So, I've been dreaming up a soap opera about guys with armpit fetishes who live in a small college town named Pits-Burg. The town is known for its many craters created by a large meteor shower centuries ago. Nowadays, the more popular craters are found under the arms of its sexy, male population.
NOTE: PITS-BURG features three continuing tales. All three soap storylines are related. However, you may want to first read the following chapters to catch up with this particular story. Simply click on the yellow links:
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 3)
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 6)
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 9)
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 12)
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 15)
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 18)
While rinsing himself off in the shower room of the men's dormitory, Theo Duncan hears a rowdy ruckus coming from the hallway. The loud voices are instantly recognizable to him. He immediately shuts off the faucet, rushes out of the stall and grabs the nearest towel.
The fit and "oh, so fine looking" basketball player nervously dashes down the corridor towards his room, wearing nothing but a skimpy, white towel wrapped around his wet waist.
At the doorway to his dorm, Theo spots Clifford Sweeney (ol' Coach Harrison's student assistant) who's been waiting for him in order to escort him to practice. Shockingly, Cliff is arguing with a very, unexpected visitor from Theo's past. --- It's Peyton!
"Peyton" & "Cliff" (a.k.a. Clip) |
"Geez, I could hear you guys way down the hall!" Theo informs the disputing duo, all the while trying to keep the damp, tiny towel tied around his midsection.
Peyton's face transforms from animosity into a charming, beaming smile as he greets the shirtless, hunk, "T-Bear! Wow, you look great!"
But his bewitching charisma is wasted on the waterlogged athlete who knows the cad all too well. The half naked and fully frustrated Mr. Duncan inquires, "Pey, why in the world are you here and why the hell are you two fighting?"
Mr. Sweeney is visibly upset and very eager to explain, "T.J., you're not gonna believe it, but this Neanderthal says you're his fiance! Did you really get engaged to this jerk!? Is he telling the truth!?"
The athletic Adonis unenthusiastically answers, "Well,... yes."
Poor Cliff is dumbfounded, disappointed and speechless to think that his childhood crush might be betrothed to someone other than himself.
While the three young men are still standing in the doorway, Theo attempts to clarify, "I guess I should explain,... Peyton and I were engaged, that's were as in past tense, back at my former alma mater. But I broke things off, a few days before I transferred here to Pits-burg College."
Peyton quickly challenges, "But hey Babe, in my defense, I never agreed to call things off!"
Wanting to reduce the tension and awkwardness of the situation, Theo makes a suggestion, "Look Cliff, why don't you wait for me downstairs by the dormitory entrance. Let me find out why my ex is here. I promise it won't take long, then I'll meet up with you and we can walk together to basketball practice."
But Clifford is leery, "I don't think I should leave you here alone with this joker. My friend Paco knows him well and says that he's a self-centered, horny, no-goodnik!"
"Yup, that describes him pretty accurately," the wet hunk quips. "But, don't worry, I'll be okay. I know how to handle Peyton just fine."
"I'll say! You certain do know how to handle me, T-Bear," the naughty rascal retorts.
Un-amused, the baller curtly orders, "Cut it out, Pey!"
Clifford reluctantly leaves to go outside as the former "husbands-to-be" enter the dorm room and close the door behind them.
While Theo readjusts the soaked, ill-fitting towel around his waist,
Peyton tours the small, shared living space and notices the personal photos above one of the desks. He sees the pictures of identical brothers and announces, "Hey, I know those twins! I've met both guys separately!"
"Yeah? Well one of them is my dorm mate," the jock informs him.
Peyton is curious, "Which one? The one with the birthmark above his eye?
"No, that's his brother, Dario," Theo tells him. "I share this room with the other one,... David."
"Too bad," remarks Pey. "His brother is cute and sweet, but your dorm mate upchucked on my shoes the other night at THE HAIRY HOLLOW bar."
"Naw, you must be mistaken, man! David is straight and I don't think he hangs out at gay bars," Theodore assures his ex. "Besides, I've met his crazy girlfriend, Vanessa."
[She was featured in Chapter 8. Read the story @ PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 8).]
"Well, he may be straight, but I'm telling you, that dude tried to lick my underarm!" Peyton insists. "I guess he got so nervous about lapping my pits that he vomited chunks on my new kicks."
"Yo, never mind that; Cliff is waiting for me downstairs," the athlete reminds him. "So, what's going on, dude? Why'd you show up at my door?" he asks while rubbing the extra moisture from atop his head, which at the same time reveals his fuzzy, still dewy armpit.
Peyton's face lights up at the glimpse of his former lover's underarm, but soon his mood changes to melancholy. "As you know, I came to Pits-Burg to spend time with my big brother in hopes healing my broken heart. --- But with you in the same small town, it sure makes the mending process impossible."
Theodore notes, "Pey, I was crazy about you, man. But like I said when I broke things off, it got tiring having to be the gardener to your rose, day after day, in and out of bed."
"I honestly don't know what you're talking about," the selfish scoundrel replies.
"Oh please, stop the innocent routine," his ex insists. "For example, in all the time we were together, I constantly tended to your craving to have your armpits kissed, licked and petted. But can you tell me how many times the favor was reciprocated?"
Peyton shrugs his shoulders and guesstimates, "Oh, I don't know, 50 times? 20 times? --- Ahhh, I don't know, I never kept count."
"Well, Mister, I sure did! The correct number is... ZERO! Zero is the number of times you played with MY pits," Theo informs him. "The closest you ever came was once when you pat-dried my underarms with a beach towel after we went swimming in Key West for one of our Spring Break getaways."
Peyton radiates a smile of pure bliss. With a longing tone in his voice he recalls, "We use to have lots of fun on our trips, didn't we? We were so in love with life and with each other."
He proudly adds, "No matter what town we visited, we were always the prettiest couple there!"
Peyton chuckles, "And wow, what crazy fun we had in those hotel rooms! We were never happier,... or at least I was never happier."
Theo interrupts, "Stop it, you're trying to change the subject. Focus! Focus! --- Now Pey-Pey, don't get me wrong, I thoroughly savored every lick and kiss I gave those delicious pits of yours. But like I told ya when I broke things off, 'Baby's got needs too!' "
Peyton lowers his head in remorse.
Theodore goes on, "After we separated, I kept thinking you only loved me, because of what I did for you. However, over time, I've come to realize that you simply loved me the best you knew how. So now, I'm not as angry with you as I was then. --- Do you know, when we first met I thought to myself, 'Wow, that's the most beautiful man in the world!' But sadly, your self-centeredness eventually covered up all that beauty."
Peyton stops him from continuing, "Okay, okay, you've made your point. You don't need to tell me what a self-absorbed brat I am. I already know that! --- Anyway, I've got to tell you why I went to all the trouble to look you up." He begins to shed tears as he explains, "T, I'm here because I'm hurting and you're the only person left who gives a damn about me. You see, I've been lied to and betrayed by my brother Paul."
Peyton recounts how the other night, he spied his older brother, (who's married and supposedly straight) getting intimate with his wife's younger brother, Paco (a student at the college). The men were in the back seat of Paul's car, parked in the garage. --- Peyton saw them, but they didn't see him. To make matters worse, he had a huge crush on Paco when they were both teens. The angry young man feels betrayed and lied to by his older sibling.
Theo attempts to counsel his ex, "Hold on Pey, you have to keep reminding yourself that Paul loves you. He's the only family member who didn't turn his back on you when your folks found out you were gay. The guy also continues to give you money for college and for all your living expenses,... PLUS bar hopping money! Dude, face it, your brother is your Sugar Daddy! And now you're telling me you want to rat him out to his wife because he's involved with the guy YOU were trying to bed all those years ago!?
Look, the knowledge that he's having an affair with Paco doesn't change the fact that he's your brother and he's done nothing but show you love and support. --- Paul will probably come out to you and tell you that he's seeing his brother-in-law when he feels he can trust you with that information."
As always, Peyton somehow redirect the subject to sex, "By the way, T, there are parts of your body that are still dripping wet. You wanna let me use the towel around your waist to help you dry off? --- I'll even pat dry your pits for ya!"
Theodore rolls his eyes, "The answer is,... NEVER, you kook!"
Getting back to being serious, Peyton inquires about Cliff, "So,... is Tom Thumb a good boyfriend to you?"
"His name is Clifford, and he's not my boyfriend," Theo makes clear. "He wants to be, but he has matters I insist he takes care of first."
"Well, if he's smart, he'll do whatever it takes to get you to be his boyfriend,... 'cause when a man is loved by you, he feels like the King of the World. I should know. I miss you T-Bear. I miss,... us." --- A single teardrop runs down his face.
Theo gives a faint smile but stays silent. He can't respond with the words Peyton wishes to hear. Feeling empathetic towards the heavyhearted cad, he goes in for a hug. As they embrace, the athlete's skimpy, white towel accidentally falls off and lands on the floor.
Without missing a beat, Peyton gallantly picks it up. Surprisingly, he doesn't ogle at Theo's glistening naked body, or even make an inappropriate remark, nor does he try any funny business. He simply quietly and gently wraps the towel back around his ex's waist, then turns and exits the door. --- Theo sadly sighs,... takes a moment to reflect,... then realizes he better hurry and get dressed.
Peyton leaves the dorm room, with his heart broken. As he makes his way down the silent stairwell, he pauses. The young man can walk no further. He sits on the steps and begins to weep. The realization finally hits him and hard,... he has no one to blame for the breakup, but himself. --- The cavernous stairwell echos with his mournful sobs.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Meanwhile, outside the men's dormitory, Cliff is anxiously waiting.
He's very concerned for his schoolboy crush, not only because of any antics Peyton may be trying, but also for Theo's safety after the ballplayer recounted his recent encounter with kinky, mega-millionaire, Oscar Arco.
Not one to sit still for very long, Clifford decides to phone his buddy Giles, the artist and gallery owner, who's helping him with his secret money-making plan. The dashing, forty year old Frenchman is in his backyard pool taking a morning swim when he receives the call.
Clifford anxiously informs him of the indecent proposal made to the newest basketball squad member, "Arco knows that we haven't added Theo's armpit hair clippings to the collection yet. So, the rich old creep wants to personally clip Theo's pit hair himself! I can't let that leech get his hands anywhere near T.J.!"
"Mon ami, I'm worried! You don't want to upset Oscar," Gilles warns. "He might change his mind about the deal you made with him. Think of all that money. Besides, and extra five thousand for personally trimming Theo would be nice."
"No! No! I'm not going to sell out Theo like he's some kinda prostitute," Cliff protests. "He doesn't deserve that. And besides,... he means too much to me.
The artist tries to reason with his young associate, "As a French man, I can't believe I'm saying this, but Clifford, in his instance, you have to stop thinking with your big heart and instead think with your business brain."
"The whole secret about the teams' pit hair and the money scheme has to come out. And it will today," Cliff announces. "In fact, Coach has an appointment after practice this morning. So when he leaves, I'm getting the entire squad together and finally telling them the truth. The whole truth,... about what I've been doing with their armpit trimmings and why. They might kill me, but I made a promise to Theo and I intend to keep it.
Gilles is dumbfounded, so he asks, "But how come you're taking such a risk, mon ami?"
Cliff replies, "Golly,... T.J.'s more than a pair of pretty pits to me. As you know, I've had a major crush on him since he and I were in middle school together. Being honest with the team is the only way he'll ever trust and respect me. And once he does, I just might have a chance to finally be his boyfriend. So, I'm willing to do whatever needs to be done."
Gilles pleads, "But what about the money?"
Clifford summons his inner strength and says, "Heck, when I was a kid they use to call me 'Scheming Sweeney,' because I always had a money-making scheme going on. My old grandpa and I were poor, but I always found a way to earn enough dough for us to live. This is nothing new to me. The big difference is that the stakes are higher! --- Even if I lose my job as Coach's assistant, get kicked out of Pits-Burg College, and have the crap beaten out of me by the entire basketball squad,... those are the chances I have to take. --- Gilles, I swear,... somehow, someway, I'm gonna manage to get those millions and earn Theo's love too!"
--- Wow, can you believe it, readers? The entire mystery will finally be revealed! I wonder if you've guessed the real reason for Cliff's sexy armpit hair-collecting scheme? A few hints have been left throughout the series.
All clip art, collage photos, gifs, and pics for this blog entry were all found online. Featured in this chapter as my fantasy leading men are (pictured top row, left to right) Nathan Owens (Theo) Robin James ("Clip") and pictured at the bottom, left to right: Matthieu Charneau (Peyton) and Gilles Marini (Gilles, the gallery owner).
Interested in more naughty, underarm drama? Simply click on the following yellow links to read related soapy stories:
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 2))
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 5)
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 8)
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 11)
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 14)
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 15)
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 19)
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 1)
PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera (Chapter 4)
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NOTE: PITS-BURG: An Armpit Soap Opera is entirely a work of fiction. Any similarity to any persons (living or deceased) is strictly coincidental, and no identification of any kind with any such person is intended or implied.