page 428 - My New Year's Resolutions for YOU!

Greetings and a very Happy New Year, my fellow armpit lovers!  🕛🎉🍾

Every January, folks resolve to adhere to various goals for a better life.  Well, being that I see thousands upon thousands of armpit selfies every year, (good and bad) I'd like to recommend 3 resolutions for all you sexy, selfie-taking, shirtless studs out there!




Well, I hope these resolutions help you selfie-takers to level up your photographic thirst traps.  Not just for the sake of multiple Likes and Reposts, but for the sake of parched pit admirers across the globe,... like me.  😋😍👏

[NOTE:  The pictures, clipart and the gif used for this blog entry were found online.  However, the photo of the handsome model in bed was downloaded from my paid subscription to Adobe Stock, a royalty-free, stock image provider.]

🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂 🥂

Lastly, I'd love for us to keep in touch.

Hanging on the wall are the Progress Pride
and Armpit Fetish Flags.

Please follow my Armpit Lover blog, here on Blogger @Confessions Of An Armpit Lover . ---  Click the follow button on this page to keep up with the latest postings.

Plus, to connect with me regularly through my social media sites, visit my all-in-one link page on Willow@enriquehenry100 .

NOTE: Just click on the yellow link.

#gayarmpitlover #armpits #gay #fetish #armpitfetish #pitfetish #malearmpits #pits #axila #axilas #sobaco #sovaco #suvacão #oxter #kilikili #underarms #armpitworship #erotic #hotguy #hotpits #armpithair #hairyarmpits #newyearsresolutions #gaynewyear #enriquehenry #thepowerofpits